학생이 바라본 2013년 학교인권현황조사결과 (original) (raw)

해방 이후 한국의 교사 겸 연구자와 교육 중심 연구의 정보질서: 전국과학전람회(1949-1970년대)를 중심으로(Teacher-cum-Researchers in Post-Colonial Korea and the Information Order of their Teaching-led Research in the Science Fair, 1949-1970s)

과학기술학연구, 2020

Historians and sociologists have analyzed the (re)building of the postcolonial knowledge production systems of the liberated Korea, largely in terms of the emergence of the modern scientific institutions and personnel, the amalgamation of science and technology, and the construction of the statist and capitalist hegemony in so-called ʻscience-technology(과학기술).ʼ However, they have rarely paid attention to how and which specific knowledge was produced and circulated, and that much worse in the context of the primary and secondary education systems. Yet, those who could be called as the teacher-cum-researcher in the colonized and postcolonial Korea, were at the center in (re)building the post-colonial knowledge production systems, where the boundaries between research and teaching often became blurred and porous. The deficiency in teaching materials and resources usually led teachers at school not just to draw upon any information available from books and experts for their pedagogic purposes, but to garner and produce various forms of useful knowledge in their local contexts, alone and together, often with the help of their students and neighboring residents. The aim of this paper is to shed new light on that knowledge systems and their reproduction by following the practices of a couple of groups of those teacher-cum-researchers, roughly between 1949-1970s. Here, the focus is put on the National Science Fair, where teachers and their students were annually invited to present their observations, investigations, and researches in order to promote the scientific spirit in postcolonial Korea. The Science Fair is a very rare case for historians and sociologists of science in Korea, it is argued, to be able to look into how and which scientific knowledge was produced and circulated, particularly in the context of teaching situated between the official knowledge-making systems and the local information orders, that is the information order of the teaching-led research of the postcolonial education systems.

Biopsychological Validation of the Sasang Personality Questionnaire in Middle School Students

Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, 2016

Objectives The Sasang Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) measures the Yin-Yang temperament of Sasang typology with proven structural and clinical validity in adults, however it was not examined with teenagers. The purpose of this study was to validate the biopsychological structure of SPQ in middle school students. Methods 681 Korean high school students (356 boys and 325 girls) completed SPQ, Junior version of Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI), and height and weight measures. The correlation between SPQ and JTCI subscales were examined, and the differences of SPQ and JTCI subscales, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Pondera Index (PI) among high (30%), middle (40%), and low (30%) SPQ total score groups were investigated with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The profile analysis was also performed to compare JTCI subscale profiles of three SPQ total score groups. Results The SPQ score was significantly (p<0.001) correlated positively with JTCI Novelty-Seeking and negatively with JTCI Harm-Avoidance. The JTCI Novelty-Seeking score of high SPQ group was significantly (p<0.001) higher than that of low SPQ group, and the JTCI Harm-Avoidance score of low SPQ group was significantly higher than that of high SPQ group. The JTCI subscale profiles for three SPQ groups were significantly different for boys and girls. Significant correlations or differences for the PI and BMI among SPQ groups were not found. Conclusions This study presented that the biopsychological structure of SPQ is robust as shown in adults. The SPQ would be a useful clinical measures of Sasang typology in pediatric patients.

한국 청소년의 구강건강행태와 구강보건교육 경험의 실태

Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene, 2015

Objectives: The objective of the study is to investigate oral health behavior and oral health education experience in Korean adolescents from the ninth(2013) web-based survey of Korean youth risk behavior. Methods: The subjects were 72,435 students through the ninth 2013 web-based survey of Korean youth risk behavior conducted by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Korea Centers for Disease Control. The questionnaire consisted of socio-demographical characteristics of the subjects, oral health behavior, and oral health education experience. Data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0 program. Results: Oral health education had much influence on tooth brushing after lunch, oral cavity disease prevention, sealants, fluoride application, scaling experience, and consumption of vegetables, milk, carbonated soft drinks, noodles, and snacks. The oral health education had a great impact on those who took good oral health behavior into action. Conclusions: It is very important and necessary to develop the continuing effective oral health education program for the adolescents and make them tale into action.

