Understanding the concept of Islamic education for millennial in Indonesia (original) (raw)

Dynamics and New Paradigm of Islamic Education in Indonesia

Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme

This paper aims to analyze the dynamics and new paradigm of Islamic education in Indonesia from a historical perspective. This study uses the library to research reference books, journals, archives, documents, and other writings relevant to the title under study. This research is historical research and the object is the dynamics and new paradigm of Islamic educational institutions that grew and developed in Indonesia before and after Indonesia's independence. The new paradigm of Islamic education in Indonesia is through the realization of three dimensions of the substance of Islamic education, namely the acquisition of students towards science; the realization of students towards science in the format of their attitudes or behavior towards the learning environment, and even towards society; and the synergy between the acquired knowledge and their actualized attitudes or behavior in everyday life. Then, a new paradigm of Islamic education emerged, namely the Hadhari paradigm, wh...


The “portrait” of Indonesian Islamic education that emerges from this study is one of a large system comprised of thousands of institutions and millions of students, a system which makes a substantial contribution to achieving Indonesia’s policy of universal basic education. This study provides a description of Indonesian Islamic education that is more accurate than and also in stark contrast to the impressions of many who still believe that Islamic schools are hotbeds of radicalism that produce terrorists. Indonesian Islamic education is intended to integrate modern social and scientific knowledge with Islamic values. In the words of the distinguished Indonesian Islamic scholar, Azyumardi Azra, Indonesian Islamic education is the product and preserver of “Indonesian Islam [which] is different from other places, including the Middle East. The absolute majority is moderate, and has been used to living with adherents of other religions peacefully for centuries without any bloodshed… although Indonesian Islam [is] “colorful and flexible”, that [does] not mean that Muslims here [are] less Islamic or not loyal in implementing Islamic practices.” The Islamic education sub sector delivers education to around 67 million students. The Islamic education subsector encompasses General Education with Islamic features, Islamic Theological Education (Pendidikan Keagamaan Islam), and Islamic Religious Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam) at general education units. Islamic education plays a role in all types and leves of education in Indonesia starting with early childhood education (ECE) until higher education as described in the attached Map of Islamic Education. The Indonesian national education system shares many characteristics with education systems in other Muslim majority countries (e.g. Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Syria). However, Indonesia is one of the few countries where Islamic education is by law an integral part of the national education system and considered equal to general education provided by state and private institutions. The National Education System Law 20/2003 established that Indonesia’s national education system would be composed of three types of education: formal education, non-formal education and informal education. Education in Indonesia is divided into three levels: basic, consisting of primary (six years) and junior secondary (three years); secondary, consisting of senior secondary (three years); and tertiary, consisting of vocational programs (diploma), academic programs--undergraduate-- bachelor degree (Stratum 1 (S1)), masters degree (S2), doctoral degree (S3)-- and vocational education. Early childhood education (up to age 6 years) is not formally classified by type or level, but there are different programs available to different age groups. Islamic education institutions are included in all the types and levels of education described above and include both state owned and private institutions. Government Regulation (GR) 55/2007 concerning religious education and theological education further differentiates between religious education, which is taught in combination with general subjects, and theological education, which is taught only in special programs such as diniyah and by certain types of tertiary institutions and certain providers such as pesantren. Islamic theological education is aimed at producing clerics and specialists who will deal with Islamic law and practices. GR 55/2007 assigns general implementation responsibility of Islamic education to MoEC. However, responsibility for specific aspects of implementation related to Islamic education is sometimes assigned to MoRA

The Concept of Islamic Education Muhammad Abduh and its Implications on Islamic Education in Indonesia


The dichotomic view that emerges in people's lives has a negative impact on Islamic education in Indonesia. Islamic education in Indonesia began to experience retardation and disintegration due to this dichotomic view. In fact, in the womb of Indonesian Islamic education there are not yet born scholars who have a deep spiritual and intellectual commitment. Therefore, this study offers the concept of Islamic education Muhammad Abduh as a solution. This study aims to elaborate on Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education concept and show the implications of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education concept on Islamic education in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of literature study research. The data collection technique used is the documentation technique. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using content analysis. Researchers found that the concept of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education was to educate the minds and souls of students. Impli...

Progressive Islamic Education: Bridging the Gap of Islam, Indonesianness, and Modernity

The Qualitative Report, 2022

Progressive Islamic education is a model developed by Muhammadiyah, Indonesia’s largest modern Islamic organization. This model combines secular sciences from the modern education system with religious ones from Islamic teachings to reduce the gap between Islamic values, Indonesianess, and modernity, often a source of tension. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate Progressive Islamic education values and consider how to bridge the gap between Islam, Indonesianess, and modernity. An interpretive phenomenological approach was used to conduct semi-structured interviews with ten Muhammadiyah elementary and middle school teachers. The results showed that participants believe Progressive Islamic education comprises dynamic values, monotheism values, grace for the universe values, balance values, nationalism values, and justice values. These six values imply that the model can be framed harmoniously between Islam, Indonesianess, and modernity and thus bridge the gap be...

