Prevalence and public health significance of ovine hydatidosis in Bahir Dar Town, Ethiopia (original) (raw)

Prevalence, Associated Risk Factors and Cyst Distribution of Hydatidosis in Cattle Slaughtered at Nekemte Municipal Abattoir, Western Ethiopia

A cross-sectional study was conducted from December, 2014 to April, 2015 to estimate the prevalence of hydatid cyst, investigate associated risk factors, and evaluate organ level distribution of the cysts in cattle slaughtered at Nekemte Municipal abattoir, Western Ethiopia. A total of 525 samples were collected and processed. The study animals were selected by systematic random sampling technique. Potential risk factors were assessed through antemortem examination. Postmortem examination was done, which included primary examination (visual inspection and palpation of lung, liver, heart, spleen and kidney) and secondary examination, which involved further incision into each organ if single or more hydatid cyst(s) was found. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the prevalence of bovine hydatidosis and Chi-square (X2) test was applied to compare the infection status with regard to the hypothesized risk factors and (P<0.05) was set for statistical significance. The overall prevalence of hydatid cyst was 18.29 % (95%:14.97-21.60). Out of the 96-cattle harboring hydatid cyst, 63 (65.6%) animals were infected only in single organ whereas the remaining 33 (34.4%) infected animals had multiple organs involvement. From the total 96 hydatid cyst infected cattle, 34 (35.4%) of hydatid cyst were in the lungs, 29 (30.2%) in livers and 33 (34.4%) in multiple organs. The statistical analysis revealed that there was no statistical association (P>0.05) between the prevalence of bovine hydatidosis and animal sex or body condition, although there was a significant association (P<0.05) with age and origin of the animals. In conclusion, the disease is widespread in cattle slaughtered and is major cause of organ condemnation at Nekemte Municipal abattoir and efficient meat inspection service and safe disposal of condemned organs should be practiced.

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Prevalence, Associated Risk Factors and Cyst Distribution of Hydatidosis in Cattle Slaughtered at Nekemte Municipal Abattoir, Western Ethiopia Cover Page

Hydatidosis in Cattle Slaughtered at Adigrat Municipal Abattoir, Ethiopia

Aim: To determine prevalence and associated risk factors of hydatidosis and to assess burden and size of cysts in cattle slaughtered at Adigrat municipal abattoir. Study Design: Cross - sectional study. Place and Duration of the Study: Adigrat municipal abattoir, Ethiopia, between September 2012 and February 2013. Methodology: A total of 360 cattle slaughtered were selected randomly and subjected to ante and post mortem examination. During ante mortem examination age, body condition and breed of each cattle was recorded. During post mortem examination each visceral organ were inspected by visual inspection, palpation and incisions. Result: Out of the total examined cattle, 67(18.61%) were infected with hydatidosis. A significant higher infection was detected in above five years (14.17%) (χ2=15.593, P=.000) than below five years (4.44%). Regarding body condition, highest prevalence (11.94%) was in poor followed by medium and good body conditions 4.44 and 2.22%, respectively (χ2=124.894, P = .000). However, no significant variation (χ2=4.077, P=.13), was observed with related to breed of cattle. From the total examined cattle, 38 (10.56 %) have hydatid cyst in their lungs, 16(4.44%) in livers, 4(1.11%) in heart, 3(0.83%) in spleen, 2(0.56%) in kidney and 4(1.11%) in multiple organs. A total of 202 hydatid cysts were collected, of which 50.49% were small, 27.23% medium and 22.28% large sized cysts. Concerning cysts size distribution in different organs, higher numbers of medium and large sized cysts were found in lung, while highest numbers of small sized cysts was in liver and related to body condition of cattle, highest numbers of small sized cysts were recovered from good and medium while higher numbers of large and medium sized cysts from poor body condition. Conclusion: Hydatidosis is an important zoonotic disease in the study area. Therefore, it is necessary to design appropriate strategy for prevention and control.

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Prevalence and Viability of Hydatidosis in Cattle Slaughtered at Sebeta Municipal Abattoir, Central Ethiopia


The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hydatid cysts in slaughtered cattle at Sebeta Municipal abattoir and assess associate risk factors. In this cross sectional study from November 2011 to March 2012, a total of 395 animals were inspected using post morteum examination. Out of animals examined, 97 (24.5%) cattle were harbored hydatid cysts. Prevalence of hydatidosis significantly different among animals origins (p=0.01), where animals originated near to Addis Ababa had high prevalence as compared to region far away from Addis Ababa. Age group above 10 years and poor body condition showed significantly high prevalence (p<0.05) than age group less than 10 years and good body condition scores. The study has shown that 16% fertile-viable cysts and the remaining were infertile. Hydatidosis was more prevalent near Addis Ababa (29.2%), where there is better living standard difference and the opportunity of frequent slaughtering at backyard in one or other reasons and ...

