A trust evaluation scheme of service providers in mobile edge computing (original) (raw)

An integrated three-tier trust management framework in mobile edge computing using fuzzy logic

PeerJ Computer Science

Mobile edge computing (MEC) is introduced as part of edge computing paradigm, that exploit cloud computing resources, at a nearer premises to service users. Cloud service users often search for cloud service providers to meet their computational demands. Due to the lack of previous experience between cloud service providers and users, users hold several doubts related to their data security and privacy, job completion and processing performance efficiency of service providers. This paper presents an integrated three-tier trust management framework that evaluates cloud service providers in three main domains: Tier I, which evaluates service provider compliance to the agreed upon service level agreement; Tier II, which computes the processing performance of a service provider based on its number of successful processes; and Tier III, which measures the violations committed by a service provider, per computational interval, during its processing in the MEC network. The three-tier evalu...

A Trust Evaluation Model to Recommend a Service Provider to a Customer in Cloud Environment

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015

In this era of cloud computing, there is a need to create some sense of security in customer's mind before they can transfer their critical data on cloud. However, this trust establishment between a customer and service provider is a difficult task. Trust depends on intuitive understanding of a human being. Thus, evaluation of trust remains a major issue while making headway towards Cloud Computing. There must be a trusted third party which can help the customer to select a trustworthy service provider from a large pool of providers. In this paper, a trust evaluation model is presented that can be taken as a base to establish trust on service providers. This model recommends a service provider to customer according to his requirements. It evaluates trust from different perspectives. It considers feedbacks from customers, past experience of customer with service provider as well as results of monitoring done by third party to evaluate trust factor. The model has been simulated and the results show that the proposed model is effectual and adaptable to customers' needs and priorities. Refer ences-K. Rathi, S. Taneja, "TRUST EVALUTION IN CLOUD COMPUTING: A

Trust Based Cloud Service Provider Selection

International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, 2016

With the new emerging technologies the cloud marketplace has identified many new cloud service providers which provide a similar service and offerings. The services and offerings are provided in an agreement named as Service Level Agreement (SLA).The SLA is the agreement that has been established between the providers and the users. The services provided in the SLA by the providers are not consistent and satisfiable for the consumers. The environment like a cloud, the quality of service is said to be a very important parameter. In order to reduce the inconsistency of SLA it proposes Trust Based Cloud Service Provider Selection which provides the scalable and reliable cloud service providers to the consumers. In the proposed work the trust value is estimated with the interaction between the users and the providers. With the help of the ratings provided to the cloud service providers' by the users, the trustworthiness is estimated by confidence level, which is determined by the recent interaction and the interaction intensity. The competence is estimated by the parameters like security, availability, policies provided by the providers to the users. The trustworthiness and competence are combined to find the cloud service providers of user needs and the performance is estimated.

Preferences Based Customized Trust Model for Assessment of Cloud Services

International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2018

In cloud environment, many functionally similar cloud services are available. But, the services differ in Quality of Service (QoS) levels, offered by them. There is a diversity in user requirements about the expected qualities of cloud services. Trust is a measure to understand whether a cloud service can adequately meet the user requirements. Consequently, trust assessment plays a significant role in selecting the suitable cloud service. This paper proposes preferences based customized trust model (PBCTM) for trust assessment of cloud services. PBCTM takes into account user requirements about the expected quality of services in the form of preferences. Accordingly, it performs customized trust assessment based on the evidences of various attributes of cloud service. PBCTM enables elastic trust computation, which is responsive to dynamically changing user preferences with time. The model facilitates dynamic trust based periodic selection of cloud services according to varying user preferences. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed preferences based customized trust model outperforms the other model in respect of accuracy and degree of satisfaction. 1. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing has entered mainstream and received wider acceptance. It is increasingly adopted by individuals , small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) and government organizations to run their critical applications. The reason for this acceptance is the characteristics of cloud like scalability, on demand service, anytime-anywhere access, economic benefits of pay-per-use, delegation of maintenance and administration, performance and disaster recovery. Cloud services have proliferated to include software as a service, database as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service, security as a service and storage as a service [1]. Cloud environment still remains challenging to rely on because of factors like loss of control over applications and data, increased threats of security [2], performance issues related to virtualization [3], enterprise grade availability requirements [4, 5, 6] and adequately meeting Quality of Service (QoS) expectations of users [7]. Cloud computing has compelling advantages yet challenges too. For an enterprise to adopt cloud, it is important that enterprise has a certain belief that advantages of cloud can be realized. Trust is a measure of this belief [8]. Conventionally, people rely on reputation [4, 8], service level agreement (SLA) [6, 9], self-assessment [8, 9] and cloud auditing [8, 9] for trust assessment in cloud environment. However, trust assessment in cloud environment poses further important issues, which are revealed as part of the following discussion. Reputation based traditional trust assessment technique relies on the opinions of cloud users. The opinions taken in the form of ratings or feedbacks may be subjective in nature [8]. Therefore, reputation cannot be an exact reflection of realistic capabilities of the cloud service. A service level agreement (SLA) established between a cloud service consumer and a provider consists of functional and QoS facets of the offered service [10]. Levels of SLA are not consistent among the cloud service providers offering analogous services. Moreover, for a service provider,

