Slow epidemic extinction in populations with heterogeneous infection rates (original) (raw)

Crossover from weak to strong disorder regime in the duration of epidemics

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2012

We study the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model in complex networks, considering that not all individuals in the population interact in the same way. This heterogeneity between contacts is modeled by a continuous disorder. In our model, the disorder represents the contact time or the closeness between individuals. We find that the duration time of an epidemic has a crossover with the system size, from a power-law regime to a logarithmic regime depending on the transmissibility related to the strength of the disorder. Using percolation theory, we find that the duration of the epidemic scales as the average length of the branches of the infection. Our theoretical findings, supported by simulations, explains the crossover between the two regimes.

Epidemic extinction paths in complex networks

Physical review. E, 2017

We study the extinction of long-lived epidemics on finite complex networks induced by intrinsic noise. Applying analytical techniques to the stochastic susceptible-infected-susceptible model, we predict the distribution of large fluctuations, the most probable or optimal path through a network that leads to a disease-free state from an endemic state, and the average extinction time in general configurations. Our predictions agree with Monte Carlo simulations on several networks, including synthetic weighted and degree-distributed networks with degree correlations, and an empirical high school contact network. In addition, our approach quantifies characteristic scaling patterns for the optimal path and distribution of large fluctuations, both near and away from the epidemic threshold, in networks with heterogeneous eigenvector centrality and degree distributions.

Multiple phase transitions of the susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic model on complex networks


The epidemic threshold of the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) dynamics on random networks having a power law degree distribution with exponent gamma>3\gamma>3gamma>3 has been investigated using different mean-field approaches, which predict different outcomes. We performed extensive simulations in the quasistationary state for a comparison with these mean-field theories. We observed concomitant multiple transitions in individual networks presenting large gaps in the degree distribution and the obtained multiple epidemic thresholds are well described by different mean-field theories. We observed that the transitions involving thresholds which vanishes at the thermodynamic limit involve localized states, in which a vanishing fraction of the network effectively contribute to epidemic activity, whereas an endemic state, with a finite density of infected vertices, occurs at a finite threshold. The multiple transitions are related to the activations of distinct sub-domains of the network, which are not directly connected.

Epidemic spreading on complex networks as front propagation into an unstable state


We study epidemic arrival times in meta-population disease models through the lens of front propagation into unstable states. We demonstrate that several features of invasion fronts in the PDE context are also relevant to the network case. We show that the susceptible-infected-recovered model on a network is linearly determined in the sense that the arrival times in the nonlinear system are approximated by the arrival times of the instability in the system linearized near the disease free state. Arrival time predictions are extended to an susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered model. We then study a recent model of social epidemics where high order interactions of individuals lead to faster invasion speeds. For these pushed fronts we compute corrections to the estimated arrival time in this case. Finally, we show how inhomogeneities in local infection rates lead to faster average arrival times.

Delocalized epidemics on graphs: A maximum entropy approach

2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 2016

The susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) epidemic process on complex networks can show metastability, resembling an endemic equilibrium. In a general setting, the metastable state may involve a large portion of the network, or it can be localized on small subgraphs of the contact network. Localized infections are not interesting because a true outbreak concerns network-wide invasion of the contact graph rather than localized infection of certain sites within the contact network. Existing approaches to localization phenomenon suffer from a major drawback: they fully rely on the steady-state solution of mean-field approximate models in the neighborhood of their phase transition point, where their approximation accuracy is worst; as statistical physics tells us. We propose a dispersion entropy measure that quantifies the localization of infections in a generic contact graph. Formulating a maximum entropy problem, we find an upper bound for the dispersion entropy of the possible metastable state in the exact SIS process. As a result, we find sufficient conditions such that any initial infection over the network either dies out or reaches a localized metastable state. Unlike existing studies relying on the solution of mean-field approximate models, our investigation of epidemic localization is based on characteristics of exact SIS equations. Our proposed method offers a new paradigm in studying spreading processes over complex networks.

Epidemics, disorder, and percolation

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2003

Spatial models for spread of an epidemic may be mapped onto bond percolation. We point out that with disorder in the strength of contacts between individuals patchiness in the spread of the epidemic is very likely, and the criterion for epidemic outbreak depends strongly on the disorder because the critical region of the corresponding percolation model is broadened. In some networks the percolation threshold is zero if another kind of disorder is present, namely divergent fluctuations in the number of contacts. We give an example, a network with a well defined geography, where this is not necessarily so, and discuss whether real infection networks are likely to have this property.

Epidemic thresholds of the susceptible-infected-susceptible model on networks: A comparison of numerical and theoretical results

Physical Review E, 2012

Recent work has shown that different theoretical approaches to the dynamics of the susceptible-infectedsusceptible (SIS) model for epidemics lead to qualitatively different estimates for the position of the epidemic threshold in networks. Here we present large-scale numerical simulations of the SIS dynamics on various types of networks, allowing the precise determination of the effective threshold for systems of finite size N . We compare quantitatively the numerical thresholds with theoretical predictions of the heterogeneous mean-field theory and of the quenched mean-field theory. We show that the latter is in general more accurate, scaling with N with the correct exponent, but often failing to capture the correct prefactor.

Quarantine Generated Phase Transition in Epidemic Spreading

We study the critical effect of quarantine on the propagation of epidemics on an adaptive network of social contacts. For this purpose, we analyze the susceptible-infected-recovered model in the presence of quarantine, where susceptible individuals protect themselves by disconnecting their links to infected neighbors with probability w and reconnecting them to other susceptible individuals chosen at random. Starting from a single infected individual, we show by an analytical approach and simulations that there is a phase transition at a critical rewiring (quarantine) threshold w c separating a phase (w < w c ) where the disease reaches a large fraction of the population from a phase (w w c ) where the disease does not spread out. We find that in our model the topology of the network strongly affects the size of the propagation and that w c increases with the mean degree and heterogeneity of the network. We also find that w c is reduced if we perform a preferential rewiring, in which the rewiring probability is proportional to the degree of infected nodes.

Extinction of epidemics in lattice models with quenched disorder

Physical Review E, 2005

The extinction of the contact process for epidemics in lattice models with quenched disorder is analysed in the limit of small density of infected sites. It is shown that the problem in such a regime can be mapped to the quantum-mechanical one characterized by the Anderson Hamiltonian for an electron in a random lattice. It is demonstrated both analytically (self-consistent meanfield) and numerically (by direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian and by means of cellular automata simulations) that disorder enhances the contact process given the mean values of random parameters are not influenced by disorder.