The network of hospitals in the bishopric of Barcelona between the 13th and 15th centuries (original) (raw)
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6th International Conference Medieval Europe in Motion, the Sea, 2022
Goda Bulybenko (Independent Scholar)-Il mare diabolicum di Opicino de Canistris: il crocivia tra antichità, medioevo e rinascimento. Session 3-Between West and East: christians and muslims in the Atlantic and Mediterranean world Renato Viana Boy (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul)-A circulação do poder imperial de Constantinopla no Mediterrâneo após a chamada "Queda do Império Romano do Ocidente"séculos V e VI Alexander Matveev (St Petersburg State University)-Ibn Khurdadhbeh's Snapshot of the Ninth Century European Long-distance Trade: The Arab Sources' Views on the Sea and Land Trade Routes in Medieval Europe and Beyond. [ZOOM] Alexandre Bento (Instituto de Estudos Medievais-NOVA FCSH)-O contributo das vias marítimas e fluviais para a música do Al-Andalus português. Uma abordagem arqueomusicológica 17h45-Book presentation: Os territórios da Lisboa medieval (Professor Adelaide Millán da Costa) and Global Turns, Local Circles. People, Ideas and Model in flux in Medieval Europe (Professor Hermenegildo Fernandes), followed by a Porto de Honra, offered by the Municipality of Lisbon.
My paper does not retell the well-known story of the rise of the periphery of the Carolingian Empire that we today call ‘Catalonia’. This story was primarily based on social and juridical sources that seemed to reflect the creation of an autonomous political identity during the long tenth century. Quite contrary to this narrative, my focus will be on the establishment of religious and cultural life in early medieval Catalonia viewed through the mirror of the Carolingian and post-Carolingian manuscripts imported to or produced in this middle ground between Christian Europe and the Muslim world. The approach of my paper will be to try and combine three established research strands from a transcultural standpoint: 1) the ‘migration’ of manuscripts, relics, artefacts, etc. to and from the Iberian peninsula, 2) the role that the many known and unknown religious and cultural brokers played in the Euro-Mediterranean network of communication, knowledge transfer and learning, and 3) the formative power of Carolingian manuscripts in the creation of the multiple religious, cultural and political identities of post-Carolingian Europe.
Cheiron, 2021
A partire dal 1497, la Spagna conquistò diverse città nel Nord Africa tra le quali Orano, Melilla e Bugía. Gli studiosi specializzati in storia politica e militare hanno sottolineato la condizione di isolamento di questi avamposti cristiani dall'entroterra musulmano e dalla stessa Spagna. Questo articolo adotta una prospettiva diversa esaminando queste enclave come centri urbani. Gli ufficiali spagnoli concettualizzarono del resto lo spazio del Maghreb come una serie di città. Le campagne militari spagnole si impadronivano più spesso di molteplici insediamenti fra loro collegati che di un solo sito o un vasto territorio. Una volta conquistate queste 'plaças' fornivano le infrastrutture e la popolazione che permettevano di concentrare potere, consumi e scambi. Acquisivano la funzione di punti di ingresso nell'area per gli Spagnoli e nuclei di contatto fra Nord-Africani e Europei. Nel complesso, questi centri facevano parte della vasta rete di città del Mediterraneo occidentale. Lo studio delle relazioni di Orano e Tlemcen negli anni 1520-30 aiuta ad illustrare questa interazione e allo stesso tempo la competizione e le aspettative spesso insoddisfatte che la limitarono.
SVMMA. Revista de Cultures Medievals 4, pp. 220-222, 2014
Goda Bulybenko (Independent Scholar)-Il mare diabolicum di Opicino de Canistris: il crocivia tra antichità, medioevo e rinascimento. Session 3-Between West and East: christians and muslims in the Atlantic and Mediterranean world Renato Viana Boy (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul)-A circulação do poder imperial de Constantinopla no Mediterrâneo após a chamada "Queda do Império Romano do Ocidente"séculos V e VI Alexander Matveev (St Petersburg State University)-Ibn Khurdadhbeh's Snapshot of the Ninth Century European Long-distance Trade: The Arab Sources' Views on the Sea and Land Trade Routes in Medieval Europe and Beyond. [ZOOM] Alexandre Bento (Instituto de Estudos Medievais-NOVA FCSH)-O contributo das vias marítimas e fluviais para a música do Al-Andalus português. Uma abordagem arqueomusicológica 17h45-Book presentation: Os territórios da Lisboa medieval (Professor Adelaide Millán da Costa) and Global Turns, Local Circles. People, Ideas and Model in flux in Medieval Europe (Professor Hermenegildo Fernandes), followed by a Porto de Honra, offered by the Municipality of Lisbon.
This paper presents a methodological approach to the study of the increasingly efficient commercial and banking firms in late medieval Europe, based on the structural analysis of two major Mediterranean firms that operated from Zaragoza and Barcelona in the first half of the fifteenth century. The analysis of the cooperative mechanisms deployed by the socio-economic elite of the Crown of Aragon is brought to the foreground with special emphasis on human capital strategies, such as those reflected in the recruitment of commercial agents. We discuss a number of examples drawn from notarial records, account books and commercial correspondence in order to bring to light not only commercial relationships but also kinship and friendship ties. Este trabajo propone una aproximación metodológica para el estudio de las empresas mercantiles bajomedievales basada en el análisis estructural de dos grandes empresas que operaron entre Zaragoza y Barcelona en la primera mitad del siglo XV. A partir del análisis de los mecanismos cooperativos implementados por esta elite socio-económica de la Corona de Aragón, se pone el énfasis en las estrategias relacionadas con el capital humano, especialmente en el reclutamiento de agentes comerciales. Las fuentes notariales, libros de cuentas y correspondencia comercial permiten sacar a la luz relaciones comerciales pero también afinidades y amistades.
Essays on Production and Trade in Late Medieval Iberia and the Mediterranean, 1100–1500, 2023
From the tenth century on, technical and technological advancements in agriculture resulted in an unprecedented growth of cultivated land in Europe, which would contribute to a progressive integration of markets. This economic drive occurred during a time of profound political, social, and religious change. In certain parts of Europe, citystates emerged to become the standard form of polity, breaking away from previous ruling models and thrusting a new era of urban life and economic development. This period was also marked by the zenith of Islam throughout the Middle East, the Maghreb, and the Iberian Peninsula, with its people revolutionising agricultural production. Through specific case studies, this book aims to understand how these pieces of the medieval economy worked and evolved, how distinctive they were from one region to another, and what consequences local, regional, and international trade have had in people's everyday lives.