Kolbeev: the story of a schoolboy-poet. 1937 (original) (raw)
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Yuri Sopov’s Poem “Arthur Rimbaud” (1919): Text and Contexts
Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology, 2021
The article introduces publication of the full text of the narrative poem “Arthur Rimbaud” by the Omsk poet Yuri (Pyotr Ivanovich) Sopov (1897–1919), written shortly before his tragic death in the explosion at A.V. Kolchak’s residence on August 25 (or 26), 1919. The text previously had been known by fragments only, by virtue of quotations included in the newspaper obituary by the poet Georgy Maslov, who briefly survived Sopov. A number of details allow us to conclude that Sopov is fairly accurate when rendering facts of Rimbaud’s life and must have been familiar with the French poet’s biography, not just with echoes of the legend. Therefore, the numerous occasions in the poem, where he prefers fiction over fact, should be considered as the result of a deliberate choice. In the perception of contemporaries, the image of the author of the poem partially merged with the mythologized image of its hero. First of all, this concerns poets of the circle of the Omsk literary and artistic ass...
The destiny of a man against the background of the era: Osip Melnykovych’s life
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Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, 2018
Изучение развития и соотношения явлений различных рядов внутри национальной литературы является одной из приоритетных задач современной филологии, требует поиска и уточнения методического инструментария, а также наработки опыта конкретных исследований, особенно на региональном материале. Сибирский поэт Е. Л. Милькеев (1815-1845), чье литературное наследие еще только начинает изучаться, в своем стихотворении «Демон» (1842) фиксирует демонический комплекс, ориентируясь на разработку этой темы в творчестве А. С. Пушкина и М. Ю. Лермонтова, однако вносит в поэтику своего текста ряд индивидуальных художественных решений. Цель настоящей статьи-посредством сочетания системно-целостного, структурно-семиотического и Цитирование: Комаров С. А. «Демон» Е. Л. Милькеева: текст и контекст (к феномену поэта «не первого ряда» в национальной литературе) / С. А. Комаров, С. С. Пятков // Вестник Тюменского государственного университета. Гуманитарные исследования.
Poetology of Mukagali Mukatayev: verse and poet in verse
Keruen, 2021
The poems of the prominent representative of Kazakh poetry Mukagali Makatayev are analyzed in the article in the poetic aspect. The artistic-figurative system, the features of his poems, the place of the poet in national poetry are considered. The artist’s art is primarily the fruit of the creative study of the world, since it acquaints the reader with the object of interest. It is known that along with the painstaking work that is required in order to convey the feelings experienced, the observed phenomena, the poet needs, first of all, a special talent. Judging from the point of view of the requirements of the literary paradigm, all structural layers of a literary text directly depend on the views, perceptions, judgments, and consciousness of the author. The fate and history of the people, national culture, ethnoarchaic motives and images, mysterious corners of the human soul, the contradictoriness of being and the endless vanity of life - all these are the golden pillars of Mukag...
A. Losev’s Early Years - an Experience of Philosophical Portraying
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Аннотация. В статье представлен опыт философского портретирования личности великого русского философа А.Ф. Лосева на основе пположения формировании ментальности учёного в казачьей среде. В процессе исследования автором применяется методика портретирования русской философско-психологической школы (П.
Fedor Sologub in English-Language Anthologies: 1915-1950
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism
The history of the reception of the Russian Symbolist movement in English begins in the 1890s. Readers in Great Britain and the United States could read about the Russian Symbolist Fedor Sologub long before any of his works were translated into English. During World War I and a parallel wave of interest in Russia, Sologub is one of the most popular Russian writers in the English-speaking world. Some of his poetry and prose works are translated into English and during the years 1915-1950 are included in no fewer than 28 Englishlanguage anthologies. During the first years of this period, almost all of his prose that is accessible to English readers is selected and translated by two translators, John Cournos and Stephen Graham. His poetry, on the other hand, is selected and translated by several translators over the course of this entire period. Anthologies with works by Sologub appear in two main waves: from 1915 until the middle of the 1920s, and in the 1940s after the outbreak of WW...
Zolotarev S. – Paideia Karpoviana. (2017) (in russian)
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The article examines the first period of life of the interpreter of the works of Plato Professor V.N. Karpov (1798–1867). It analyzes the curriculum of the Voronezh theological Seminary, where Karpov studied from 1807 to 1821. Also it characterizes reverend I. Zatsepin, which gave Karpov an interest in philosophy. В статье рассматривается первый — воронежский — период жизни переводчика сочинений Платона профессора СПбДА В.Н. Карпова (1798–1867). Анализируется curriculum Воронежской духовной семинарии, где Карпов обучался с 1807 по 1821 г. Дается характеристика протоиерея И. Зацепина, зародившего у Карпова интерес к философии. Ключевые слова: Карпов, Болховитинов, Зацепин, философское образование, Воронежская семинария.
The publisher Axelrod and the poet Khorikov (an unknown inscription by Sergei Yesenin)
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya, 2018
Впервые публикуется дарственная надпись С.А. Есенина издательскому работнику И.В. Аксельроду, с которым поэт тесно общался на протяжении нескольких лет. Приводятся биографические сведения об адресате и упоминаемом Есениным поэте Н.П. Хорикове-основателе группы поэтов-акойтистов. В научный оборот вводятся архивные и малоизвестные материалы, что позволяет расширить представление о литературном процессе первой половины XX в. Рассмотрение биографии современников Есенина актуально в связи с подготовкой Есенинской энциклопедии.