Correction to: Eelgrass Genetic Diversity Influences Resilience to Stresses Associated with Eutrophication (original) (raw)

Eelgrass functions, services, and considerations for compensatory mitigation


Coastal-marine eelgrass habitat is a critical resource within New England and throughout the world. Eelgrass habitat provides functions and services including providing structure, biogeochemical cycling, erosion reduction, habitation provision, and water quality improvement. Declines in eelgrass distribution are often due to anthropogenic processes impacting temperature and water quality. Declines in distribution and abundance highlight the importance of protecting the existing eelgrass, improving environmental conditions allowing for ecosystem restoration, and identifying viable in-kind and out-of-kind compensatory mitigation measures. Considering the limited availability of New England sites for inkind compensatory mitigation, additional approaches for out-of-kind compensatory mitigation should be considered. These include (1) creation of alternative plant or kelp habitat, (2) using a multi-pronged, multihabitat and structure approach, (3) contributing to the development of water quality improvement initiatives to encourage current eelgrass bed expansion over time, (4) reduce physical impacts to eelgrass habitat, (5) and identifying locations for future eelgrass habitat suitability based on climate predictions and investing to create future compensatory mitigation habitat in these locations. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents.

Eelgrass restoration by seed maintains genetic diversity: case study from a coastal bay system

Genetic diversity is positively associated with plant fitness, stability, and the provision of ecosystem services. Preserving genetic diversity is therefore considered an important component of ecosystem restoration as well as a measure of its success. We examined the genetic diversity of restored Zostera marina meadows in a coastal bay system along the USA mid-Atlantic coast using microsatellite markers to compare donor and recipient meadows. We show that donor meadows in Chesapeake Bay have high genetic diversity and that this diversity is maintained in meadows restored with seeds in the Virginia coastal bays. No evidence of inbreeding depression was detected (F IS −0.2 to 0) in either donor or recipient meadows, which is surprising because high levels of inbreeding were expected following the population contractions that occurred in Chesapeake Bay populations due to disease and heat stress. Additionally, there was no evidence for selection of genotypes at the restoration sites, suggesting that as long as donor sites are chosen carefully, issues that diminish fitness and survival such as heterosis or out-breeding depression can be avoided. A cluster analysis showed that, in addition to the Chesapeake Bay populations that acted as donors, the Virginia coastal bay populations shared a genetic signal with Chincoteague Bay populations, their closest neighbor to the north, suggesting that natural recruitment into the area may be occurring and augmenting restored populations. We hypothesize that the high genetic diversity in seagrasses restored using seeds rather than adult plants confers a greater level of ecosystem resilience to the restored meadows.

The population genetics of Morro Bay eelgrass (Zostera marina)

Seagrass populations are in decline worldwide. Zostera marina (eelgrass), one of California's native seagrasses, is no exception to this trend. In the last 8 years, Morro Bay, California has lost 95% of its eelgrass. Eelgrass is an ecosystem engineer, providing important ecosystem services such as sediment stabilization, nutrient cycling, and nursery habitats for fish. The failure of recent restoration efforts necessitates a better understanding of the causes of eelgrass decline in this estuary. Previous research on eelgrass in California has demonstrated a link between population genetic diversity and eelgrass bed health, ecosystem functioning, and resilience to disturbance and extreme climatic events. The genetic diversity and population structure of Morro Bay eelgrass populations has not been assessed until this study. Additionally, we compare Morro Bay eelgrass to Bodega Bay eelgrass in northern California. We conducted fragment length analysis of 9 microsatellite loci on 133 Morro Bay samples, and 20 Bodega Bay samples. We found no population differentiation within the bay, and no difference among samples growing at different tidal depths. Comparison with Bodega Bay in northern California revealed that Morro Bay eelgrass contains three first generation migrants from a northern eelgrass population, but remains considerably genetically differentiated. Despite the precipitous loss of eelgrass in Morro Bay between 2007 and 2017, genetic diversity remains comparable to other populations on the west coast.

