Genetic markers Genealogies and Biogeographic patterns in the Cladocera (original) (raw)
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Although the Daphnia species of Lake Balaton have long been studied, there was no consensus on the species composition. In this paper we attempted to clarify their specific status using allozyme electrophoresis. Zooplankton samples were collected between 2002 and 2004 from each basin of Lake Balaton. Daphnia specimens were counted and analysed using cellulose acetate gelelectrophoresis. The analysis revealed the presence of Daphnia cucullata, D. galeata and their hybrid in the lake. While Daphnia galeata was very rare, D. cucullata and the hybrids were abundant during the growing season.
Phylogenetics and evolution of a circumarctic species complex (Cladocera Daphnia pulex )
Biological Journal of The Linnean Society, 1998
The evolutionary history of freshwater zooplankton is still relatively unknown. However, studies of the microcrustaceanDaphniahave revealed interesting patterns; the daphniids that dominate ponds and lakes in the northern hemisphere may have recent origins, likely associated with the glacial advances and retreats during the Pleistocene. Moreover, they form species complexes that actively engage in hybridization and introgression. The present study examines the phylogenetic relationships among circumarctic members of theDaphnia pulexcomplex, through the analysis of sequence diversity in 498 nt of the ND5 mitochondrial gene. Our results suggest that the complex is composed of three major clades, two of which are subdivided into at least eight different lineages. Clearly, species in the complex show genetic discontinuity. Many lineages originated during the Pleistocene, but at least three lineages diverged during the Pliocene. Two taxa (D. pulex, D. pulicaria), thought to be broadly distributed in the northern hemisphere, are shown to be endemic to single continents. In general, the diversification of thepulexcomplex is characterized by rapidly dispersed lineages spanning enormous distances and also by endemism in temperate areas. Gene flow among lineages from the temperate region of different continents are restricted to rare inter-continental migrations across a polar bridge followed by convergent morphological evolution.
Russian Journal of Genetics, 2016
The data on the genetic polymorphism of the most widespread Daphnia species occupying differ ent water bodies of Russia are presented. The phylogenetic relationships between the examined species were established, and the haplotype networks were constructed. A fragment of the 16S mitochondrial DNA gene was used as a genetic marker. The results of molecular phylogenetic analysis generally coincided with modern concepts in the systematics of the genus Daphnia. The representatives of the divergent mitochondrial lineages within the D. longispina, D. pulex, and D. magna complex remain poorly investigated morphologically. For D. dentifera, a new habitat on the territory of Russia, namely, the water bodies of the Lake Baikal basin, was identified. A conclusion was made that the 16S mtDNA gene could be successfully used in phylogeographic analysis of the genus Daphnia.
Biology Bulletin, 2021
Data on the species diversity, morphological variability, genetic structure, phylogeny, and phylogeography of the D. longispina s. l. group from water bodies of southern Siberia are summarized. The integrated approach involves traditional morphological studies, an analysis of body shape variability using geometric morphometrics, and study of the genetic variability based on mitochondrial (12S, 16S, ND2) and nuclear (ITS2) markers. This approach allows us to identify several forms/species within the genus Daphnia that are new and endemic to the fauna of Russia, to describe some distinctive features of their morphology, to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships within the D. longispina s. l. group, and to elucidate the distribution ranges of species, both common and rare. The study of the variability of mitochondrial DNA genes provided the opportunity to propose and substantiate the hypothesis that various forms/species of this cladoceran group could have passed through different evolutionary scenarios across the territory of northern Eurasia.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
The genus Daphnia O. F. Müller (Crustacea: Cladocera) is a model taxon for freshwater biology and a crucial component of freshwater food webs. However, the genus contains commonly studied species groups, such as Daphnia longispina sensu lato, that are taxonomically confused and poorly characterized with respect to morphology. Here we: (1) analyse the taxonomic value of male anatomical characters within the longispina group and (2) integrate taxonomic, morphological, morphometric and genetic (based on COI and 12S rRNA gene sequences) data to resolve the species complex better. We also address a longstanding taxonomic issue in the group, termed the 'Daphnia umbra problem' after a dubious taxon found in the Canadian Arctic. We redescribe the morphology of adult males of Daphnia longispina O. F. Müller, 1785, Daphnia cf. hyalina Leydig, 1860 and Daphnia dentifera Forbes, 1893. As with other cladocerans, we demonstrate that the adult males provide more characters for taxonomic differentiation than the adult females. We also fully redescribe Daphnia umbra Taylor, Hebert et Colbourne emend. nov. and expand its known distribution to the Siberian Arctic and the temperate mountains of Asian Russia. Our results emphasize the value of integrating traditional, long-term, step-by-step taxonomic revisions and routine species redescriptions with morphometrics and genetics to resolve species problems within Daphnia.
