Functional equations and group substitutions (original) (raw)
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In this paper, we study single variable functional equations that involve one unknown function and a finite set of known functions that form a group under the operation of composition. The main theorems give sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a (local) solution and also stability-type result for the solution. In the proofs, beside the standard methods of classical analysis, some group theoretical tools play a key role.
Functional equations on finite groups of substitutions
Expositiones Mathematicae, 2012
Motivated by some investigations of Babbage, we study a class of single variable functional equations. These are functional equations involving one unknown function and a finite set of known functions that form a group under the operation of composition. It turns out that the algebraic structure of a stabilizer determines the number of initial value conditions for the functional equation. In the proof of the main result, the Implicit Function Theorem and, when the stabilizer is nontrivial, the Global Existence and Uniqueness Theorem play a key role.
Solving functional equations via finite substitutions
Aequationes mathematicae, 2013
In this paper, we study single variable functional equations that involve one unknown function and a finite set of known functions that form a group under the operation of composition. The main theorems give sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a (local) solution and also stability-type result for the solution. In the proofs, beside the standard methods of classical analysis, some group theoretical tools play a key role.
On a Composite Functional Equation
Demonstratio Mathematica, 2003
We determine all continuous functions / : (0, oo)-• (0, oo) satisfying the functional equation /(xG(/(s))) = /(z)G (/(*)) where G is continuous and strictly increasing function such that 1 € G((0,oo)).
An alternative Cauchy functional equation on a semigroup
Aequationes mathematicae, 2013
More than 33 years ago M. Kuczma and R. Ger posed the problem of solving the alternative Cauchy functional equation f (xy) − f (x) − f (y) ∈ {0, 1} where f : S → R, S is a group or a semigroup. In the case when the Cauchy functional equation is stable on S, a method for the construction of the solutions is known (see Forti in Abh Math Sem Univ Hamburg 57:215-226, 1987). It is well known that the Cauchy functional equation is not stable on the free semigroup generated by two elements. At the 44th ISFE in Louisville, USA, Professor G. L. Forti and R. Ger asked to solve this functional equation on a semigroup where the Cauchy functional equation is not stable. In this paper, we present the first result in this direction providing an answer to the problem of G. L. Forti and R. Ger. In particular, we determine the solutions f : H → R of the alternative functional equation on
On a generalized functional equation of Abel
Publicationes Mathematicae, 2002
We present some results concerning the following generalization of a functional equation of Abel ψ (xf (y) + yg(x)) = ϕ(x) + ϕ(y). With f = g we get the original Abel's equation that was mentioned explixitly by D. Hilbert in the second part of his fifth problem. The present generalization implies many applications in the theory of functional equations, particularly those dealing with determination of parametrized subsemigroups. We solve the equation in the class of continuous real functions defined in an interval containing 0.