Occurrence of metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum compactum (Lutz, 1928) (Trematoda, Diplostomidae) in Pimelodus platicirris in the Ilha Solteira Reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil (original) (raw)
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In January 2002, were caught 11 Makaira nigricans Lacepède, 1802 (Istiophoridae) and two Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier, 1832) (Scombridae) off Cabo Frio municipality, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. We collected digenetic trematodes from the stomach of some of these fishes. We studied these trematodes with optical and scanning electron microscopy and identified them as Hirudinella ventricosa (Pallas, 1774) Baird, 1835. This is the first report of this species in A. solandri in the Brazilian coast, and in M. nigricans in South America.
The article explores the theoretical aspects of business processes implementation at enterprises. It is revealed that there is no established definition of the essence of the category «business process». The classification of the business processes of the enterprise is investigated. The basic components are analyzed and the general scheme of business is created. It is often noted that business processes are not as effective as possible. The reason is that business processes in enterprises exist in the traditional form without changes and flexible adaptations to the dynamic development and changeability of the present. This leads to internal conflicts, unproductive waste of time, duplication of employee responsibilities, and uncertainty. The article outlines an algorithm for determining business process performance criteria and outlines basic methods for optimizing and improving them.
Proceedings of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015
ТремаТоды водно-БолоТных пТиц Карелии (по маТериалам 319-й соЮзной гельминТологичесКой эКспедиции 1958-1962 годов) г. а. Яковлева, д. и. лебедева, е. п. иешко Институт биологии Карельского научного центра РАН Приведен список трематод (Trematoda), представленный 34 видами, обнаруженными у 119 экз. водно-болотных птиц, добытых в ходе 319-й Союзной гельминтологической экспедиции 1958-1962 гг. в летне-осенний период на территории Карелии. Наиболее высокое разнообразие имеют представители сем. Diplostomidae (10 видов) и Echinostomatidae (7 видов). 16 видов впервые зарегистрированы на территории Карелии и 7-новые для Европейского Севера России. Наибольшее количество видов трематод обнаружено у клуши (13) и кряквы (8). К л ю ч е в ы е с л о в а: фауна, трематоды, водно-болотные птицы, 319-я Союзная гельминтологическая экспедиция, Карелия.
A. salinus inhabits the Crimean lakes under the salinity from 5 to 210 ‰. The earlier experiments have shown that the upper salinity limit of the species is 70 ‰. Authors explain this discrepancy of field and experimental data that at salinities above 100 ‰ copepods consume exoosmolytes, mainly from food. A. salinus is an osmokonformer, to survive under osmotic stress it utilizes mechanisms of cell level - accumulates the osmolytes. We found A. salinus under high salinities, where Dunaliella salina blooming observed. D. salina intensifies the synthesis of osmolytes under high salinities; they can be up to 80 % of the dry weight of the cells. Probably A. salinus gets enough osmolytes by consuming Dunaliella to live under salinities above 70 ‰. / Arctodiaptomus salinus обитает в водоёмах Крыма при солёности от 5 до 210 ‰. Увеличение солёности негативно влияет на численность вида, а температуры – на размер рачков. Наши эксперименты показали, что рачки способны выживать до солёности 90 ...