PloS one, 2018
Species with a large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due to logistic difficulties of obtaining adequate sampling. For instance, in most species with a Holarctic distribution, the majority of studies has concentrated on the European or North American part of the distribution, with the Eastern Palearctic region being notably understudied. Here, we study the phylogeography of the freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna Straus, 1820 (Crustacea: Cladocera), based on partial mitochondrial COI sequences and using specimens from populations spread longitudinally from westernmost Europe to easternmost Asia, with many samples from previously strongly understudied regions in Siberia and Eastern Asia. The results confirm the previously suspected deep split between Eastern and Western mitochondrial haplotype super-clades. We find a narrow contact zone between these two super-clades in the eastern part of Western Siberia, with proven co-occurrence in a single ...
Species with large geographic distributions present a challenge for phylogeographic studies due to the logistic difficulties of obtaining adequate samples. Daphnia O.F. Mü ller (Anomopoda: Daphniidae) is a model genus for evolutionary biology and ecology, but many regions such as the remote areas of Siberia, remain poorly studied. Here we examined genetic polymorphism in the ribosomal 12S and the protein-coding ND2 mitochondrial genes of three closely related taxa of the Daphnia (Daphnia) longispina complex, namely D. galeata Sars, D. longispina O.F. Mü ller and D. dentifera Forbes. We estimated the phylogenetic relationships among these taxa based on a concatenated alignment of these two genes. Using sequences from the present study and those available in GenBank, we investigated the geographic distributions of the mitochondrial haplotypes of these species and proposed an evolutionary scenario for each taxon. Network structures, haplotype distribution patterns, and F ST values indicated significant differences in the evolutionary history of the examined species. Our analysis of D. galeata populations confirmed its recent and fast expansion, without a previous phase of a strong population disconnection. In contrast, the high haplotype diversity in D. dentifera and D. longispina could be explained by the survival of different phylogroups in several glacial refugia located in different geographic regions. For all studied species, maximum haplotype diversity was recorded in the remote regions of Siberia-lakes of the Yenisei River and Transbaikalia. Our study is an important step in our understanding of the evolutionary history of the Daphnia longispina group and provides further evidence of the biogeographic significance of Siberia for freshwater taxa.
Estonian Journal of Ecology, 2013
Cladocerans are a considerable food source for such planktivorous fish as salmonids. In Latvia 26 lakes are categorized as priority fish lakes for salmonids and therefore studies on cladocerans as salmonid fish prey are of particular interest. For the study of salmonids' food base, i.e. zooplankton diversity, and the genetical diversity of Daphnia cucullata in four Latvian lakes zooplankton samples were taken in the summers of 2010 and 2011. The most dominant species of Cladocera were Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Daphnia cucullata, Bosmina crassicornis, Bosmina longispina, and Bosmina longirostris. The highest diversity and biomass of cladocerans were observed from June to late July. This can be explained by seasonality. The common cladoceran species such as Daphnia cucullata may be used as a good model organism for ecological genetics research. We found D. cucullata in all the investigated lakes. The genetic structure and plasticity in D. cucullata were studied using nuclear random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Carl Roth random primers PCR were used for the amplification of DNA samples. The DNA markers were polymorphic segments with band sizes from 500 to 3000 bp. The number of polymorphic DNA bands of D. cucullata in the four investigated lakes was different.
Biology bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2017
⎯The results of analysis of the variability of body shape of different Daphnia galeata morphs from geographically distinct populations-Lake Glubokoe (Moscow oblast) and Lake Chany (Novosibirsk oblast) are given. The morphological analysis was combined with the analysis of the variability of fragments of the 16S and 12S genes of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the nuclear DNA. A reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships between species of the genus Daphnia has been performed using a combined fragment of the 16S and 12S genes of the mtDNA. An inconsistency in the distribution of the 12S-and ITS2-haplotypes for the species D. galeata has been revealed, which indicates the introgression of mtDNA in the Lake Chany population.