Related papers
The effect of electrostatic field on soybean seed germination parameters
Journal on Processing and Energy in Agriculture, 2021
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of electrostatic fields on seed vigor (VI), mean rate of germination (MGR) and coefficient of velocity of germination (CVG) of five soybean genotypes. Testing was conducted at the Novi Sad Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops on the seeds of five soybean varieties: Sava, NS 2024, NS 1347, NS 3127, and NS Blackstar. The seeds were exposed to different voltages of direct current (DC): 0 V (control), 3 V, 6 V and 9 V, to which the seeds were exposed for 0 min (control), 1 min and 3 min. The application of DC can be a suitable method for improving VI, MGR and CVG. In addition, the results indicate that it is necessary to adjust the DC treatment (voltage and duration of exposure of seeds) to a particular genotype, since inadequate treatments may deteriorate the quality of seeds.
The effect of electric field on seed germination and growth parameters of onion seeds (Allium cepa)
Many research have been carried out on the positive effects of high voltage of electric fields on yield and germination power of seed. Electric fields with physiologic changes in seed that resulting in faster water absorption and respiration as well as intensifying of photosynthesis of germination result increase the biological capacities of seed. It has been believed that exposing biological process, including free radicals, activities stimulation of proteins and enzymes increase seed power. The effect of electric fields on germination percentage, germination rate as well as, height and dry weight of seedling on onion seed was studied, for AzarShahr variety, in this research. The onion seeds samples are exposed to the electric fields of 2, 4, 9 and 14 kV/cm for 15, 45, 80 and 150 s. The treated seed was transferred to the lab immediately and its growth characteristics were studied in this experiment. The result of experiment showed that the maximum increase in germination percentage and seedling height was 9kV/cm in field intensity. Maximum increases in germination rate and dry weight of seedling was observed in the field intensity of 2kV/cm. The maximum increase in reminded characteristics was obtained in time period of 15-45s.
The influence of electric voltage on the germination of leguminous seeds
Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade, 2021
The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of the electrostatic field on seeds of soybean (Glycine max L), vetch (Vicia spp. L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) which were selected at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. The DC voltage of 9V was used. The durations of seed treatment were 0 (control), 1, 2 and 3 minutes. The trial was set up as a randomized block design with four replications. 4x100 seeds of each variant and control (untreated seed) were treated. After treatment, seed quality was examined using a germination test (optimal temperature) and a cold test (low temperature). The results of the study showed that the effect of the electrostatic field on seed quality depended on the plant species, the time of seed treatment and the temperature conditions in which the seed germinated after treatment. The increase in germination energy ranged up to 18.18% in vetch, and a decrease of up to 12% ...
Effect of electric field on seed germination and growth parameters of chickpea Cicer arietinum L
Cicer arietinum (L.) seeds were exposed to electric field in the soil via electrodes. Four different EF were 3 V, 6 V, 9 V, and 12 V induced 10 minutes after 24 hours for 100 days, each treatment consisted of an isolated gathering of plants. The rate of seed germination was better in experimental groups. Plant height, root length, number of leaves, number of flowers, plant dry weight, and seed weight were measured after the harvesting. Plant heights significantly increased under the influence of 3, 6, 9 and 12 V by 25.5%, 30.5%, 11.8%, and 17.1% respectively. Similarly, root length was significantly increased under 3, 6 and 12 V by 28.6%, 24.0%, 3.0% respectively; whereas it was retarded by 3.0% under 9 V. Leave numbers were significantly higher by 25.3%, 25.2%, 15%, and 19.3% under the treatment by 3, 6, 9 and 12 V respectively. There was no significant increase in flower number, plant dry weight and seed weight.