Eelgrass as a Bioindicator Under the European Water Framework Directive

Water Resources Management, 2005

Eelgrass is the most widespread plant in temperate coastal waters. It is regarded as a useful indicator of water quality because water clarity regulates its extension towards deeper waters, i.e. the depth limit. This study analyses the use of eelgrass depth limits as a bioindicator under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The WFD demands that ecological status is classified by relating the actual level of bioindicators to a so-called 'reference level', reflecting a situation of limited anthropogenic influence. The directive further demands that reference levels are defined for 'water body types' with similar hydromorphological characteristics, and that the classification thereby becomes 'type-specific'.

Eelgrass survival in two contrasting systems: role of turbidity and summer water temperatures

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2012

Eelgrass Zostera marina L. distribution patterns in the mid-Atlantic region of the USA have shown complex changes, with recovery from losses in the 1930s varying between the coastal lagoons and Chesapeake Bay. Restoration efforts in the coastal bays of Virginia introduced Z. marina back to this system, and expansion since 2005 has averaged 66% yr −1 . In contrast, Chesapeake Bay has experienced 2% expansion and has undergone 2 significant die-off events, in 2005 and 2010. We used a temperature-dependent light model to show that from 2005 to 2010 during daylight periods in the summer, coastal bay beds received at least 100% of their light requirements 24% of the time, while beds in the lower Chesapeake Bay only met this 6% of the time. Summer light attenuation (K d ) and temperatures from continuous monitoring at 2 additional Chesapeake Bay sites in 2010 suggest that the greater tidal range and proximity of the coastal bays to cooler ocean waters may ameliorate influences of exposure to stressful high water temperature conditions compared to Chesapeake Bay. A temperature difference of 1°C combined with a K d difference of 0.5 m −1 at 1 m depth results in a 30% difference in available light as a proportion of community light requirements. These differences are critical between survival and decline in these perennial populations growing near the southern limits of their range. Without an increase in available light, Chesapeake Bay populations may be severely reduced or eliminated, while coastal bay populations, because of their proximity to cooler Atlantic waters, may become the refuge populations for this region.

Vulnerability to eutrophication of a semi-annual life history: A lesson learnt from an extinct eelgrass (Zostera marina) population

Biological Conservation, 2010

A semi-annual eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) population became extinct in 2004. It had flourished for many decades at Terschelling in the western Wadden Sea, one of the most eutrophied locations where seagrass growth has been recorded. Semi-annual populations survive the winter season by seed (annual), and by incidental plant survival (semi-annual). We compared seed bank dynamics and fate of plants between this impacted site and a reference site in the winter of 1990-1991. Seed bank density at Terschelling was extremely low (5-35 seeds m À2) in comparison to the reference site (>60 seeds m À2) and also in comparison to seed bank densities of (semi-)annual eelgrass populations in other parts of the world. Plant survival during winter was nil. Nevertheless, the population more than doubled its area in 1991, implying maximum germination and seedling survival rates. However, from 1992 onwards the decline set in and continued-while the nutrient levels decreased. To establish the cause of the low seed bank density, we conducted a transplantation experiment in 2004 to study the relationship between seed production and macro-algal cover. The transplantation experiment showed a negative relationship between the survival of seed producing shoots and suffocation by macro-algae, which is associated with light limitation and unfavourable biogeochemical conditions. The plants died before they had started to produce seeds. Thus, it is likely that macro-algal cover was responsible for the low seed bank density found in Terschelling in 1990-1991. Both the recorded low seed bank density and absence of incidental plant survival during winter were related to eutrophication. These parameters must have been a severe bottleneck in the life history of the extinct population at the impacted site, particularly as Z. marina seed banks are transient. Therefore we deduce that this population had survived at the edge of collapse, and became extinct after a small, haphazard environmental change. We argue that its resilience during these years must have been due to (i) maximum germination and seedling survival rates and (ii) spatial spreading of risks: parts of the population may have survived at locally macro-algae-free spots from where the area could be recolonised. As a consequence, the timing of the collapse was unpredictable and did not synchronise with the eutrophication process. The lesson learnt for conservation is to recognise that eutrophication may be a cause for seagrass population collapse and its eventual extinction, even years after nutrient levels stabilised, or even decreased.

