Oralidades Universidade de São Paulo Chefe: Oswaldo Luís Angel Coggiola Vice-chefe: Sara Albieri Programa de Pós-graduação em História Social DIVERSITAS FFLCH/USP Coordenador do Neho Oralidades-Revista de História Oral Editores executivos Dossiê-Responsáveis Conselho editorial (original) (raw)
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The onset of oral history as an organized activity can be located in 1948, with the launch of the project The Oral History Project by Professor Allan Nevis at Columbia University in the United States. In Brazil, it is possible to situate its definition from 1979, with growth in 1983 after the political democratization process of the country. In the 1980s, archives and collections of institutions and movements of Brazilian society began to cross documents with oral sources. In parallel, many universities have also begun to consider and give greater attention to recorded statements with their inclusion in research projects. The Professional Education in Brazil is a type of education which regulation and growth are relatively recent phenomenon, a fact that also makes more recent research possibilities on the subject. From that scene of oral history, the purpose of this article is to present an overview of the scientific production associated with this methodology at the master's programs and doctoral Brazilians, in particular within the Professional Education. Established bibliometric indicators allow you to analyze the size and distribution of scientific literature on the subject in the Capes Theses Bank in 2011 and 2012. The findings show that 2% of the 29 048 existing productions in the bank were developed with the use of oral history. The results showed that oral history has been little explored in graduate programs, using even less representative in doctorates. The studies associated with the use of oral history in the research of vocational training is still incipient show, which may indicate new paths that can be trodden in scientific production associated with this technique.
Oralidades Revista de História Oral
Nesta edição da Revista Oralidades da USP apresento o artigo Que bom te ver viva: Memórias, Sensibilidades e Resistências. Nele há alguns apontamentos oriundos da análise do filme Que Bom Te Ver Viva (Lúcia Murat, 1989). A partir da análise do filme é possível discutir o papel das mulheres nas organizações de militância contra a ditadura militar e, principalmente, como as mulheres entrevistadas pela cineasta, em finais da década de 1980, rememoram a militância e os atos de violência dos quais foram vítimas. Esse filme pode ser considerado como um porta-voz contra a tortura no Brasil e um questionador de uma pretensa “conciliação histórica” promovida pela Lei de Anistia e pela redemocratização.