A novel trust management model for edge computing

Complex & Intelligent Systems

Edge computing is a distributed architecture that features decentralized processing of data near the source/devices, where data are being generated. These devices are known as Internet of Things (IoT) devices or edge devices. As we continue to rely on IoT devices, the amount of data generated by the IoT devices have increased significantly due to which it has become infeasible to transfer all the data over to the Cloud for processing. Since these devices contain insufficient storage and processing power, it gives rise to the edge computing paradigm. In edge computing data are processed by edge devices and only the required data are sent to the Cloud to increase robustness and decrease overall network overhead. IoT edge devices are inherently suffering from various security risks and attacks causing a lack of trust between devices. To reduce this malicious behavior, a lightweight trust management model is proposed that maintains the trust of a device and manages the service level tru...

Global Trust: a trust model for Cloud service selection

Cloud Computing refers to network-based service provided by a large number of computers, sharing computing and storage resources. Combined with on-demand provisioning mechanisms and relied on a pay-per-use business model. The Cloud Computing offers the possibilities to scale rapidly, to store data remotely and to share services in a dynamic environment. However, these benefits can be seen as weaknesses for assuring trust, and providing confidence to the users of service. In this case, some traditional mechanisms to guarantee reliable services are no longer suitable or dynamic enough, and new models need to be developed to fit this paradigm. This study describes the assessment of the trust in the context of Cloud Computing, proposes a new trust model adapted to Cloud environments, and shows some experiments in regards of the proposed solution.

Hierarchical Trust Model to Rate Cloud Service Providers based on Infrastructure as a Service

In large scale distributed systems like cloud computing, customers need to interact with unknown service providers to carry out tasks or transactions. The ability to reason about and assess the possible risks in carrying out such transactions is necessary for providing a safe and trustworthy environment. Cooperative characteristics of distributed computing systems enforce a proper and secure trust management to be in place to minimize the risks posed by different malicious agents. Trust is the estimation of competency of a resource provider in completing a task based on dependability, security, ability and availability in the context of distributed environment. It enables users to select the best resources in the heterogeneous cloud infrastructure. In this paper, a hierarchical trust model has been proposed to manage the trust and to rate the service providers and their various plans based on IaaS in cloud computing environment.

A trust model of cloud computing based on Quality of Service

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A trust model for resource selection in cloud computing environment

In recent years, cloud computing technology has been increasingly embraced by people and most organizations tend to use this technology in their business processes. On the other hand, the use of this technology is not so easy and many organizations are concerned about the storage of their sensitive data in their data centers instead of storing them in the cloud storage centers. Today, one of the most important factors for the success of cloud computing is to create trust and security. Cloud computing will face a lot of challenges when the key element trust is absent. Trust is one of the most important ways to improve the reliability of cloud computing resources provided in the cloud environment and plays an important role in business carried out in the cloud business environments. User trust contributes to selection of appropriate sources in heterogeneous cloud infrastructure. In this paper, we present the trust model based on standards of appropriate service quality and speed of implementation for choose the best source. The proposed approach, in addition to taking into account criteria of quality of service such as cost, response time, bandwidth, and processor speed.Simulation results show that the proposed approach compared with similar approaches, in addition to taking into account measures of the quality of service, selects the most reliable source in a cloud environment by taking into account the speed of things.

Enhanced QoS-Based Model for Trust Assessment in Cloud Computing Environment

Trust management becomes an urgent requirement in the cloud environment and a trust relationship between service user and service provider is required. Trust is the estimation of the ability of cloud resources in completing a task based on some criteria such as availability, reliability, and resource processing power. In this paper, an enhanced QoS-based model for evaluating the trustworthiness of the cloud provider is introduced. The proposed model calculates the accumulative trust value which is updated dynamically at each transaction and reflects the current or latest transaction of the provider in the cloud. The trustworthiness of a cloud resource is evaluated based on its provider reputation history from user feedback ratings based on the covariance mathematical technique to evaluate the credibility of the user's feedback. The trustworthiness of a cloud resource is also evaluated by calculating the computing power of resources at run-time. Experimental results confirm the effect of user opinion and resources processing speed on trust value calculation, which in turn assesses the trustworthiness of the cloud provider. The simulation has been performed using the CloudSim with the platform Eclipse for developing the proposed model.