How Population Decline Can Impact Genetic Diversity: a Case Study of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Morro Bay, California

Estuaries and Coasts

Seagrass populations are in decline worldwide. Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.), one of California's native seagrasses, is no exception to this trend. In the last 8 years, the estuary in Morro Bay, California, has lost 95% of its eelgrass. Population bottlenecks like this one often result in severe reductions in genetic diversity; however, this is not always the case. The decline of eelgrass in Morro Bay provides an opportunity to better understand the effects of population decline on population genetics. Furthermore, the failure of recent restoration efforts necessitates a better understanding of the genetic underpinnings of the population. Previous research on eelgrass in California has demonstrated a link between population genetic diversity and eelgrass bed health, ecosystem functioning, and resilience to disturbance and extreme climatic events. The genetic diversity and population structure of Morro Bay eelgrass have not been assessed until this study. We also compare Morro Bay eelgrass to Bodega Bay eelgrass in Northern California. We conducted fragment length analysis of nine microsatellite loci on 133 Morro Bay samples, and 20 Bodega Bay samples. We found no population differentiation between the remaining beds in Morro Bay and no difference among samples growing at different tidal depths. Comparisons with Bodega Bay revealed that Morro Bay eelgrass contains three first-generation migrants from the north, but Morro Bay remains considerably genetically differentiated from Bodega Bay. Despite the precipitous loss of eelgrass in Morro Bay between 2008 and 2017, genetic diversity remains relatively high and comparable to other populations on the west coast.

Planting density, hydrodynamic exposure and mussel beds affect survival of transplanted intertidal eelgrass

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2007

Transplantation of eelgrass Zostera marina has become a promising restoration tool since natural recolonisation during the last century failed after massive mortality, due to a combination of a wasting disease outbreak and a sequence of human impacts. We studied the interactive effects of planting density and hydrodynamic exposure on the survival of transplants of an annual population of intertidal eelgrass. Accordingly, eelgrass seedlings were planted in high density (HD: 14 plants m-2) and low density (LD: 5 plants m-2) units at 3 locations with varied wave and current exposures. We also tested the potential of blue mussel beds (Mytilus edulis) to facilitate eelgrass survival. Transplant survival decreased as hydrodynamic exposure increased. Survival was high (75% after 7 wk) at the low exposure location. The intermediate exposure location had slightly lower overall survival (60% after 7 wk), and lowest overall survival rate was at the most exposed location (20% after 7 wk). Facilitation existed among eelgrass plants. Survival was significantly higher in the HD units than in the LD units at both high and intermediate exposure locations. Planting density had no effect on survival at the low exposure location. Hence, there was an interactive effect of planting density, hydrodynamic exposure and shelter. Eelgrass planted in open spaces within a mussel bed survived significantly better than transplants situated 60 m seaward of the mussel bed. Thus, mussel beds facilitate eelgrass survival. The insights into the processes affecting transplantation success will be of use in eelgrass restoration around the world.

Integrating genetics, biophysical, and demographic insights identifies critical sites for seagrass conservation

Ecological Applications, 2020

The eelgrass Zostera marina is an important foundation species of coastal areas in the Northern Hemisphere, but is continuing to decline, despite management actions. The development of new management tools is therefore urgent in order to prioritize limited resources for protecting meadows most vulnerable to local extinctions and identifying most valuable present and historic meadows to protect and restore, respectively. We assessed 377 eelgrass meadows along the complex coastlines of two fjord regions on the Swedish west coastone is currently healthy and the other is substantially degraded. Shoot dispersal for all meadows was assessed with Lagrangian biophysical modeling (scale: 100-1,000 m) and used for barrier analysis and clustering; a subset (n = 22) was also assessed with population genetic methods (20 microsatellites) including diversity, structure, and network connectivity. Both approaches were in very good agreement, resulting in seven subpopulation groupings or management units (MUs). The MUs correspond to a spatial scale appropriate for coastal management of "waterbodies" used in the European Water Framework Directive. Adding demographic modeling based on the genetic and biophysical data as a third approach, we are able to assess past, present, and future metapopulation dynamics to identify especially vulnerable and valuable meadows. In a further application, we show how the biophysical approach, using eigenvalue perturbation theory (EPT) and distribution records from the 1980s, can be used to identify lost meadows where restoration would best benefit the present metapopulation. The combination of methods, presented here as a toolbox, allows the assessment of different temporal and spatial scales at the same time, as well as ranking of specific meadows according to key genetic, demographic and ecological metrics. It could be applied to any species or region, and we exemplify its versatility as a management guide for eelgrass along the Swedish west coast.