Research Methodology- An Introduction To Literary Studies (original) (raw)

Abstract of Dissertation Presented for Award of the Academic Degree of the Doctor of Philology (Ph.D


Tbilisi 2013 General Overview of the Work Goal of this dissertation work is evaluation of feministic practices in Ottoman Empire and later in the Republic of Turkey; determination of the role of feministic criticism in Turkish philology; ideological analysis of works of modern Turkish women writers Pinar Kür and Duygu Asena; establishing of women's subjectivity conception on the example of their works. Significance of the studied issue "Women's issue" is subject of extensive researches in various sectors of science. In the literature, study of women's issue is related to the feministic theories with the influence of which feminist criticism of literature was formed. Study of women, as authors and as reader is of great significance in feministic criticism. In modern Turkish literature number of women authors increases gradually. Their contribution in development of national literature is indeed very great. The issue of identification of women authors is of significance. Women authors brought new themes in literature and developed the new perception of the world. Based on all this, analysis of the issues elucidated by women authors in Turkish literature provides very interesting materials, in general, with respect of determination of women's history and experience. Goal of research Turkish studies have rich traditions in Georgia. Georgian researchers conduct in-depth studies of Turkish language, literature, history and culture. Georgian researchers of Turkish literature consider and analyse the issues of both, ancient and modern Turkish literature. Georgian specialists of Turkish studies have not interested by feminist literary criticism and issues of women authors. This caused my interest to the mentioned issues. My goal is study of works of modern Turkish women writers in the context of feminist criticism. We regard that study of this issue would be significant contribution to development of the sector. Goal of research is identification of the place and role of women writers in contemporary Turkish literature; periodization of feminist movement and describing and analysing of the process of politicization; assessment of attitudes towards the concepts: "woman writer" and "women's literature"; identification of the type of ideal woman in the works of men writers; analysing of woman's subjectivity and sexuality issue in works of modern women writers Pinar Kür and Duygu Asena. Theoretical and practical significance of the work This dissertation work will be of interest not only for the professionals of Turkish studies but also for the specialists of various sectors, including: philologists, gender researchers and orientalists, as well as for the persons interested in Turkish literature and works of Turkish women writers. Scientific novelty of the work Work comprises a scientific novelty, with respect of both, theme and research methodology. Works of modern women writers, Pinar Kür and Duygu Asena are new for Georgian readers, in addition, applied method is new as well, as it was not applied before. Methodological basis of the work Methodological basis of the dissertation work is gynocriticism, which has significant place in the feministic criticism; and method of comparison & analysis. With respect of gynocriticism, it is significant to emphasize its advantage distinguishing this method from the other ones. Gynocriticism is criticism oriented towards creation of the special women's structure allowing analysis of texts written by women authors in all aspectsmotivation of their creation, interpretation, taking into consideration all literary forms. In addition, clarifying of the issue of woman's subjectivity conception, we relied upon female hysteria technique. Approbation of the work Scientific articles dealing with the issues of dissertation work were published in various internationally rated magazines, including electronic magazine "Spekali". Materials related to the work were published in the collections of works of various international and local conferences and congresses. Structure Work comprises 211 pages. It includes introduction, four chapters and conclusion. Chapters are divided into sections. First chapter consists of two sections, second chapternine sections, thirdfive sections and fourththree sections. Work includes the list of references and electronical resources.

Research Approaches

A research, in any field, starts with either a passing idea or a bee in one's mind. Research in the field of language study, for instance, in all its branches, is a rich area where in hundreds of ideas and problems can be thought of and investigated. Needless to say, the study of language includes generally (.). Due to this, a certain problem or an idea in any of the above areas can be investigated from different points of view; that is, using either the correlational research approach, case-study, survey, experimental, ethnographic or the large-scale research approach. Actually, it is claimed in this paper that the above mentioned research approaches are different yet alike. This last point, however, is the major aim of this paper where in the six research approaches are compared and contrasted. At last, the researcher claims that no matter what a researcher in language study will follow since this approach fulfills the questions of his or her study logically, scientifically, and comes up with useful and fruitful bits of information and knowledge. 257 historical background, nature of each approach, characteristics, uses, role of the researcher, design and format especially data-collection, possible types in each approach, advantages and finally possible and claimed disadvantages for each approach.

