Education and Architecture. Young people’s perspectives and dialogues for a better understanding of space (original) (raw)
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This research aims to understand young people’s prospects on the the spaces they inhabit and how these spaces affect their ways of living, through a qualitative ethnographic case study. An incorporation of knowledge from the disciplines of Architecture and Education is proposed, combining their relevance methodological, epistemological and social strategies in order to provide socio-educative strategies around and from architecture. The ethnographic research is taking place in a school in Oporto’s city center, with students from the 3rd cycle of basic education (7th to 9th grade, between approximately 12 and 15 years old) different research techniques are being used – participant-observation, semi-directive interviews and focus group discussion. The objective of this research is to understand the perceptions of young people about the built environment and how can they relate to it. Subsequently, through these perspectives, a global vision of architecture will be discussed and questi...
Learning building as urban program punctuates the city territory, as constant diurnal attraction space. Contemporary architecture practice informs on several mutations towards sustainable discourse – from the school as community center, meeting PLACE, until the transformation of schools in strategic territorial points to extreme disaster cases. In all approached cases, pre-university learning buildings architecture proposes from now on an idea of the community sustainability, from the common examples dedicated to scarcity areas, to the ones with special design, and beyond to the communities that invests active in education as driver of the society. We could speak also about a characteristic on activation of actual educational space at global level through kindergartens, schools and high-schools construction which are acting as social empowerment, but facilitated at community level. The investigation on space dedicated to learning process is lead through analyzing different hypostasis on which education defines today, the principles of sustainability being permanently ordinators factors. Independent or forming integrated educational systems, based on intergenerational principles, materialized in children learning dedicated ensemble from 0 to 18 years old and not only (important is the lifelong learning concept), these function as attractors for local communities. Developing more and more often on sustainable principles, architecture of learning buildings could have a profound didactic character, knowing the fact that the power of example is primordial, no matter of age but especially in the process of training. Green buildings principles are analyzed both in the new buildings case studies (Primary School Duranes, New Mexico, 2008 / Baker Architecture + Design; Primary School Duranes, New Mexico, 2009 / Baker Architecture + Design; Nueva School California, SUA, 2007 / Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects; Primary School Complex Techum, Olanda, 2009 / Zerodegree Architecture; Primary School and Sport Hall, Boulogne Billancourt 2011-2013/ Chartier-Dalix architects) and in the case studies of functional conversions, for example old industrial ensembles (Fyrstikkalleén School, Oslo, Norvegia, 2010/ GASA Architects) offer support for interesting exercises in case of architecture learning programs, having double connotation, weighting between social role in community and the depolluting role at the city level.
Architecture, the starting point: A school in Ocuana
Creating Through Mind and Emotions, 2022
The education system is the structural pillar to forming individuals and communities, being the most effective tool for promoting communities and nations’ qualification and human development. The present case sets from this conscience and explores, in the territorial setting of Inharrime in Mozambique, a project that promotes with the local population the conditions to study and learn in the context of creative sharing. The community of Inharrime depends entirely on subsistence farming, complemented by a fragile local economic trade system, highlighting the needs of its population aggravated by the years of civil war. Resorting to the reinterpretation of vernacular construction strategies, the new School of Ocuana’s proposal takes architecture as a strategy to empower the territory’s starting point to enhance human development. Recognizing the benefits of education for discovering the paths of progress, the project takes advantage of participation processes as strategies for integrating and developing ties of belonging with the site, working beyond the school, houses that are added to it and sow the logic of a desired urbanity, adjusted to a territory in reconfiguration. The project methodology accommodates the chosen materials, the constructive process, and the locals’ ways of living essence, articulating the functions and the intervention scales, using the school building project as an emotional anchor for sustained development.
The Theoretical Foundation of the Concept of “Architecture and the Built Environment Education”
Ovidius University Annals of Constanta - Series Civil Engineering
It is necessary to investigate, develop and promote architecture and built environment education in order to increase the civic responsibility towards the built environment and to create a functional, sustainable and aesthetic environment. This type of education can and should lay the foundation for social responsibility but for this, we need to make children and young people understand what being responsible mean and that the city is the result of the involvement of all its inhabitants. Forming such citizens that are able to understand the idea that active involvement and prospective thinking is the first step towards a sustainable transformation of society is a complex and lasting process, which is why it has to start from an early age.
