Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Usahatani Terpadu Padi – Itik DI Kabupaten Musi Rawas (original) (raw)
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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) besarnya biaya dan penerimaan usahatani terpadu tanaman padi dan ternak itik petelur, (2) besarnya pendapatan usahatani terpadu tanaman padi dan ternak itik petelur, (3) besarnya R/C usahatani terpadu tanaman padi dan ternak itik petelur. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus, dengan mengambil kasus pada Kelompok Mukti Tani di Desa Banjarsari Kecamatan Sukaresik Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Sampel penelitian untuk responden diambil secara sengaja sebanyak 7 orang menggunakan metode sensus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) Rata-rata biaya total per luas lahan per satu kali tanam yang dikeluarkan petani pada usahatani terpadu tanaman padi dan ternak itik petelur sebesar Rp. 16.864.174,60. Rata-rata penerimaan usahatani terpadu tanaman padi dan ternak itik petelur per luas lahan per satu kali tanam sebesar Rp. 28.157.157,14. (2) Pendapatan petani pada usahatani terpadu tanaman padi dan ternak itik petelur per luas lahan per satu kali tanam sebesar Rp. 11.292.982,54. (3) Besarnya R/C pada usahatani terpadu tanaman padi dan ternak itik petelur per luas per satu kali tanam sebesar 1,67. Kata Kunci : Usahatani Terpadu, Pendapatan, R/C.
Analisis Daya Saing Usaha Pembesaran Ikan Nila Petani Pemodal Kecil DI Kabupaten Musi Rawas
This research was done to investigate whether tilapia growers has business competitiveness both in competitive and comparative. This study aimed to analyze the competitive advantage, comparative advantage, the impact of government policies on output and input. Effect of output and input changing based on a sensitivity analysis on the competitiveness of tilapia fish rearing business, the level of tilapia grower business competitiveness between small farmers in Musi Rawas regency. The respondent was determined by purposive method deliberately carried out in accordance with the criteria set by the researcher. The respondents was conducted by using proportionate stratified random sampling. This study used the primary data and secondary data. The result of Pam Method shows that a small farmers of tilapia enlargement at musi rawas regency has competitive advantage with PCR < 1 by 0,55. It also has comparativeadvantage with DRCR < 0,37. The goverment policies toward tradadable inp...
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Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 2021
This study aims to map food commodities that are feasible to develop in Musi Rawas Regency. The method of calculation used to determine superior and non-superior commodities is the Location Quotient (LQ) method. The data used includes secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency and the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of Musi Rawas Regency in 2019, as well as primary data from interviews with farmers. The results showed that of the eight food commodities, there were 6 which were superior commodities, namely lading rice, sweet potato, maize, peanuts, green beans, and soybeans, while the other two, namely lowland rice and cassava, were non-superior food commodities.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis
Integrasi usahatani ternak merupakan pilihan untuk menunjang peningkatan pendapatan petani baik yang ada di pedesaan maupun di daerah pingiran kota yang masih memiliki lahan pertanian khususnya persawahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui tingkat pendapatan petani padi sawah dengan usaha tunggal di Kawasan Persawahan Amohalo (2) menganalisis potensi peningkatan pendapatan petani dengan mengintegrasikan usaha tani padi sawah dengan usaha ternak itik, (3) menganalisis keberhasilan dan kemanfaatan secara ekonomi pada usaha tunggal dan usaha integrasi padi sawah dengan usaha ternak itik. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah petani padi sawah yang memiliki ternak dengan jumlah 33 petani. Penentuan responden dilakukan secara acak sederhana yang selanjutnya dilakukan analisis pendapatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa(1) pada usahatani tunggal, jumlah pendapatan bersih yang diperoleh petani padi sawah di Kawasan Persawahan Amohalo adalah sebesar Rp7.716.295,58,- per tahunnya,...
Societa: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 2019
Musi Rawas Regency is one of the Minneapolitan regions in South Sumatra Province. This research was conducted there purposed to identify comparative excellence and the effect of government policies toward output and input of tilapia enlargement for big financier farmer in Musi Rawas. The method used in the research is survey. The sampling method was carried out by using simple random sampling method with the number of respondents were 12 big financier farmers of the tilapia enlargement affair. The results of this study showed that the tilapia enlargement affair in Musi Rawas had a high comparative excellence indicated by a DRCR value <1 of 0.54. Whereas the government's policy towards input of tradable production facilities that in the form of subvention had a positive effect to big financier farmers of the tilapia enlargement affair in Musi Rawas Regency.ABSTRAK Kabupaten Musi Rawas merupakan salah satu kawasan minapolitan di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakuk...
Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Budidaya Intensif Tanaman Pala DI Kecamatan Gisting Kabupaten Tanggamus
Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Agribisnis, 2013
The purposes of this research are to analyze the financial feasibility of nutmeg farming and the feasibility of its cultivation aspects, technical aspects, and market aspects. This research uses a census method. Feasibility analysis is calculated by the ratio of revenue to cost (B/C), Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), sensitivity analysis, and analysis the feasibility of cultivation aspects, technical aspects, and market aspects. The results showed that at 15% of interest rate, the 25 years long of intensive cultivation of nutmeg farming in Gisting of Tanggamus Regency deserved Net B/C Ratio 2.23; NPV of Rp125,574,036; IRR 20.98% and PP 10.01. The effect of changes with the likely costsrose by 10%, decreased the production by 25%, or it decreased the output prices by 10%, but the farm was still in the state of intensive nutmeg feasible and profitable. On the cultivation aspects, the climate and rain fall in the district of Gisting Tanggamus was appropriated to nutmeg plants; on the technical aspects, the majority of farmers still used traditional technology, particularly in post harvest technology such as processing of nutmeg became essential oils or a variety of snacks. In fact, on the aspects of the market of nutmeg was very good, in which the demand side was greater than the supply side so that the market opportunity for this product was still very promising.
The study aimed to analyze financial, sensitivity, and institutional aspect of mobile rice mill business. The research location was chosen purposively in Ambarawa Sub district of Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province. The study was conducted by census method on all three rice mill machine owners. The investment of rice mill business was begun in 2010. The data was analyzed by financial feasibility and sensitivity analysis. Qualitative descriptive analysis was also used to analyze the institutional aspect. The result showed that the business of mobile rice mill machine was financially feasible in which value of Net Present Value was Rp78,899,247.46. The Internal Rate of Return value was 34.37 percent, greater than the interest rate used of 9.75 percent. The Gross B/C value was 1.13 and the Net B/C value was 1.75. The value of Payback Period was 3.18 years of the machine’s economic life for seven years. Rice mill business was still feasible despite decrease in income of 3.29 perce...
Jurnal Agrimanex: Agribusiness, Rural Management, and Development Extension
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ABSTRACTAnalysis Of Production And Integrated Farm Income Of Rice-Beef Cattle In Kahu sub-district, bone district. Supervised by Syafiuddin and Arifin Fattah. This study aims to analyze the production costs, income levels and profits of rice-cattle integrated farming in Kahu District, Bone Regency. The population in this study were the community of rice farmers as well as beef cattle breeders in Kahu District, amounting to 4356 people. Determination of the sample in this study using the Slovin technique which was then followed by a stratified random sampling technique by selecting the farmer community as well as beef cattle breeders in each village based on the stratum level. The number of samples in this study were 68 people. The data analysis used is descriptive and quantitative by using the income analysis method Based on the results of the analysis of production and income levels, the total cost value is Rp. 24.298.623., With a total rice production of 13,791 kilograms, the tota...