Postmodern Paradigm and Current Status of Literary Studies in the World / POSTMODERN PARADİGMA VE DÜNYADA EDEBİYAT ÇALIŞMALARININ BUGÜNKÜ GÖRÜNÜMÜ

This study aims to present a general consideration for the postmodern paradigmatic shift and the reflection of these debates about literature studies which has had an important change in 20th century. It is a well-known fact that application of positive scientific methods has been inadequate about the expected results. The first reason behind this assumption is that it examines the phenomenon of literature and these natural sciences methods are not conductive to analyze these artistic methods. Postmodern paradigm presents a more comprehensive ground for the arts and the sciences dealing with arts. Due to the identicalness between arts reception and reviewer, it finds problematic applying the scientific methods to artistic facts art and objectifying the analysis carried out by the artistic sciences. In fact, postmodernism in the literature analysis have began effective in the late of 1980s, but it can be mentioned about the relativist and indeterminist traditions dating back to 1960s. After 1980s, Eurocentric theories such as Poststructuralism, Intertextuality and Reader Response; theories based on social criticism such as Critical Theory and Feminist Theory began to join to these same postmodern objections. These objections' common features can be listed as multidisciplinary versus scientific decomposition, eclecticism versus mono methodology; quantitative versus qualitative.

An Overall Look on the Methodology of Literary History and Comparative Literary History

International Journal ofCulture Studies and Social Sciences, 2014

Methods of literary history revolve around the question of what the fields accompanying literary fields are and how they can be determined because, like a gradually growing and developing organism, literary histories need to complement and reproduce themselves in terms of knowledge, comment and method in order to be able to reveal a picture of the literary world at intervals and through new devices developed in accordance with the needs. Indeed, it wishes to systematize the relationships of the literary works with literary periods and with literary and non-literary factors like socio-cultural conditions. As a matter of fact, the need for a method in it was born out of necessities such as the reconstruction of ancient works, and establishing the historical and cultural connections of their formal and linguistic properties. The need for making the literary history within the scope of certain criteria has brought along suggestions by different conceptual approaches. In this study, methods of literary history will be presented from a general perspective. Key Words: literary history, literary methodology, postmodern paradigm

Research Methodology on Humanities and Social Sciences: An Introduction

LangLit , 2024

"Research is nothing but finding diamond from a ploughed field,” said Sir C.V. Raman, Indian Nobel Laureate in Physics. Research is doing more and more from less and less, that has become a paramount importance in any developing society, which thrives on doing innovations and renovations. This article, which intends to explore, explicate and expound the core points which are considered to be important milestones while undertaking any research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Any research in Humanities and Social Sciences, which is followed through a ‘paradigm’ has an imminent effect on its approach and method, which perpetuates immensely coping with the nuances of research that becomes an indelible mark in the history of research. Even though the articulation is the introductory component of a research, the article guidelines the foundation for a better direction on how to carry out a rigorous and intensive research. Key words: Research, Methodology, Humanities, Paradigm, Qualitative, Quantitative, Knowledge

Introduction: Art and research [Introducció: Art i investigació]


Focusing on the relations between art and research, this single topic issue was the result of several conversations held over the last few years between members of the CAIRE, the Experimental Art and Research Cluster. Founded by four research groups at the UAB, UB, UPF and UOC together with the HANGAR artistic production and research between in Barcelona, the objective of the CAIRE is precisely to contribute toward artistic research by capitalizing on its specific and unique features. In this respect, taking advantage of the framework offered by the symposium Questioning Aesthetics: Arts Research & Aesthetics, which took place from 20th to 22nd June 2017 at the Palau Virreina in Barcelona, organized by the UAB, the Transdisciplinary Aesthetics Foundation and Banco Sabadell Foundation, we issued an open call for articles that focus on the relation between the Arts and Research, which, after the peer-review process, ended up as this node of the journal Artnodes. Therefore, the first five articles are written by authors who took part at the aforementioned symposium at the time, while the rest of the articles in the single topic issue come from other writers who share their experiences and reflections with us from a range of different perspectives and approaches. The end result fulfils the desire expressed in the original open call for articles, in which we highlighted the diversity of approaches that exist in relation to the nature of the interrelation between art and research, including research for art, research on art, and finally, research in art, which is claimed by many to be the most genuine type of artistic research. Moreover, the selection of the articles published here in one way or another relates to the four lines specified in the open call, linked both to the theoretical perspective for and on artistic artnodes


