Transformation of health communication literacy in the pandemic era (original) (raw)

Health Literacy, Media Exposure and Behavior Among Young Adults During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Indonesia has published and released a new normal life, even though the COVID-19 rate continues to increase. The term of new normal life includes specific preventive behaviors as daily activity and supported skill by adequate health literacy of COVID-19. The purpose of this study was first to analyze the correlation of information media exposure to health literacy levels of COVID-19 and second to analyze the correlation between health literacy levels of COVID-19, exposure of information media to the adaptive behavior in COVID-19 prevention of young adult in East Kalimantan. The research design was a cross-sectional, quantitative study. The sampling technique used accidental sampling (254 young adults) data was taken by Google form. In data analysis to determine the correlation between gender to the level of health literacy of COVID-19 and new normal life used the Chi-square test. The analysis of age, exposure of mass and non-mass media to the level of health literacy of COVID-19 and...

Importance of Mass Media in Communicating Health Messages: An Analysis

The demand for information about health has grown exponentially in the last few years. The media is an important ally in any public health situation. The local and international media play a vital role as the link between health workers and the larger public. Health authorities educate and entrust the media with essential health information, which is then relayed to the public in readily accessible formats through a variety of media channels. The mass media helps health workers expand their audience reach, which is crucial considering the fact that face-to-face channels of communication often require too many human resources and reach only a small number of people in large, underserved rural areas. The mass media provides an important link between the rural residents and vital health information. The mass media, in the form of the radio and television, are an effective way to persuade target audiences to adopt new behaviors, or to remind them of critical information.

Digital Literacy for Covid 19 Information in Indonesian Society


In the midst of the COVID19 pandemic situation, hoax news emerged that made people panic and make wrong decisions. The emergence of this hoax is because many people are not literate with information, so they trust all the information entered. People also do not have the social awareness to filter the information they get. This study aims to describe the level of literacy of the digital community towards COVID19 information measured on the internet. The research method used is a descriptive type with a survey method. The research location was in East Java, with a total of 500 respondents consisting of several segmentations of people who actively use the internet as a source of information. The results of this study indicate that the digital literacy level for COVID19 information is good with an average value of 3.69. Of the five dimensions of digital literacy that are used as the highest measuring tool of the very high ethical awareness dimension, the second position is the media eva...

Assessing the effectiveness of Communication Media in Health

This is a strategy paper for developing effective communication strategies in health in the state of Rajasthan, India. Rajasthan is one among the poor performing states in Health and Family Welfare. The author first presents the current stains of communication strategies, which have been developed by the called Information Education and Communication (IEC) Bureau. Further, few indicators and methods are suggested to develop a strategy for effective communication on Health. The author would like to probe few research questions for developing strategies. What are the various reasons for the poor performance of the IEC Bureau ' Is it due to poor coordination among various levels of health functionaries? Or due to less involvement of health personnel in IEC activities? Is it because the Media selected are not appropriate? etc. The present paper is an attempt to answer a few of them.

Public Communication Strategies on Socialization Covid-19 Vaccine in Indonesia Perspective Sociology of Mass Communication

Eduvest - Journal Of Universal Studies

To hold a Covid-19 event, of course, it requires first socialization to the community. So that people can believe that it has been confirmed to be safe and has gone through the III clinical trial by PT. Bio Farma (Persero). This study aims to determine the public communication strategy for the socialization of the COVID-19 vaccine carried out by the government which is studied in the perspective of the Sociology of Mass Communication. This study uses a library research method that refers to resources available both online and offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. The results of this study conclude that handling and overcoming COVID-19 is still a top priority in Indonesia and still requires serious attention. Especially in the process of socializing the COVID-19 vaccine and the process of educating the public still needs to be done, considering that there are still groups of people who refuse vaccination for unscientific reasons.

