Circadian Stage-Dependent Inhibition of Human Breast Cancer Metabolism and Growth by the Nocturnal Melatonin Signal: Consequences of Its Disruption by Light at Night in Rats and Women (original) (raw)

Growth and Fatty Acid Metabolism of Human Breast Cancer (MCF-7) Xenografts in Nude Rats: Impact of Constant Light-Induced Nocturnal Melatonin Suppression

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2003

The nocturnal melatonin (MLT) surge is a relevant oncostatic signal for a variety of experimental malignancies. Population studies support the hypothesis that exposure to light at night may represent a new risk factor for breast cancer possibly through the suppression of pineal MLT production and/or circadian disruption. We tested the ability of constant light exposure to suppress MLT production in female nude rats and stimulate the growth of tissue-isolated MCF-7 human breast cancer xenografts via increased tumor linoleic acid (LA) metabolism. Rats maintained on an alternating light/dark cycle (L:D group) exhibited a robust circadian MLT rhythm that was abolished following constant light exposure. During the exposure of animals bearing tissue-isolated human MCF-7 breast cancer xenografts to constant light, the rate of tumor growth markedly increased relative to the L:D group. Tumor LA uptake and its metabolism to the mitogen 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HODE) were also substantially higher under constant light conditions. This is the first biological evidence for a potential link between constant light exposure and increased human breast oncogenesis involving MLT suppression and stimulation of tumor LA metabolism.

Circadian regulation of molecular, dietary, and metabolic signaling mechanisms of human breast cancer growth by the nocturnal melatonin signal and the consequences of its disruption by light at night

Journal of Pineal Research, 2011

This review article discusses recent work on the melatonin-mediated circadian regulation and integration of molecular, dietary and metabolic signaling mechanisms involved in human breast cancer growth and the consequences of circadian disruption by exposure to light-at-night (LAN). The antiproliferative effects of the circadian melatonin signal are mediated through a major mechanism involving the activation of MT 1 melatonin receptors expressed in human breast cancer cell lines and xenografts. In estrogen receptor (ERα+) human breast cancer cells, melatonin suppresses both ERα mRNA expression and estrogen-induced transcriptional activity of the ERα via MT 1 -induced activation of G αi2 signaling and reduction of cAMP levels. Melatonin also regulates the transactivation of additional members of the steroid hormone/nuclear receptor superfamily, enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism, expression/activation of telomerase and the expression of core clock and clock-related genes. The anti-invasive/anti-metastatic actions of melatonin involve the blockade of p38 phosphorylation and the expression of matrix metalloproteinases. Melatonin also inhibits the growth of human breast cancer xenografts via another critical pathway involving MT 1 -mediated suppression of cAMP leading to blockade of linoleic acid (LA) uptake and its metabolism to the mitogenic signaling molecule 13hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid (13-HODE). Down-regulation of 13-HODE reduces the activation of growth factor pathways supporting cell proliferation and survival. Experimental evidence in rats and humans indicating that LAN-induced circadian disruption of the nocturnal melatonin signal activates human breast cancer growth, metabolism and signaling provides the strongest mechanistic support, thus far, for population and ecological studies demonstrating elevated breast cancer risk in night shift workers and other individuals increasingly exposed to LAN.

Melatonin-Depleted Blood from Premenopausal Women Exposed to Light at Night Stimulates Growth of Human Breast Cancer Xenografts in Nude Rats


The increased breast cancer risk in female night shift workers has been postulated to result from the suppression of pineal melatonin production by exposure to light at night. Exposure of rats bearing rat hepatomas or human breast cancer xenografts to increasing intensities of white fluorescent light during each 12-hour dark phase (0-345 MW/cm 2 ) resulted in a dose-dependent suppression of nocturnal melatonin blood levels and a stimulation of tumor growth and linoleic acid uptake/metabolism to the mitogenic molecule 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid. Venous blood samples were collected from healthy, premenopausal female volunteers during either the daytime, nighttime, or nighttime following 90 minutes of ocular bright, white fluorescent light exposure at 580 MW/cm 2 (i.e., 2,800 lx). Compared with tumors perfused with daytimecollected melatonin-deficient blood, human breast cancer xenografts and rat hepatomas perfused in situ, with nocturnal, physiologically melatonin-rich blood collected during the night, exhibited markedly suppressed proliferative activity and linoleic acid uptake/metabolism. Tumors perfused with melatonin-deficient blood collected following ocular exposure to light at night exhibited the daytime pattern of high tumor proliferative activity. These results are the first to show that the tumor growth response to exposure to light during darkness is intensity dependent and that the human nocturnal, circadian melatonin signal not only inhibits human breast cancer growth but that this effect is extinguished by short-term ocular exposure to bright, white light at night. These mechanistic studies are the first to provide a rational biological explanation for the increased breast cancer risk in female night shift workers. (Cancer Res 2005; 65(23): 11174-84)

