Perceptions of Parents Questionnaire: Evidence for a Measure of Parenting Styles 1 (original) (raw)

Measuring adolescents' perceptions of parenting style during childhood: psychometric properties of the parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire

Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 2014

The paper analyzes the psychometric properties of the G1 version of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire, a self-report instrument designed to investigate how adolescents or adults were parented during childhood. The sample included 1451 Italian adolescents in high school. Three studies tested the scale's structure, invariance, and convergent validity. The first found slightly acceptable fit indexes for a 40-item scale measuring three factors (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive styles); the factors presented good reliability (ρc .62-.96). Multigroup confirmative analyses found factor loadings invariant in the father version, whereas 12 items resulted not invariant in the mother version (second study). Good convergent validity was found with the Parental Bonding Index and the Parental Monitoring Scale (third study). Discussion of results is provided within the parenting styles literature.

Maternal and paternal parenting styles as a whole: validation of the simple form of the Parenting Style Evaluation Scale

Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 2021

Título: Estilos parentales materno y paterno en conjunto: validación de la forma simple de la Escala de Evaluación del Estilo Parental Resumen: La Escala para la Evaluación del Estilo Parental (EEEP) pregunta a los adolescentes sobre los estilos educativos de sus padres por separado ("tu padre" y "tu madre") o de forma conjunta ("tus padres"), pero solo se ha evaluado la validez en la versión por separado. El objetivo de este traba-jo fue evaluar la validez de las inferencias de la versión conjunta. Se reclutó una muestra de 1507 adolescentes, de 12 a 18 años. Se realizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios en dos submuestras independien-tes. Después se probó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para com-probar la asociación de las subescalas de la EEEP con desenlaces de los adolescentes (optimismo, pesimismo y resultados académicos). Los resulta-dos muestran buenas medidas de ajuste de la estructura del instrumento. Además, las subescalas mostraron asociación con los desenlaces. La EEEP puede ser usada con fiabilidad en su forma conjunta, resultando en una re-ducción de ítems, los cual es a menudo beneficioso para la investigación. Palabas clave: Validación. Estilos parentales. Modelo de ecuaciones es-tructurales. Adolescencia. Abstract: Oliva's Escala para la Evaluación del Estilo Parental (EEEP) [Scale for the evaluation of parenting styles] asks adolescents about their parents' education styles separately ("your father" and "your mother") or in a combined way ("your parents"), but only the separated version has been tested for validity. The objective of this work was to carry out a validation of the combined version. A sample of 1507 adolescents, aged 12 to 18 years, was recruited. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were run in two independent subsamples. Then, structural equation models (SEM) were run in order to test the association between the EEEP's subscales and adolescent outcomes (optimism, pessimism, and academic achievement). Results showed a good fit of the instruments' structure. Furthermore, the subscales showed associations with the outcomes. The EEEP can be reliably used in its combined form, which results in a reduction of items, often beneficial for research.

Confirmatory analysis of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions

An important research field in family studies relates to the role parenting practices can have on several domains of children's development. Regarding to parenting styles, it was Baumrind's conceptualization that was responsible for a relevant research boost in this area. She proposed a model contemplating three different styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. The aim of our study was to examine the factor structure, internal consistency and others psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ). The participants were 424 parents (mainly mothers, 81.2%) from Algarve (South of Portugal), that answered to PSDQ and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The instrument comprises 32 items: 12 questions regarding the authoritative style, 15 questions regarding the authoritarian style, and 5 questions regarding the permissive style. Several competing models (i.e., one and three-factorial, and another where latent variables were organized in a 1 st and 2 nd order factors) were tested in regards to PSDQ factor structure using confirmatory factor analysis. A fourth model, contemplating inter-correlations between item 7 and 8 was also proposed, which showed adequate fit and internal consistency. These findings support the PSDQ original structure. Implications concerning the use and contributes to social and emotional child' adjustment are discussed.

New validity evidence of the Parent PARQ/Control scale of Parental Educational Styles


Background: The Parent PARQ/Control (short version) for mothers and fathers is an inventory of 29 items where parents record their acceptancerejection and control behaviors towards their children. Despite vast research on IPARQTheory, it has yet to be vali‐dated for a Spanish population. The goal of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the instrument and its factorial structure. Method: Participants were 4,168 parents from the Principality of Asturias (2,166 mothers and 2,002 fathers). Mean age for mothers was 39.50 years and 41.90 years for fathers. Following preliminary studies, we carried out exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for mothers and for fathers separately. Results: Analysis of mothers’ responses reveal an instrument comprising 15 items with a three factor‐structure: warmth/affection, hostility/aggression and control. For fathers, the structure of the inventory gave a 23 item instrument with four factors: warmth/af...