The Effect of Mass Media on Health Communication in the Use of Health Service and the Role of Social Media: The Case Study of the Province of Kilis

International Journal of Health Management and Tourism, 2019

Mass media, internet and social media play an important role in the provision of health communication thanks to technological innovations. These resources have become the platforms that people use to seek advice before the use of health services and then giving advice. This study was carried out to determine the use of social media in the selection of physicians, dentists and hospitals in Kilis. For this purpose, the questions that reveal the personal behaviours of the participants and the Before and After Purchasing in Social Media scale were used. The study was carried out on 391 people living in Kilis province. As a result of the study, it was determined that individuals were not sufficiently affected by social media in the selection of doctors, dentists and hospitals. 72,9% percent of individuals surveyed have reached the conclusion that they use social media. Internet or social media utilization rate for health-related developments is 19,8%. As a result of the study, it was found that there was no significant difference between the participants' social behaviours before and after the purchase in social media for age and occupational variables; it was observed that there was a significant difference among education status variable.

Pemetaan Kinerja Public Relations Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Melalui Media Sosial DI Masa Pandemi COVID-19

Mediator, 2022

Public relations practitioners from private universities have a strategic role in formulating and implementing creative and innovative communication programs through the use of technology and new media, especially in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic like today. This study aims to map the performance of private-public relations practitioners in optimizing the role of social media to overcome problems that arise due to the pandemic, such as the absence of direct promotion and communication to prospective students and the decline in interest in high school/vocational equivalent graduates to continue to higher education, by using the method of qualitative case study approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through FGD, in-depth interviews, observations of Unisba-assisted private universities in Bandung, and literature review. The results of the study show that in responding to the application of communication technology during the pandemic, it is necessary to implement strategic steps, including the building of a special team, empowering the entire academic community and students as well, coordinating with related parties, and evaluating the use of social media as a means of promotion. The results of this study contribute to universities that want to design promotional activities through social media.

E-literacy in Indonesian Society Regarding Covid-19

Jurnal Sains Sosio Humaniora

During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is very necessary to carry out e-literacy because in addition to the spread of the Covid-19 virus the community was also faced with a lot of false information that was widespread on social media. One way that can be done to break the chain of spreading hoaxes is the skill of e-literacy. The aim of this study is to describe the access to e-literacy in Indonesian society regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. The research method used is descriptive with a cross sectional design, the study population is the Indonesian people as many as 2,759 people. Sources of data is primary data were obtained from questionnaires. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. Based on the results of the analysis in this study, the respondents responded related to e-literacy covid future pandemic-19, respondents stated the most difficult using information about the vaccine virus that find on the internet for the other (14.9%); difficulty making health decisions base...

Media and Face-to-Face Communication Behavior Serang District Communities in Conditions Reducing Cases of Covid-19

Indonesian Journal of Social Science Research

Media communication behavior is a habit that is carried out by individuals or groups in consuming information through the media.With the Covid-19 case, which was experienced by the entire world's population, it resulted in the emergence of new communication patterns, especially to avoid face-to-face communication processes so as to reduce the spread of the virus that was feared by almost the entire world's population, especially the people in Serang Regency. The purpose of this study was to look at communication behavior and face-to-face communication processes in the condition of the Covid-19 virus in people in Serang Regency. From the results of the research it was revealed that there are people who are still afraid of the virus so that activities in carrying out communication processes such as lectures are carried out online, but there are also people in Serang Regency who are ignorant of health protocols and think that the Covid-19 virus is part of human destiny. must be...

The Communication Efforts to Build New Normal Era Tourism Awareness by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy through the Media


The efforts to rebuild tourism sectors in Indonesia destroyed by the arrival of the 2019 / Covid-19 corona virus disease novel pandemic since March 2020, include through communication of the implementation of special health protection protocols in the tourism and economic sectors driven by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Kemenparekraf RI. The importance of communication efforts is carried out to build public awareness and industry players about tourism in the new normal era so that it is expected to stimulate tourism in the region, the positive implications of which can be felt through the wheels of the economy of the community around tourist destinations and ultimately sustainable tourism development can continue to be implemented. The communication efforts undertaken by Kemenparekraf include through a press release, which is distributed by the mass media so that it can be widely distributed in the public. This study uses the media framing theory and examines the use of press releases issued by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in June-July 2020, so that it can explain the communication efforts undertaken to build awareness of the Indonesian people about tourism during the pandemic.