Assembly-level analysis of heterogeneous Th–Pu PWR fuel (original) (raw)
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Thorium-based plutonium incineration in the I2S-LWR
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017
This paper presents an analysis of a homogeneous thorium-plutonium fuel cycle developed for the Integral Inherently Safe LWR (I 2 S-LWR). The I 2 S-LWR is an advanced 2850 MWt integral PWR with inherent safety features. Its baseline fuel and cladding materials are U 3 Si 2 and advanced FeCrAl steel, respectively. The advanced steel cladding can withstand longer exposure periods with significantly lower degradation rates compared to traditional Zr-based alloys. However, longer fuel cycles would require higher fuel enrichment, and this is currently limited to 5 w % in the I 2 S-LWR. Therefore, an alternative thorium-plutonium mixed oxide (TOX) fuel cycle is investigated. In principle, the TOX fuel cycle has no fissile content limitation and becomes even more attractive for long irradiation periods, due to the efficient build-up of 233 U, which increases its cumulative energy share and hence decreases the initial Pu requirements per unit of energy produced by the fuel. Current Pu recycling practice in the form of U-Pu mixed oxide (MOX) fuel is not well-suited for Pu disposition due to continuous Pu production from 238 U. This study compares the TOX and MOX cores in terms of efficiency of Pu disposition. The results show that the burnt Pu fraction in the TOX cycle is much higher, and could be further enhanced for longer irradiations (100 MWd/kg or more).
Isotopic and spectral effects of Pu quality in Th-Pu fueled PWRs
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2018
UK plutonium (Pu) management is expected to focus on the use of uranium-plutonium (U-Pu) mixed oxide (MOX) fuel. However, research has shown that thorium-plutonium (Th-Pu) may be a viable alternative, offering favourable performance characteristics. A scoping study was carried out to determine the effect of isotopic composition and spectral hardening in standard and reduced moderation Pressurised Water Reactors (PWRs and RMPWRs). Lattice calculations were performed using WIMS to investigate safety parameters (Doppler Coefficient (DC), Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC), Void Coefficient (VC)-in this case Fully Voided Reactivity (FVR)-and Boron Worth (BW)), maximum theoretically achievable discharge burnup, Pu consumption and transuranic (TRU) composition of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) for the two reactor types. Standard grades of Pu were compared to a predicted UK Pu vector. MTC and FVR were found to be strongly influenced by the isotopic composition of the fuel. MTC was determined to be particularly sensitive to positive 'peak' contributions from fissile isotopes in the energy range 0.1-1 eV which diminish as the Pu content increases. The more extreme nature of the perturbation in FVR cases results in key differences in the contributions from fissile isotopes in the thermal energy range when compared with MTC, with no positive contributions from any isotope <500 eV. Where the requirement for MTC to remain negative was the limiting factor, a higher maximum fissile loading, discharge burnup and Pu consumption rate were possible in the PWR than the RMPWR, although the two reactors types typically produced similar levels of U233. However, for the majority of Pu grades the total minor actinide (MA) content in SNF was shown to be significantly lower in the RMPWR. Where FVR is the limiting factor, the maximum fissile loading and discharge burnup are similar in both reactor types, while increased Pu consumption rates were possible in the PWR. In this case, lower concentrations of U233 and MAs were found to be present in the PWR. These results are for a single pass of fuel through a reactor and, while the response of fissile isotopes at given energies to temperature perturbations will not vary significantly, the maximum achievable discharge burnup, Pu consumption rate and TRU build-up would be very different in a multi-recycle scenario.