The effect of short intermittent light exposures on the melatonin circadian rhythm and NMU-induced breast cancer in female F344/N rats

Toxicologic …, 2001

We investigated the effects of altered endogenou s nighttime melatonin concentrations on mam mary tum or production in an Nnitroso-N-methylurea (NMU)-induced breast cancer model in female Fischer 344 (F344)/N rats. Experiments were designed 1) to evaluate whether short-dura tion intermittent exposures to light at night would affect the nocturna l rise of melatonin, resulting in a decrease in nighttime serum melatonin concentrations, 2) to evaluate whether any suppressio n of nighttime serum m elatonin concentrations could be m aintained for a period of weeks, and 3) to determine the effects of suppressed serum melatonin concentrations on the incidenc e and progressio n of NM U-induce d breast cancer. In vivo studies were used to assess serum melatonin concentrations after 1 day and 2 and 10 weeks of nightly administration of short-duration intermittent light exposure at night and incidence of NMUinduced tumors. Five 1-m inute exposures to incandesce nt light every 2 hours after the start of the dark phase of the light : dark cycle decreased the magnitud e of the nocturna l rise of serum melatonin concentrations in rats by approxima tely 65%. After 2 weeks of nightly intermittent light exposures, an average decrease of the peak nighttime serum melatonin concentrations of approximately 35% occurred. The amelioration continued and, at 10 weeks, peak nighttime serum melatonin concentrations were still decreased , by approxim ately 25%. Because peak endogenou s nighttime serum m elatonin values could be moderately suppressed for at least 10 weeks, a 26-wee k NMU mammary tumor study was conducted. Serum melatonin concentrat ions and incidence, multiplicity, and weight of NMU-induced mam mary tumors were assessed. A group of pinealectom ized (Px) anim als was also included in the tumor study. No effect on the developm ent of mammary tumors in an NM U-induced tum or m odel in rats occurred when endogenou s nighttime serum melatonin concentrations were moderately suppressed by short-duration intermittent light exposures at night. At necropsy, there were no alterations in mamm ary tumor incidence (28/40 NMU controls, 28/40 NMU light, 31/40 NMU Px), multiplicity (2.18 tumors/tumor-bearing NMU control, 1.89 NMU light, 2.39 NMU Px), or average tum or weight (1.20 g NMU control, 1.19 g NMU light, 0.74 g NMU Px). Tum or burden had no effect on the serum melatonin cycle. At 26 weeks, however, animals exposed to intermittent light at night exhibited approximately 3-fold highe r serum melatonin concentrations as compared with controls. Additionally, rats that had been pinealecto mized at 4 weeks of age had serum melatonin concentrations that were markedly higher than the expected baseline concentrations for pinealectomized rats (15 pg/m l), suggesting the reestablishment of a melatonin cycle. This nding was unexpecte d and suggests that melatonin can be produced by an organ or tissue other than the pineal gland.

The Effect of Light Exposure at Night (LAN) on Carcinogenesis via Decreased Nocturnal Melatonin Synthesis

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2018

In mammals, a master clock is located within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, a region that receives input from the retina that is transmitted by the retinohypothalamic tract. The SCN controls the nocturnal synthesis of melatonin by the pineal gland that can influence the activity of the clock's genes and be involved in the inhibition of cancer development. On the other hand, in the literature, some papers highlight that artificial light exposure at night (LAN)-induced circadian disruptions promote cancer. In the present review, we summarize the potential mechanisms by which LAN-evoked disruption of the nocturnal increase in melatonin synthesis counteracts its preventive action on human cancer development and progression. In detail, we discuss: (i) the Warburg effect related to tumor metabolism modification; (ii) genomic instability associated with L1 activity; and (iii) regulation of immunity, including regulatory T cell (Treg) regulation and activity. A b...