모-자녀 기질 적합성과 자녀의 문제행동간의 관련성 연구

The Journal of Korean Oriental Pediatrics, 2013

Objectives The purpose of this study was to identify the importance of goodness of fit in mother-child temperamental interaction (MCTI) and the child problem behaviors. Methods The behavior problem of 180 child outpatients from traditional Korean medical clinic was measured with Korean version of Child Behavior Checklists, and the temperament of child and their mother was measured with Junior Temperament and Character Inventory and Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised-Short. The MCTI was calculated as the difference of the temperament score between mother and child. The correlation and linear regression analysis was performed to examine the effects of temperament on Child Behavior Checklists. Results The MCTI on Harm-Avoidance was the significant factor for explaining the internalizing problem (B=-.154, t=-10.130, p<.001), externalizing problem (B=-.045, t=-3.340, p=.001) and total problem (B=-.298, t=-7.574, p<.001). We also confirmed that the temperament of mother and child significantly correlated with the child behavior problems as provided previously. Conclusions These results showed that the temperament interaction between mother and child is an important factor for predicting problem behaviors in child clinical sample. The goodness of fit in MCTI and problem behavior should be considered as pivotal element in traditional Korean pediatrics.

중등학교 과학교과서의 황해 및 동중국해 해류도 분석

Journal of the Korean earth science society, 2014

Since the unification of the diverse oceanic current maps of the East Sea in secondary school science textbooks has recently been accomplished, there have been increasing requirements for the production of a current map of the Yellow Sea (YS) and the East China Sea (ECS). This study, as its first attempt, facilitated the prospective production process of the unified oceanic current maps in YS and ECS by analyzing the maps of scientific articles and those of the present textbooks as of 2014. First of all, the analogue current maps of the textbooks and scientific articles were digitalized to retrieve the characteristics of current maps quantitatively and to make intercomparison of the maps. The currents of both YS and ECS such as the Kuroshio Current, the Taiwan Warm Current, the Tsushima Warm Current, the Yellow Sea Warm Current, the Chinese Coastal Current, the Korea Coastal Current, and the Changjiang River Flow were selected and analyzed. We made 18 items to investigate the paths of the currents. Analyses of the oceanic current maps of secondary school science textbooks and scientific articles with respect to the selected criteria revealed that the current maps of the textbooks were considerably different from the up-to-date knowledge of the current maps acquired from the scientific articles. In addition, since the currents of YS and ECS have strong seasonality, we suggest that they should be presented with at least two current maps for summer and winter in the textbooks, which may go through active discussions among experts.

제주 HVDC#3 영향 분석

The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2011

A Study on the Relationship between Homeownership and Voting Rate in Urban Areas Focusing on the 2010 Local Election of Korea

The Korea Spatial Planning Review, 2014

From the perspecitve of Housing asset-based welfare, homeownership has an impact on social benefit as well as asset accumulation effect. It has been known that homeowners are more interested in local affairs than tenants since they want to maintain their investment as a form of housing in terms of economic and psychologic viewpoints. However, it is hard to find such studies which have dealt with social impact of homeownership and most of current literature are focused tenure choice, dwelling satisfaction or asset accumulation impact in Korean context. This study tried to examine whether higher homeownership rate is related with higher voting rate in urban areas with a view that housing can be a tool of local capacity building instead of mere investment target by applying multiple regression analysis. According to the analysis, homeowneship rate is positively correlated with voting rate when we control the other socioeconomic, demographic, political and regional variables. With this result, it is suggested that housing welfare policy should tackle the issues related to enhancing affordability of households to purchase their housing in addition to current policy focused on wide supply of public rental housing.

공학인증 학습성과의 올바른 해석과 이해

Korean Society for Engineering Education, 2015

Engineering education accreditation, such as by ABEEK in Korea or ABET in USA, centers around outcomes-based education (OBE). Outcomes are the abilities or competencies which students are expected to achieve by the time of graduation. Engineering programs must design the curriculum, educate their students, and assess the performance of them in accordance with the program outcomes. Consequently, sound understanding of the program outcomes is crucial to the successful implementation of OBE. Most of the 12 outcomes of ABEEK KEC2005 criteria came from ABET criteria written in English. It means that, apart from sound understanding of the outcomes, we need to care about the correct translation of the ABET outcomes from English to Korean. The translation of them as in KEC2005, however, leaves something to be desired. This paper tries to present the correct translation of some program outcomes as well as sound understanding of a few outcomes difficult to define.

Name Card 기법을 적용한 초등과학 수업이 초등학생의 과학 학습 동기 및 학업성취도에 미치는 영향

Elementary Science Education, 2014

This study was conducted to examine the effect of elementary science class using name card method on scientific learning motivation and academic achievement of elementary students. Two sixth grade classes were divided into experimental group and comparison group to treat the experimental group with elementary science class using name card method. General class according to teacher manual was implemented for the comparison group. Elementary science class applying name card method was conducted for 10 sessions throughout the experimental period of 8 weeks. The results of this study were as follows. First, elementary science class with name card method was effective in improving scientific learning motivation. Second, elementary science class with name card method had significant effect on improvement of scientific learning academic achievement. The study results showed that elementary science class with name card method was effective for scientific learning motivation and academic achievement of elementary students.