Reactor performance and safety characteristics of ThN-UN fuel concepts in a PWR
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2019
The reactor performance and safety characteristics of mixed thorium mononitride (ThN) and uranium mononitride (UN) fuels in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) are investigated to discern the potential nonproliferation, waste, and accident tolerance benefits provided by this fuel form. This paper presents results from an initial screening of mixed ThN-UN fuels in normal PWR operating conditions and compares their reactor performance to UO 2 in terms of fuel cycle length, reactivity coefficients, and thermal safety margin. ThN has been shown to have a significantly greater thermal conductivity than UO 2 and UN. Admixture with a UN phase is required because thorium initially contains no fissile isotopes. Results from this study show that ThN-UN mixtures exist that can match the cycle length of a UO 2-fueled reactor by using 235 U enrichments greater than 5% but less than 20% in the UN phase. Reactivity coefficients were calculated for UO 2 , UN, and ThN-UN mixtures, and it was found that the fuel temperature and moderator temperature coefficients of the nitride-based fuels fall within the acceptable limits specified by the AP1000 Design Control Document. Reduced soluble boron and control rod worth for these fuel forms indicates that the shutdown margin may not be sufficient, and design changes to the control systems may need to be considered. The neutronic impact of 15 N enrichment on reactivity coefficients is also included. Due to the greatly enhanced thermal conductivity of the nitride-based fuels, the UN and ThN-UN fuels provide additional margin to fuel melting temperature relative to UO 2 .
The plutonium disposition is presently acknowledged as a most urgent issue at the world level. Inert matrix and thoria fuel concepts for Pu burning in LWRs show good potential in providing eective and ultimate solutions to this issue. In non-fertile (U-free) inert matrix fuel, plutonium oxide is diluted within inert oxides such as stabilised ZrO 2 , Al 2 O 3 , MgO or MgAl 2 O 4. Thoria addition, which helps improve neutronic characteristics of inert fuels, appears as a promising variant of U-free fuel. In the context of an R&D activity aimed at assessing the feasibility of the fuel concept above, simulated fuel pellets have been produced both from dry-powder metallurgy and the sol±gel route. Results show that they can be fabricated by matching basic nuclear grade speci®cations such as the required geometry, density and microstructure. Some characterisation testing dealing with thermo-physical properties, ion irradiation damage and solubility also have been started. Results from thermo-physical measurements at room temperature have been achieved. A main feature stemming from solubility testing outcomes is a very high chemical stability which should render the fuel strongly diversion resistant and suitable for direct ®nal disposal in deep geological repository (once-through solution).
The factors affecting MTC of thorium–plutonium-fuelled PWRs
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2016
Plutonium loading in a plutonium-thorium (Pu-Th) mixed oxide (MOX) fuelled pressurized water reactor (PWR) core is typically constrained by large maximum radial form factors (RFF) and positive moderator temperature coefficient (MTC). The large form factors in higher Pu content fuels stems from the large differences in burnup, and thus reactivity, between fresh and burnt fuel, while positive MTC can potentially be the result of the high soluble boron concentrations needed to maintain criticality for such reactive fuel. The conventional solution to these problems is the use of burnable poisons (BPs). While BPs are able to reduce RFF, the positive MTC is not entirely due to a large critical boron concentration (CBC) requirement. In fact, analysis shows a positive MTC in Th-Pu fuel is mainly caused by fissioning in the epithermal-fast energy range. A reduction in epithermal-fast fissioning through the use of certain BPs and the strategic employment of loading patterns that encourage leakage are more effective in attaining negative MTC, as a reduction in CBC has a negligible effect on MTC. This paper examines the contributions to positive MTC by isotope and energy and identifies characteristics of BPs that are able to mitigate positive MTC in a Pu-Th MOX PWR core.
Thorium Fuel Options for Sustained Transuranic Burning in Pressurized Water Reactors
As described in companion papers, Westinghouse is proposing the adoption of a thorium-based fuel cycle to burn the transuranics (TRU) contained in the current Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) and transition towards a less radiotoxic high level waste. A combination of both light water reactors (LWR) and fast reactors (FR) is envisaged for the task, with the emphasis initially posed on their TRU burning capability and eventually to their self-sufficiency. Given the many technical challenges and development times related to the deployment of TRU burners fast reactors, an interim solution making best use of the current resources to initiate burning the legacy TRU inventory while developing and testing some technologies of later use is desirable. In this perspective, a portion of the LWR fleet can be used to start burning the legacy TRUs using Thbased fuels compatible with the current plants and operational features. This analysis focuses on a typical 4-loop PWR, with 17x17 fuel assembly design and TRUs (or Pu) admixed with Th (similar to U-MOX fuel, but with Th instead of U). Global calculations of the core were represented with unit assembly simulations using the Linear Reactivity Model (LRM). Several assembly configurations have been developed to offer two options that can be attractive during the TRU transmutation campaign: maximization of the TRU transmutation rate and capability for TRU multi-recycling, to extend the option of TRU recycling in LWR until the FR is available. Homogeneous as well as heterogeneous assembly configurations have been developed with various recycling schemes (Pu recycle, TRU recycle, TRU and in-bred U recycle etc.). Oxide as well as nitride fuels have been examined. This enabled an assessment of the potential for burning and multi-recycling TRU in a Th-based fuel PWR to compare against other more typical alternatives (U-MOX and variations thereof). Results will be shown indicating that Th-based PWR fuel is a promising option to multi-recycle and burn TRU in a thermal spectrum, while satisfying top-level operational and safety constraints.
