Teknologi Berbasis Layanan Mandiri Untuk Kasus E-Banking (original) (raw)
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Journal Economy and Currency Study (JECS), 2021
This study proposes a qualitative analysis of the use of E-Banking Facilities in the Interests of Customers. Case Study at PT. BRI Syariah Stabat Sub-Branch Office with a focus on the problem, namely what are the e-banking channels available at PT. BRI Syariah Stabat Sub-Branch Office, what are the benefits for customers using the e-banking channel facilities available at PT. BRI Syariah Stabat Sub-Branch Office, and what are the obstacles in e-banking channel services found at PT. BRI Syariah Stabat Sub-Branch Office. This type of research is a field research (field research) which is a case study using a descriptive qualitative approach and the process of inferring research results by inductive thinking, the method used is a qualitative method, namely a research strategy that uses more and collects in-depth information on the phenomenon being studied. researched. This analysis is carried out by examining and examining in depth the data obtained, in order to obtain conclusions that...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of simultaneously between the E-Service Quality and Trust to Customer Satisfaction, to analyze the effect of partially between the E-Service Quality and Trust to Customer Satisfaction. Data used in this study using primary data obtained from respondents who had used internet banking Bri Syariah. The analytical method used in this study using multiple linear regression analysis which consists of classic assumption test, t-test, f, determination test and test multiple linear regression equation. Selection of the samples in this study were Bri Syariah customers who had used internet banking. These results indicate that there are significant variables simultaneously at E-Service Quality and Trust to Customer Satisfaction. The research results also show variable E-Service Quality and Trust significant effect partially to Customer Satisfaction. the test of determination there is an influence of 40.2% affecting Customer Satisfaction described by the variable E-Service Quality and Trust, while the remaining 59.8% is influenced by other variables and is not included in this regression analysis.
Jurnal Tabarru': Islamic Banking and Finance
Self service technology (SST) merupakan teknologi yang memungkinkan nasabah untuk bertransaksi ataupun melakukan pelayanan secara mandiri tanpa tergantung pada karyawan, pada dunia perbankan layanan self service technology yang dapat digunakan nasabah yaitu layanan automatic teller machine/ATM dan mobile banking guna mempermudah nasabah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh self service technology terhadap kepuasan nasabah pengguna layanan digital perbankan syariah. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dua variabel independen (automatic teller machine/ATM (X1) dan mobile banking (X2)). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner pada nasabah Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) yang menggunakan layanan self service technology. Teknik sampling penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 104 responden. Uji Instrumen dilakukan menggunakan uj...
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Dampak Teknologi Smartphone Dalam Pemenfaatan Service Bank
Development of smartphones in Indonesia change the order of the marketing strategy in which the public interest is increasing to transact online without having to transact face to face (face to face). Changes towards online transactions also affect transactions in the banking industry. Service bank was developed to meet customer satisfaction include SMS banking and internet banking. With the existence of such services is expected to facilitate the effective and efficient transaction. Sophistication smartphone influential enough to service bank through the application of gadgets or ease of access intenet. From the description of this study is to see how the impact of the use of smartphone technology service bank. The method used is quantitative method by using statistical techniques. Primary data were collected through questionnaires to 158 respondents using incidental sampling technique wherein the determination technique based on chance. The description of the use of smartphones, SMS banking and interest in the use of e-banking presented through quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of quantitative descriptive analysis shows that the use of smartphones has been optimized, sms banking has been going well and the use of e-banking interests perceived high. The results of the analysis revealed that the development of smartphones have a positive impact on the utilization of bank service excellent views of internet banking or SMS banking.
Aplikasi E-Payment Berbasis Fingerprint Untuk Pelayanan Transaksi
Dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi saat ini, sangat tidak efektif jika melihat sebuah sistem pembayaran yang dilakukan secara manual (tunai), karena beberapa alasan yaitu : akses pembayaran yang terbilang cukup lama karena harus melakukan antri, pencatatan pembayaran yang tidak efektif karena harus mengandalkan buku, serta pembuatan laporan yang sangat rumit karena harus melihat histori pembayaran dari buku. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem pembayaran sekolah yang dikemas secara eloktronik dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet dan identifikasi sidik jari sebagai media pembayaranya. Adapun sistem pembayaran ini dibuat dengan mamanfaatkan teknologi fingerprint yang sudah tertanam dihandphone setiap siswa serta terintegrasi dengan internet sebagai jalur pertukaran datanya. Alur sistemnya dimulai dari registrasi sidik jari melalui fingerprint scanner, login, topUp saldo, melihat dan memilih daftar pembayaran, dan terakhir melakukan pembayaran dengan melaku...