Marginal and neglected topics in architectural education
Global Journal of Engineering Education, 2021
Several marginal and neglected topics in architectural education are addressed in this article. The authors have highlighted proxemics (the study of space around humans) based on zoning and mutual distances that directly affect the organisation and design of spaces. In architecture and urbanism, spatial relations as a setback, tangency, direction, view or sound volume play a key role. The tactile zone of buildings, city and public spaces interact with dwellers and influence the quality of urban space. The comfort of sensory perception is introduced through the Sensulor conceptual scheme subdivided into tactile, thermal, olfactory, acoustic and visual zones. In the article, the authors discuss the impact of human senses, such as smell, flavour, touch or visible contact with objects on the determination of feelings and well-being in an urban milieu. Finally, ethical aspects regarding the city are presented, such as urban democracy, urban decency and safety. According to the authors, they contribute to the overall concept known as the right to the city that should be anchored in architectural education through the presented marginal and neglected topics.
Proceedings of International Colloquium Local+Global: innovative symbioses in architectural education, 2017
This presentation focuses on the teaching of Project at the Integrated Master in Architecture, at Beira Interior University, Covilhã, and in particular in a model based on the solving of real problems, in collaboration with local authorities, taking advantage of the proximity with the city. After the beginning of the course of Architecture, at 2003-2004, it started to be requested, by external entities, some proposals for solving architectural and urban problems. This suggestions began to be embraced by some teachers. With that, it was built a set of exercises, based in "real" problems, both in the city of Covilhã or in nearby villages. The exercises covered different scales of intervention, since the scale of urban furniture to the urban scale, going through small interventions, like projects as simple as the drawing of public stairs. But also more complex buildings, such as museums and interpretive centers, expansions of schools, sports centres, among others. In addition to promote strategies of approach between the University and the community, these experiences have been developed with educational objectives. Using the model of "ideas competition", with mixed juries, it is intended to motivate the students and to stimulate their performance at the subject. The aim is also to instil in the future architects, from an early age, the importance of civic participation and of the interdisciplinarity in the profession,
The research aims to investigate the relationship between the school architectural environment and its influence on the learning, behavior and well-being of children in early childhood education, which includes children aged 4 to 6, with the Municipal School of Basic Education as its object of study. Regina Rocco House I, close to Vila São Pedro, in the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo, SP. In the theoretical framework, concepts about the importance of the physical environment, especially the educational environment, in early childhood education are deepened. Historical aspects of Unified Education Centers (CEUs) and their impact on the communities in which they are established are also covered. Furthermore, the evaluation criteria for the educational spaces in question are presented, based on concepts from Environmental Psychology and Neuroarchitecture. Next, the results obtained during the visit to EMEB Regina Rocco House I are presented, according to the “Walkthrough Tour” methodology, evaluating the environments according to the following criteria: shape and size of the environments, natural lighting, natural ventilation, materials, colors, furniture, playfulness, integration with nature and accessibility. In the final considerations, the positive and negative points of the evaluated educational environments are commented on, considering their impacts on children's learning and well-being and the methodology adopted, and finally addressing possible improvements.
Architecture with childhood Rethinking and reflecting on public spaces seen through the 8-80 lens
Bringing children closer to the issues of culture and civic education in architecture and critical thinking is essential because only by knowing and enhancing their respective heritages is it possible to appreciate the present and build the future of cities with them and for them, where a city is a place of construction of collective knowledge that encompasses the challenges of sustainability and the objectives of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. From SUJ (Jesuit University System) we have a strong commitment to the protection and care of minors and vulnerable people. In recent years, a great effort has been made to move from a culture of protection and care to ensure access to culture to safe environments. The concept of Friendly Cities 8-80 is taken up again, based on the premise: If we design the city for an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old, we will have a city that allows coexistence and harmony in a way that fosters equity, stimulates healthy lifestyles, and promotes sustainability for more diverse users. Good public space design including beauty, sustainability, and accessibility are keywords of the new Bauhaus, capable of astonishing, reflecting culture and the values of a community, influencing, or "forcing" people to engage with their daily environment to address the new global challenges of climate change, pollution, and resource scarcity.
Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i obrazovanje, 2013
Comparing the curricula of various teaching areas, our goal was to provide an overview of the existing themes and concepts related to architecture and urbanism being taught, as well as the context in which students are introduced to them. Also, we were interested in the outcome of the existing approach to these topics, i.e., we wanted to find out what knowledge and competences were acquired by students. Key words: space; teaching area; education system; school curricula; competence --- Sažetak: Uspoređujuci kurikule razlicitih podrucja poucavanja, nas cilj bio je dati prikaz postojecih tema i koncepata koje se odnose na arhitekturu i urbanizam, kao i kontekst u kojem se ucenici upoznaju s temama. Također su nas zanimali rezultati postojecih pristupa tim temama, npr. koje su kompetencije i znanja ucenici usvojili. Kljucne rijeci: kompetencije; obrazovni prostor; prostor; prostor za poucavanje; skolski kurikul