Behavior of thorium plutonium fuel on light water reactors
Designs using thorium-based fuel are preferred when used in compliance with sustainable energy programs, which should preserve uranium deposits and avoid the buildup of transuranic waste products. This study evaluates a method of converting uranium dioxide (UO2) to thorium-based fuel, with a focus on Th-Pu mixed oxide (ThMOX). Applications of Th-MOX for light water reactors are possible due to inherent benefits over commercial fuels in terms of neutronic properties. The fuel proposed, (Th-Pu)O2, can be helpful because it would consume a significant fraction of existing plutonium. Aside from the reactor core, the proposed fuel could be useful in existing technology, such as in a pressurized water reactor (PWR). However, licensing codes cannot support Th-MOX fuel without implementing adaptations capable of simulating fuel behavior using the FRAPCON code. The (Th-Pu)O2 fuel should show a plutonium content that produces the same total energy release per fuel rod when using UO2 fuel. Tho...
Use of Thorium for Transmutation of Plutonium and Minor Actinides in PWRs
The objective of this work was to assess the potential of thorium based fuel to minimise Pu and MA production in Pressurised Water Reactors (PWRs). The assessment was carried out by examining destruction rates and residual amounts of Pu and MA in the fuel used for transmutation. In particular, sensitivity of these two parameters to the fuel lattice Hydrogen to Heavy Metal (H/HM) ratio and to the fuel composition was systematically investigated. All burn-up calculations were performed using CASMO4 -the fuel assembly burn-up code. The results indicate that up to 1 000 kg of reactor grade Pu can potentially be burned in thorium based fuel assemblies per GW e Year. Up to 75% of initial Pu can be destroyed per path. Addition of MA to the fuel mixture degrades the burning efficiency. The theoretically achievable limit for total TRU destruction per path is 50%. Efficient MA and Pu destruction in thorium based fuel generally requires a higher degree of neutron moderation and, therefore, higher fuel lattice H/HM ratio than typically used in the current generation of PWRs. Reactivity coefficients evaluation demonstrated the feasibility of designing a Th-Pu-MA fuel with negative Doppler and moderator temperature coefficients.
Effect of Transplutonium Doping on Approach to Long-life Core in Uranium-fueled PWR
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2002
The present paper advertises doping of transplutonium isotopes as an essential measure to improve proliferationresistance properties and burnup characteristics of UOX fuel for PWR. Among them 241 Am might play the decisive role of burnable absorber to reduce the initial reactivity excess while the short-lived nuclides 242 Cm and 244 Cm decay into even plutonium isotopes, thus increasing the extent of denaturation for primary fissile 239 Pu in the course of reactor operation. The doping composition corresponds to one discharged from a current PWR. For definiteness, the case identity is ascribed to atomic percentage of 241 Am, and then the other transplutonium nuclide contents follow their ratio as in the PWR discharged fuel. The case of 1 at% doping to 20% enriched uranium oxide fuel shows the potential of achieving the burnup value of 100 GWd/tHM with about 20% 238 Pu fraction at the end of irradiation. Since so far, americium and curium do not require special proliferation resistance measures, their doping to UOX would assist in introducing nuclear technology in developing countries with simultaneous reduction of accumulated minor actinides stockpiles.