The Import of Literary Criticism, 2019

Abstract With the present global inclination to science, technology, and agriculture, criticism seems to have been tilted in that direction. The flame of reading literature seems to be going out gradually but steadily and with it, the reading and mastery of its prescriptive theories and their application to literary texts. If we consider that literature is concerned with life’s affairs which are more pressing than the reading black and white symbols of a text and their abstract interpretation, if we consider that literature is a vortex where distant and usually seemingly unrelated areas of human knowledge meet and interact, that war, the environment, the economy and even politics are involved in literary studies, then we would try to value the text more, and its criticism which is the decoding of the message of the text, which sometimes has a problem solving perspective, would be given its due import, since literature is in fact, a pattern of infinite potentialities, proffered by an absence presence, which have to be investigated through the right procedures. Because this domain is involved with every sphere of life, the import of getting its message cannot be overrated. However, the shade of meanings got without the use of literary theories would be highly informal, judgmental, and oftentimes superficial. Literary criticism is meant to throw light into the text through theories, and to assess the public comprehension of the text. In this vein, criticism is more important than the text, for it says in several ways what the text says. The main thrust of this paper is its attempt at encouraging literary criticism by showing how beneficial it is to the reader, writer and critic as individuals and to the society as a whole. Keyword: Criticism

Euskal ahozko literatura tradizionalari buruzko ikerketa XX. mendean

Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Vasca Julio De Urquijo, 2013

This essay begins with a survey of the concepts Uliterature", "oral", upopular" and /ttraditional" as used by various different researchers in their studies. of Basque oral literature, since it has not always been accorded the status ofliterature, and the terms Utraditional" and .upopular" have receive~varying interpretations which have allowed them to encompass such distinct forms as both oral and written uhersolarism" and its related genres, as well as the various orally transmitted genres. In the early stages ofresearch into the Basque oral genres, one finds attempts to defend this phenomenon from a literary standpoint, and efforts to set it above mere folklore. Don Manuel Lekuona, one ofthe most outstanding of these figures, was much more active in this repect than others, and even more so than Azkue ofthe most important collators ofthis kind oforal genre. The essay continues with a more detailed examination ofresearch carried• out in this field during the 20th century, which starts by comparing it with the previous century's contributions. This shows that a geographical shift in this type of research took place around the turn ofthe century, since such work was in the 19th century almost entirely restricted to the French Basque Country, whilst the next century opened with the appearance in the south ofsuch great figures as Resurreccion Marfa de Azkue, Father Donostia and Manuel Lekuona, wose work then spread all over the Basque Country.• This is followed by a survey ofthe development of research into tradition as it has evolved from the Civil War up to the present day. It becomes clear that the scholars of Basque literature (Mitxelena, Villasante and Sarasola) have practically ignored this part ofour culture until very recently. By way ofconclusion, it is pointed out that the last few years have seen an increase in specialisation in research on tradition, which has produced studies devoted exclusively to the ballad, to lyric poetry, and to other genres, amongst which the traditional folk tale has received, and continues to receive, the least attention.


This presentation of literary works that engage arts-based methods of research was created for Dr. Daniel Deslaurier's Integral Research: Arts and Imagination-Based Methods course in the Transformative Inquiry Department at California Institute of Integral Studies. Since Patricia Leavy (2015) focuses on qualitative studies that use ABR (that is her background, after all) in her book Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice, this presentation will focus on the creative, or artistic, aspects of literary writing to offer further examples of how literary aesthetics can enhance your own inquiries and writing (as that is my background).


The article explores the features of the philological analysis of a literary text, in the implementation of which the integration of research methods is used. One of the manifestations of linguistic possibilities in a literary text is the verbal reproduction of a color detail. Color detail-a way of reflecting the romantic worldview, helps the poet to determine his attitude to the world. Using the methods of linguo-poetic analysis, the meaning of color in the lyrics of Marina Tsvetaeva is interpreted. The philological analysis of a literary text is designed to consolidate the skills and abilities acquired by students in the study of the main substantive provisions of linguistics and literary criticism.