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The Internet of Things - a physical logical and business model, [w:] International Journal of Contemporary Management, Nr 16(4), E. Bogacz-Wojtanowicz, Ł. Sułkowski, R. Lenart-Gansiniec (red.), ISSN 2449-8920, ss. 263-284, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2017

International Journal of Contemporary Management, Nr 16(4), Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowicz, Łukasz Sułkowski, Regina Lenart-Gansiniec (red.), ISSN 2449-8920, ss. 263-284, Wydawnictwo Wydział Zarządzania i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2017

Background. The dynamics of changes at the beginning of the 21st century create a new dimension of the economy based on information and knowledge. The Internet of Things, hyper-connectivity, large data sets, cloud solutions, automation, and robotisation permeate more and more areas of economic existence. The boundaries between what is physical and what is digital are blurring, making the existing ways of managing business processes likely to be insufficient, of which not all entrepreneurs are aware.

Internet of things and its potential impact on business


Streszczenie W artykule przedstawiono powstawanie Internetu Rzeczy (IoT), jego gïówne wïaĂciwoĂci, wïÈcznie z rolÈ czujników i systemów ïÈcznoĂci, poïÈczenia z chmu-rÈ, jak równieĝ wpïyw na powstawanie nowych modeli biznesowych. Omówiono równieĝ konğ guracje systemowe IoT, z przykïadami rozwiÈzañ technicznych i potencjalnymi korzyĂciami dla gospodarki. Ponadto, naszkicowano gïówne wyzwania i czynniki ryzyka wynikajÈce z wprowadzenia tej technologii, wïÈczajÈc zagadnienia ochrony danych, prywatnoĂci i problemy prawne. Artykuï koncentruje siÚ na omówieniu podstaw tej technologii i jedynie pobieĝnie odnosi siÚ do bardziej zaawansowanych problemów technicznych lub badawczych.

Connections , Information and Reality ‘ thinking about the internet of things


The number of connections between people, organizations and technology is proliferating rapidly, and the amount of information they produce, exchange and share is increasing accordingly. These connections and the information they produce are defining and shaping our daily life and work and our perception of reality. Computers in all forms are becoming smaller and less visible, but they are omnipresent. This development of information technology „everyware‟, as Greenfield calls it, is also referred to as ubiquitous computing. With the development of ubiquitous computing, computers not only disappear from our perception, but also from our experience. When these new and almost invisible technological devices are tied together, for instance in the Internet of Things, the information resulting from that connection will be more than the sum of its parts. The Internet is the place where subjects are connected and where they exchange and share information. With the development of the „Inter...

Research Paper on Internet of Things

Introduction Now a days Internet of Things is very important topic all over the technological world and has become very much popular on Social media and Press media. The Phrase Internet of Things is a combination of two: One is the Internet (Network) and second is Things (Any object). The internet of things is the network of physical devices or objects/Things like: Vehicles, Home appliances, Industrial equipment, Office devices and Hospitals machines and also other things rooted with electronic devices, software, sensor devices, actuators and network connectivity-that enables these objects to communicate over a network. The internet of Things is a system of interconnected computing devices that refers with Human-to-Human, Things-to-Things and Human-to-Things over a shared network. The Internet of Things technology has a wide range of networked products, systems, devices, sensors and objects having advantages of advancements in computing power, electronic miniaturization, and network interconnections to offer new capabilities not previously possible. In others word, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the capability of every day devices to connect to other devices and also people through the existing Internet Infrastructures. That devices connect and communicate in many ways. A huge scale of business proposals, business-conferences and debates has discussed that IoT is revolution for new technologies, Like; new market research and business models to concerns more about security, privacy, comfort, reliability and technical interoperability. For Example: like Smart devices interaction with another smart devices, Smartphones that interact with other smartphones over a network, Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication, Smartphones connected with home appliances, Smart Devices connected with video cameras, and medical devices.

Management of Enterprise of the Future in the Ecosystem of the Internet of Things, [in:] Advances in Ergonomics of Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the Future, Ch. Schlick, S. Trzcielinski (eds.), ISBN 978-3-319-41696-0, pp. 179-191, Wydawnictwo Springer, 2016

Advances in Ergonomics of Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the Future, Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing, July 27-31, 2016, Ch. Schlick, S. Trzcielinski (eds.), ISBN 978-3-319-41696-0, pp. 179-191, Wydawnictwo Springer, 2016 , 2016

The process of digitization in the surrounding business reality is constantly developing, which causes that every year a number of devices, including everyday devices that are incorporated into the network, is growing. The Internet of Things is a specific ecosystem in which devices that surround us communicate with each other while remaining in the interaction thanks to mobile solutions and applications. Due to that enterprises of the future have a chance to increase the level of competitiveness. All of these, however, require a holistic approach to market perception and understanding the essence of changes. Observed growth of interest in the Internet of Things will entail social and behavioral changes while changing the specificity of contemporary management.

The Internet of Everything: Smart things and their impact on business models

Journal of Business Research, 2020

The internet of everything (IoE), connecting people, organizations and smart things, promises to fundamentally change how we live, work and interact, and it may redefine a wide range of industry sectors. This conceptual paper aims to develop a vision of how the IoE may alter business models and the ways in which individuals and organizations create value. We review literature on networked business models and service ecosystems, and show that a clearer understanding is needed of how the IoE will impact on the ways that organizations go about their business at the micro, meso and macro levels. Combining this with an inductive, vignette-based approach, we present a new taxonomy of smart things based on their capabilities and their connectivity. We derive their implications for business models and conclude the paper with propositions that form a research agenda for business researchers.

Internet of Things in Real Life

Advances in information security, privacy, and ethics book series, 2017

This chapter specifically with Internet of Things (IoT), initially presents what exactly it is? It's just a smart route to improving daily life activities by connecting devices to widely used Internet. Then gradually put a view on history, which closely talked about traditional ways of communication mechanisms, moving forward it touches the current ideology of IoT. Further in this chapter authors discussed different aspects of IoT which was explained by different philosophers and it clears the idea of how to introduce, how to learn and how to launch IoT in different sectors (such as education, power generation, water management, road safety, automobiles etc). The practicality of the knowledge explains the usefulness of IoT and also explains how it impacts on the overall growth of the country and why every individual attracted towards this smart network of things. At the end, this chapter accomplished with the need of IoT in developing countries, how IoT provides efficient solutions to overcome upcoming challenges and finally briefs about why it is recommended.

Internet of Things - An Evolution in Business

Through sensors the modern living is made much easier and comfortable in many ways. The perfect blend of sensors and actuators create Internet of Things (IOT) through which the information is shared across the devices in normal day to day life. Combined with RFID (Radio Frequency Identifiers) the IoT has emerged as a Future Internet. Internet of Things means connecting Machine to Machine, Machine to Infrastructure, Machine to Environment and much more Internet of Everything. It can be done using embedded systems and many useful actions that can command and control can be made to make our lives easier and safer. This paper studies various aspects of the Internet of Things in detail.