A Novel Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (original) (raw)
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A Review on Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless sensor networks are distributed wireless multi-hop networks of tiny low-cost and low-performance devices called nodes or motes. They are used to monitor some physical phenomenon, such as humidity, temperature, pressure, movement, light and so on, and to communicate measured data. They are often deployed in previously unknown and physically unsecured environments. The requirements on processing speed, memory, communication, lifetime of a node and security differ for each application and thus leave different amount of resources to provide security with. However, most cryptographic solutions, both symmetric and asymmetric, are based on some secret keys. Consequently, these keys are established and managed by a key management scheme (KMS). Based on the application, speciļ¬c restrictions and relaxations are made on KMS. In this paper, study of a specific type of KMS has been done.
Secure and efficient key management scheme for wireless sensor networks
2011 3rd International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology, 2011
Taking into account the current developments and increased application of wireless sensor networks, it has become increasingly important to pay greater attention to the security of wireless sensor networks which is more prone to threats than compared to wired networks . We have proposed a highly secure and efficient scheme for wireless sensor networks. We have designed a key management technique to ensure maximum security of the wireless sensor network and also of every individual node subject to various hostile environments and situations.
An Improved Key Management Scheme with High Security in Wireless Sensor Networks
Journal , 2015
Security becomes extremely important, when wireless sensor networks are deployed in a hostile environment. In order to provide security, wireless communication should be authenticated and encrypted. Key management is the main problem in wireless sensor networks when concentrated on security. Any key management scheme proposed should have authenticity, integrity, confidentiality, flexibility and scalability. The key management scheme should be scalable to increase in sensor nodes substantially and also its dynamic nature. Asymmetric key management strategies are not suitable for wireless sensor networks as it operate on limited battery life. In the proposed system, key management is provided for privacy and simultaneously validated for security measures. System performance improves in the improved key management scheme by positioning the new node and forming the head for multi-cluster to replace the failed relay nodes. The private key, the multi-cluster key, the primary key, and the structure key are used to encrypt every message passed within the improved key management scheme. The improved key management scheme acquires results on 4-5 % improved security level with lesser execution time and communication energy consumption. A variety of numerical parameters are computed using ns2 simulator on existing key management schemes. The improved key management scheme is highly realistic because it is intended to incorporate routing layer and security protocol without sacrificing energy.
A survey in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Key Management Schemes
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of a set of small devices, called the sensor nodes, with sensing and wireless communication capabilities. They are used in many applications such as military, ecological, and health-related areas. WSNs may include certain constraints like low computation capability, limited energy resources, small memory and poor resilience to physical capture. Also, sensor nodes are mostly deployed in potentially adverse or even in hostile environment. These constraints and issues make security in WSNs a challenge. So, efficient key distribution and management schemes are must. To address the trade-off between above listed constraints and security, many key establishment techniques have been established. In this paper, the need for cryptographic schemes in key management and a comparison study between symmetric key and public key cryptographic schemes has been presented. Also, a survey on various key management schemes and a brief comparison among them is depicted. It is noticed that no key distribution technique is ideal to all scenarios where WSNs are used and the techniques employed should depend upon the requirements of the target applications and resources of each individual sensor network.
The wireless sensor networks needs security for transferring the sensed data to the base station. There are many possible ways to attack the transferred data, for reducing the attacks security is mostly needed for the network. Key management is the method of using cryptographic keys to provide security. The resources of wireless sensor networks must also be considered for the establishment of keys. This paper explains about the different mechanisms or protocols that are possible for wireless sensor networks to establish the authentication keys in resource-efficient manner. This paper also presents the different cryptographic methods that are used by the sensor networks for securing its data. This paper does not conclude any specific protocol which is suited for establishing cryptographic keys in resource-efficient manner. But the usage of protocols depends upon the applications of the wireless sensor networks.
Key Management in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless and Mobile Network Security, 2009
Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) consist of a large number of low power nodes, with limited processing, communication, and storage resources. Large scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are highly vulnerable to attacks because they consist of numerous resource constrained devices communicating via wireless links.The standard security requirements in WSNs include confidentiality, authentication and availability. These security requirements can be provided by encryption and authentication services which in turn demands a comprehensive key management scheme. The goal of key management is to pre-distribute cryptographic keys or keying materials among the nodes prior to the deployment, revoke keys if nodes leave the network, assign new keys to the nodes joining the network and periodically refreshing the keys. However, providing key management in WSNs is difficult due to the unknown network topology prior to deployment, intermittent connectivity and resource limitations of the sensor network environment.
Key Management Building Blocks for Wireless Sensor Networks
IEEE Network, 2007
Cryptography is the means to ensure data confidentiality, integrity and authentication in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). To use cryptography effectively however, the cryptographic keys need to be managed properly. First of all, the necessary keys need to be distributed to the nodes before the nodes are deployed in the field, in such a way that any two or more nodes that need to communicate securely can establish a session key. Then, the session keys need to be refreshed from time to time to prevent birthday attacks. Finally, in case any of the nodes is found to be compromised, the key ring of the compromised node needs to be revoked and some or all of the compromised keys might need to be replaced. These processes, together with the policies and techniques needed to support them, are called key management. The facts that WSNs (1) are generally not tamper-resistant; (2) operate unattended; (3) communicate in an open medium; (4) have no fixed infrastructure and pre-configured topology; (5) have severe hardware and resource constraints, present unique challenges to key management. In this article, we explore techniques for meeting these challenges. What distinguishes our approach from a routine literature survey is that, instead of comparing various known schemes, we set out to identify the basic cryptographic principles, or building blocks that will allow practitioners to set up their own key management framework using these building blocks.
A Novel Secure Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Post Deployment Knowledge
The wireless sensor networks are resources constraint networks. The security is most major apprehension in wireless sensor networks. The traditional cryptographic schemes are not suitable for the resource constraints sensor networks. Many key management schemes are especially designed to overcome the constraints of wireless sensor networks. Each and every key management schemes are some tradeoff between limited resources and security. The most of the key management schemes are depends upon the deployment knowledge to improve the connectivity and resilience of the network. In this proposed hierarchical key management scheme, we divide the deployment field into tracks and sector and the keys are generated and distributed based on hop count, track and sector ID. For the construction of tracks and sectors, are carried out by base stations at the beginning of the network initialization. So the security as well as energy efficient key management scheme can be achieved. The proposed scheme dynamically generates keys among sensors based on sector and sensor location ID. Our improved scheme offers high resilience, connectivity and reduced energy consumption without any additional overhead.
A survey of key management schemes in wireless sensor networks
Computer Communications, 2007
Wireless sensor networks have many applications, vary in size, and are deployed in a wide variety of areas. They are often deployed in potentially adverse or even hostile environment so that there are concerns on security issues in these networks. Sensor nodes used to form these networks are resource-constrained, which make security applications a challenging problem. Efficient key distribution and management mechanisms are needed besides lightweight ciphers. Many key establishment techniques have been designed to address the tradeoff between limited memory and security, but which scheme is the most effective is still debatable. In this paper, we provide a survey of key management schemes in wireless sensor networks. We notice that no key distribution technique is ideal to all the scenarios where sensor networks are used; therefore the techniques employed must depend upon the requirements of target applications and resources of each individual sensor network.
A Key Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Cryptography
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are network of sensor node having very low computing power, memory and battery power. In order to achieve security in WSNs, it is required to encrypt and send data among the sensor nodes. In this paper we present a novel scheme for key management to achieve secure communication, by using both symmetric key and asymmetric and symmetric key. Our scheme provides integrity, confidentiality and authenticity. Also it is robust to various attacks in WSN.