Artificial Light at Night of Different Spectral Compositions Differentially Affects Tumor Growth in Mice: Interaction With Melatonin and Epigenetic Pathways

Cancer Control

Lighting technology is rapidly advancing toward shorter wavelength illuminations that offer energy-efficient properties. Along with this advantage, the increased use of such illuminations also poses some health challenges, particularly breast cancer progression. Here, we evaluated the effects of artificial light at night (ALAN) of 4 different spectral compositions (500-595 nm) at 350 Lux on melatonin suppression by measuring its urine metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin, global DNA methylation, tumor growth, metastases formation, and urinary corticosterone levels in 4T1 breast cancer cell-inoculated female BALB/c mice. The results revealed an inverse dose-dependent relationship between wavelength and melatonin suppression. Short wavelength increased tumor growth, promoted lung metastases formation, and advanced DNA hypomethylation, while long wavelength lessened these effects. Melatonin treatment counteracted these effects and resulted in reduced cancer burden. The wavelength suppressio...

Light Exposure at Night Disrupts Host/Cancer Circadian Regulatory Dynamics: Impact on the Warburg Effect, Lipid Signaling and Tumor Growth Prevention

PLoS ONE, 2014

The central circadian clock within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) plays an important role in temporally organizing and coordinating many of the processes governing cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth in synchrony with the daily light/ dark cycle which may contribute to endogenous cancer prevention. Bioenergetic substrates and molecular intermediates required for building tumor biomass each day are derived from both aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect) and lipid metabolism. Using tissue-isolated human breast cancer xenografts grown in nude rats, we determined that circulating systemic factors in the host and the Warburg effect, linoleic acid uptake/metabolism and growth signaling activities in the tumor are dynamically regulated, coordinated and integrated within circadian time structure over a 24-hour light/dark cycle by SCN-driven nocturnal pineal production of the anticancer hormone melatonin. Dim light at night (LAN)-induced melatonin suppression disrupts this circadian-regulated host/cancer balance among several important cancer preventative signaling mechanisms, leading to hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in the host and runaway aerobic glycolysis, lipid signaling and proliferative activity in the tumor.

Circadian and melatonin disruption by exposure to light at night drives intrinsic resistance to tamoxifen therapy in breast cancer

Cancer research, 2014

Resistance to endocrine therapy is a major impediment to successful treatment of breast cancer. Preclinical and clinical evidence links resistance to antiestrogen drugs in breast cancer cells with the overexpression and/or activation of various pro-oncogenic tyrosine kinases. Disruption of circadian rhythms by night shift work or disturbed sleep-wake cycles may lead to an increased risk of breast cancer and other diseases. Moreover, light exposure at night (LEN) suppresses the nocturnal production of melatonin that inhibits breast cancer growth. In this study, we used a rat model of estrogen receptor (ERα(+)) MCF-7 tumor xenografts to demonstrate how altering light/dark cycles with dim LEN (dLEN) speed the development of breast tumors, increasing their metabolism and growth and conferring an intrinsic resistance to tamoxifen therapy. These characteristics were not observed in animals in which the circadian melatonin rhythm was not disrupted, or in animals subjected to dLEN if they r...

Doxorubicin Resistance in Breast Cancer is Driven by Light at Night Induced Disruption of the Circadian Melatonin Signal

Journal of pineal research, 2015

Chemotherapeutic resistance, particularly to doxorubicin (Dox), represents a major impediment to successfully treating breast cancer and is linked to elevated tumor metabolism and tumor over-expression and/or activation of various families of receptor- and non-receptor-associated tyrosine kinases. Disruption of circadian time structure and suppression of nocturnal melatonin production by dim light exposure at night (dLEN), as occurs with shift work, and/or disturbed sleep-wake cycles, is associated with a significantly increased risk of an array of diseases, including breast cancer. Melatonin inhibits human breast cancer growth via mechanisms that include the suppression of tumor metabolism and inhibition of expression or phospho-activation of the receptor kinases AKT and ERK1/2 and various other kinases and transcription factors. We demonstrate in tissue-isolated estrogen receptor alpha-positive (ERα+) MCF-7 human breast cancer xenografts, grown in nude rats maintained on a light/d...

Light during darkness and cancer: relationships in circadian photoreception and tumor biology

Cancer causes & control : CCC, 2006

The relationship between circadian phototransduction and circadian-regulated processes is poorly understood. Melatonin, commonly a circadian phase marker, may play a direct role in a myriad of physiologic processes. The circadian rhythm for pineal melatonin secretion is regulated by the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Its neural source of light input is a unique subset of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells expressing melanopsin, the primary circadian photopigment in rodents and primates. Action spectra of melatonin suppression by light have shown that light in the 446-477 nm range, distinct from the visual system's peak sensitivity, is optimal for stimulating the human circadian system. Breast cancer is the oncological disease entity whose relationship to circadian rhythm fluctuations has perhaps been most extensively studied. Empirical data has increasingly supported the hypothesis that higher risk of breast cancer in industrialized countries is par...