Perception of Parents Scale: Development and Validation


This paper describes the development and validation of the Perception of Parents Scale (POPS), which was designed to measure the transformation in parent-child relations from the initial positions of authority and obedience to the mature position of mutual reciprocity. A 51-item, 4-point Likert scale was designed. Items were divided into three classes dealing with relationships with parents, mothers, and fathers. The scale was administered to 132 university students (85 females, 47 males), 18-25 years old. Analyses of item means and variance yielded a final 43-item scale. Scales of self-esteem, locus of control, and choice of an adult consultant for advice were used to examine construct validity. Analysis of variance on POPS scores revealed that students who scored high on the POPS for transformation of the parent-child relationship were more likely than other children to choose adults as consu:tants when they needed advice. These children also had higher self-esteem and were less likely to attribute circumstances to powerful others than were low-scoring students. Ongoing studies of the POPS are briefly reviewed and the original 51 items in the POPS are listed. (BC)

Parenting Practices Scale: Its Validity and Reliability for Parents of School-Aged Children

Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 2017

Parenting practices are a field in psychology in which numerous studies have been carried out. In western countries, attempts to define the concept operationally have led to the emergence of many scales claiming to test the concept. This study aims at developing a scale to evaluate the parenting practices of parents with schoolchildren and at carrying out the validity and reliability tests of the scale in question. In the study, 511 parents with schoolchildren between the ages of 6-13 participated. The initial scale consisted of 84 items. Explanatory factor analysis was applied in order to analyze the construct validity and factor structure of the scale, whereas principle component analysis and the varimax rotation technique were used as the factoring technique. Following analysis, 32 items were removed from the scale. The final version of the scale consists of six components (sub-dimensions) and 52 items that explain 40.1% of the variance. Afterwards, secondorder confirmatory factor analysis was applied, and model data fit was observed to be high. Cronbach alpha values of the scales' sub-dimensions were found to be between .65 and .79. Criterion validity of the scale was also tested during the study. To this end, the Parenting Practices Scale (PPS) and Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) were used. The correlation between sub-dimensions and total score was analyzed in the study, in which 168 parents participated in total. The findings support the criterion validity of the scale. Moreover, the results prove that the developed scale has the ability to validly test existing differences among parents' parenting practices and the psychological structures leading to them.

A parental rearing style questionnaire for use with adolescents: Psychometric evaluation of the EMBU-A

Personality and Individual Differences, 1991

The present study investigated whether the dimensional framework of the EMBU, a questionnaire assessing adults' retrospective perceptions of parental rearing styles, could be retrieved in an EMBU version that was adapted for adolescents, the EMBU-A. Based on a sample of 1153 healthy young adolescents (mean age i2.4 years), confirmatory factor analyses showed {hat the factors 01 Reiection. Emotional Warmth, Overprotection and Favourine, Subiect found in the new EMBU-A were closely related to the factors originally interpreted in adult ratings. Reliability and aspects of convergent and divergent validity of the new scale were encouraging.

Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Parenting Style-Four Factors Questionnaire (PS-FFQ)

Family Medicine & Primary Care Review

Background. Parents are especially important for young teens, and they have a considerable impact on adolescents' development and social adaptation. One of the important factors for understanding parental influence on children's development is the concept of "parenting style". Objectives. Due to the lack of standard instruments to measure parenting style, this study was conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Parenting Style-Four Factor Questionnaire (PS-FFQ). Material and methods. The study included 992 mothers of female students in Tabriz, Iran. Construct validity was assessed by using exploratory factor analyses with varimax rotation and principal component analysis extraction method and by confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, the feasibility of the measure was judged based on ceiling and floor effects. Reliability of the questionnaire was determined using internal consistency. Results. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed four factors, which included 30 of the 32 items and also accounted for 32.91% of the variance. In the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), the fit indices indicated: Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.92, Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) = 0.90, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.04, providing a strong fit to the data. The internal consistency for the overall scale was acceptable (Cronbach's alpha = 0.70). Conclusions. The PS-FFQ provides a more comprehensive assessment of parenting styles of adolescents' parents and may be suitable for wider use. It could also be applicable for psychologists and researchers to examine and identify parenting styles.

Construction and Validation of Scale of Parenting Style

This paper describes the development and standardization of a measure of perceived parenting style. The four styles namely authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and negligent proposed by Baumrind (1971) are scaled based on a quadrant of high and low levels of parental responsiveness and control suggested by Maccoby and Martin (1983). The items are constructed on socio-cultural and educational circumstances of adolescent students in Kerala, India. Hence, the tool will be largely suitable for scaling the four parenting styles among south Asian adolescent students. The tool has good criterion related validity and test-retest reliability. Parents have huge impact on a person's life. Number of studies in the area of parenting matches its importance on the developing person. Parenting process combines all the activities of the parents that intended to support their children's wellbeing. One of the most studied approaches to understanding parental influences on human development is concept of parenting style (Baumrind, 1967). Baumrind proposed parenting styles as correlates to socialization of the children. Then many researches recognized the importance of researching role of parenting style in child development (Kordi,