Effect of Electroculture on seed germination of certain crop plants
RUT Printer and Publisher, 2021
Experiments were carried out to study effect of electroculture on germination of Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Carrot (Daucus carota) and Groundnut (Arachis hypogea) seeds. Twelve pots were taken for each seed type and grouped into four sets each containing three pots. Twenty seeds of Wheat and Groundnut and 25 seeds of Carrot were used for sowing in each pot. While keeping all the parameters constant 3V, 6V and 9V electricity was supplied for 10 min daily to the experimental Pots while three (control) was not supplied with electricity. Number of seedling emerged out of soil were counted and percentage of germination was calculated. In wheat highest percentage of germination was recorded in pots receiving 3V and 6volt electricity (100%). In Groundnut highest percentage of germination (90%) was recorded in pots supplied with 6V electricity followed by pots receiving 3V electricity which shows 80% seed germination. In Carrot highest percentage of germination (77%)was recorded in pots receiving 3volt electricity followed by (76%) in pots receiving 6volt electricity. From this experiment it was concluded that seeds germinated under electric stimulus (3V and 6V) shows highest seed germination in all three crops but it was decreased with increased intensity (9V).
Plant Science Today
Mung bean germination started with moisture uptake, biochemical modification, interconversion and biosynthesis of metabolites. Mung bean sprout was commonly used a fresh salad vegetable with available amino acids, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients. Pulsed electric field (PEF) was a prominent technology as a green approach for improvement of seed germination. This research evaluated some technical parameters of PEF such as pulse electric field strength (300-1500 kV/cm), pulse number (50-250) and pulse width (1.0-3.0 µs) at a stable frequency 1 Hz in ambient temperature on the total phenolic, isothiocyanate and radicle elongation of mung bean sprout. Results showed that pulse electric field strength and pulse number significantly increased isothiocyanate and total phenolic content while retardation of root length extension. Meanwhile pulse width showed a negative impact on total phenolic, isothiocyanate while extending root length extension. PEF should be conducted ...
The Effect of Various Electrical Fields on Seed Germination and Growth Rate of Vigna radiate
The electroculture has emerged as one of the important tool to increase plant growth without using any chemical. Present study was also carried out to evaluate the impact of electric current of different volts (i.e. 1V, 2V, 3V and 4V) on germination and growth of Vigna radiata. Enhanced germination rate, biomass and chlorophyll concentration was recorded among the treated plants in comparison of controlled one. Out of all given treatments, plants treated with 3V and 4V showed the best results.
Jornal of Experimental Biology and agricultural sciences, 2018
Magnetic fields have influenced the life and growth of organisms on this earth. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation is the designation for radiation with frequencies from 1-300 Hz and its influence on animal and human systems are found to be hazardous. On the contrary, low electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been found to increase the seed germination rates and accelerate the plant growth, protein biosynthesis and root development. The present study aims at determining the impacts of low electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures on seed germination rates and the plant growth phases. For the study, seeds of Pisum sativum, Zea mays, Solanum Lycopersicum, Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, Cajanus cajan were germinated at low electromagnetic fields (380 ± 20 µT). The control groups were kept away from the influence of low EMF while the test groups were germinated under the EMF influence. The observations of present study indicated a significant effect of EMF on germination rates and an enhanced growth period in the test groups. The pot studies were carried out to monitor the seedling growth. The growth rates for the test group seedlings were faster in comparison to the control group. The influence of EMF acting as a biostimulant displays a positive response on seed germination speeding up the germination rates leading to a faster and enhanced plant growth thus reducing the time period for growth leading to a faster crop yield.
Effect of electric shock on germination and seedling growth in henbane species
Effect of electric shock on germination and seedling growth in henbane species , 2018
A laboratory experiment was conducted in 2017 to investigate the effect of electric shock (2, 4, and 6A) with a stable 220V for 5 min, in addition to control treatment (without shock) on germination and seedling growth in henbane species (Hyoscyamus niger and Hyoscyamus muticus). 100 seeds per petri dish for each treatment were placed in the germinator at 25C with relative humidity of 80% for 12 days. Completely randomized design was applied with four replications. The results showed the supremacy of black henbane in the final germination percentage (FGP), germination speed (GS), germination rate index (GRI), wet and dry seedling weight, chlorophyll index, and leaf area, except mean germination time (MGT). Electric shock (4 A) exceeded other treatments in FGP (48%), wet weight (5.83 g) and dry weight (0.344 g), leaf area (37.62 cm 2) and chlorophyll index (89.45), while electric shock (6 A) exceeded in GRI (5.29% day −1) without differing significantly with 4A treatment. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Egyptian henbane have low FGP already, and electric shock can improve germination and seedlings in both henbane species.