Optimizing Islamic Education Towards the Golden Era of Indonesia

Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education

Optimizing Islamic education plays an important role in preparing Indonesian citizens to excel in quality in terms of education in welcoming Indonesia's golden era. Optimizing education leads to maximizing human resources, especially for school students. They are the main encouragement during the golden era because they are entering a productive period. This article aims to provide an understanding of how important educational factors are in preparing for the golden age of Indonesia by analyzing the urgency and designing the steps to be used. This study uses the library research method, using pragmatic content analysis, thematic content analysis, analysis of sign means, continued by processing it into new data where the results of this study are the exposure of optimizing education to reach the golden era of Indonesia from reviewing and analyzing and integrating various related reference sources.

A Model of Modern Islamic Education: MAN Insan Cendekia in Indonesia and Imam-Hatip High School in Turkey || Model Pendidikan islam Modern: MAN Insan Cendekia di Indonesian dan Sekolah Imam-Hatip di Turki

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2023

Madrasahs in the perception of some people are still seen as lowquality education. However, the existence of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia (MAN IC) in Indonesia and the Imam-Hatip School (IHS) in Turkey seeks to ward off this perception through institutional modernization. This study aims to reveal the model of Islamic education in MAN IC and IHS by comparing the two in several aspects. Where this study uses the method of literature review through data sourced from scientific articles, both indexed by Scopus and Sinta 1-2. The results of this study indicate that MAN IC and HIS: 1) are modern Islamic educational institutions under the auspices of government; 2) aims to produce graduates who are equally qualified, both in the realm of religion and science; 3) having a curriculum that combines Islamic religious education, culture, science, and technology; 4) have teachers who are professional and competent in their respective fields; 5) using the mechanism of the entrance selection test for prospective students; 6) implementing a boarding program with excellent standard facilities for students so they can focus on studying and take part in intensive international language training. Based on the results of this study that MAN IC and Imam Hatip are modern Islamic Education models that are quite ideal, especially at the higher secondary level, so it is expected to be a reference material for Islamic education practitioners in Indonesia in this modern era.

Becoming Modern Muslim: New Emerging Trends of Islamic Schools in Yogyakarta

Ta'dib, 2017

The growth of Islamic school education in Indonesia has been phenomenally rapid, affecting a new emergence of Islamic school in the country. In few years ago we only recognised two models of Islamic education: pesantren (boarding school) and madrasah (conventional Islamic school). The current wave of Islamic schools in Indonesia attempts to integrate secular education and religious curriculum in one curriculum. Interestingly, the teachings in these schools reinvigorate modern Muslim parents to get their children enrolled in those institutions. Nowadays urban society demands educational institution that effectively equips the students with ability in handling the challenges of rapid globalisation. Furthermore, Muslim parents enthusiastically welcome to this new trend of Islamic school in Indonesia. Uncontrolled social interaction, moral and ethical decadence have risen concerns amongst parents about their children future. Hence, this challenge prompts them to think of solution for t...

Strategy Islamic Education in Indonesia Facing the Era of Society

Edunity Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan, 2023

Islamic education today faces challenges in welcoming the era of society 5.0. The challenge in the era of Society 5.0 is to focus on increasing human resources because the era of Society 5.0 places humans as the main component. To always exist and be able to face the era of society, the management of Islamic education is very important. This research is a literature study that interprets data by descriptive analysis. This study aims to see and examine the problems and challenges as well as the strategies used in the management of Islamic education to face the era of society 5.0. The results of the study show that the problems and challenges of Islamic education management related to human resources are still lacking in sufficient resources and there are main competencies that must be owned by individuals, namely: creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. The Islamic education management strategy in facing the era of society 5.0 is by preparing human resources who have digital capabilities and are innovative and creative thinkers; changing paradigm educational institutions; as well as preparing leaders of educational institutions who have a leadership spirit and can collaborate so that the demands for life skills in the 21st century are met.

'Enriched with knowledge': modernisation, Islamisation and the future of Islamic education in Indonesia

Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 42 (1): 21–53, 2008

Education and the pursuit of knowledge are central to Islam. The aim of education in Islam is to 'produce good Muslims with an understanding of Islamic rules of behaviour and a strong knowledge of and commitment to the faith' (Halstead 2004:520). This paper aims to introduce Islamic education in Indonesia to the non-expert, while also providing some food for thought for Indonesianists and those who are involved in education in Indonesia.

Modernization of Islamic education and Islamic thought in Indonesia

Edumaspul : jurnal pendidikan, 2022

Suatu tulisan yang beranjak dari ide-ide dalam menganalisis modernisasi pada konteks pendidikan yang terkhusus pada pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dibantu dengan metode penelitian studi kepustakaan (library research). Dalam memperoleh data penelitian, peneliti mengumpulkan, menganalisis, mengorganisasi, sumber dari artikel. Adapun hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa filsafat Islam berkembang sampai konsep-konsep agama baru muncul di dunia Muslim. Karena bagaimana gagasan itu berkembang, jelaslah bagaimana kehidupan sosial, politik, dan budaya umat Islam secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh pola gerakan dan pandangan dunia mereka. Pendidikan dan keyakinan agama mempengaruhi cara orang bertindak dan berpikir. Madzhab Syafi'i mendominasi pandangan dunia keagamaan umat Islam yang berkembang di Indonesia. Umat Islam Indonesia pada umumnya masih menganut nash-nash mazhab atau ungkapan mujtahid (mazhab qauli), dan mereka belum mendapatkan pendidikan metodologis (mazhab manhaji), yang berarti mereka mengadvokasi hukum menurut pola pikir mujtahid, yang telah dihasilkan oleh imam mazhab.