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Prevalence and Viability of Hydatidosis in Cattle Slaughtered at Sebeta Municipal Abattoir, Central Ethiopia Cover Page

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Prevalence of bovine hydatidosis and its economic importance in Adama Municipal Abattoir, Eastern Ethiopia Cover Page

Hydatidosis of slaughtered cattle in Wolaita Sodo Abattoir, southern Ethiopia

Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2009

The study was carried out from July 2007 to June 2008 in Wolaita Sodo Abattoir to assess the status of hydatidosis in cattle. Routine meat inspection, hydatid cyst count and characterization were conducted. Out of 400 cattle slaughtered in Wolaita Sodo Abattoir 64 (16%) animals were found harboring hydatid cysts. Thorough meat inspection in the abattoir revealed that 74 visceral organ were found harboring one or more hydatid cysts. The infection of the lung, liver, spleen and kidney were found to be 45.94% 45.94%, 6.75% and 1.35% respectively. From the total of 283 hydatid cysts counted 153(54.06%), 17(6.00%), 5(1.76%), 108(38.16%) were found to be small, medium, large and calcified cysts respectively and 170(60.28%), 5(1.76%) and 108(38.16%) were sterile, fertile and calcified cysts respectively. The rate of cyst calcification was higher in the liver than in the lung while fertility rate was higher among the cysts of the lung. Hydatid cyst viability rate of 40% was observed.

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Comparative prevalence of hydatidosis in slaughtered domestic ruminants at four abattoirs of central Oromia, Ethiopia

Ethiopian Veterinary Journal, 2014

A cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2010 to May 2012 with the aim of investigating prevalence, associated risk factors and characterization of hydatidosis in domestic ruminants slaughtered for human consumption, in four selected abattoirs of central Oromia, namely Akaki, Ambo, Assela and Bishoftu. Regular visits to the abattoirs were made and a thorough examination of the visceral organs (liver, lung, heart, spleen, kidney and other tissues) were done by inspection, palpation and incision of each organs. The number, size of cysts and the organ from which the cyst recovered were also recorded. Samples of hydatid cysts were collected in a plastic bags for examination in the nearest veterinary clinic laboratory. Out of 770 camels, 2910 cattle, 20059 goats and 6680 sheep inspected for the presence of hydatid cysts, 74 (61.6%), 1896 (65.15%), 26 (0.13%) and 611 (9.15%) were found to be harboring hydatid cysts, respectively. Small, calcified and sterile hydatid cysts were f...

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Comparative prevalence of hydatidosis in slaughtered domestic ruminants at four abattoirs of central Oromia, Ethiopia Cover Page

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Hydatidosis of sheep and goats slaughtered at Addis Ababa Abattoir: prevalence and risk factors Cover Page

Study on Prevalence and Cyst Characterization of Hydatidosis in Cattle Slaughtered at Wolayta Soddo Municipal Abbattior

International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2017

A cross-sectional survey of bovine hydatidosis was conducted on local zebu cattle slaughtered at Wolayta Soddo Municipal Abattoir from November, 2012 to March, 2013 to determine the prevalence and cyst characterization caused by hydatid disease. No statistical significant variation was observed with regards to place of origin and age of the animals (P > 0.05). After postmortem examination, hydatid cysts were collected and cyst characterization was conducted. Out of a total of 446 animals examined, 50(11.21%) harboring one or more hydatid cyst. The result obtained from Postmortem examination indicated that the lung was the most commonly affected organ followed by liver. The involvement of lung, Liver, kidney, spleen and heart was found to be 50%, 26.92%, 5.77%, 9.62% and 7.69% respectively. From the total of 52 cysts counted, 14(26.69%), 18(34.62%), 20(38.46%) were large, medium and small respectively and 5(9.62%), 35(67.31%) and 12(23.08%) were fertile, sterile and calcified resp...

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Study on Prevalence and Cyst Characterization of Hydatidosis in Cattle Slaughtered at Wolayta Soddo Municipal Abbattior Cover Page

Bovine Hydatidosis in Eastern Part of Ethiopia

Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science, 2013

A cross-sectional study was conducted on bovine hydatidosis from November 2010 to March 2011 with the aims of investigating its occurrence, risk factors and economic losses in Dire Dawa municipality abattoir. The study revealed 20.05% occurrence of hydatidosis based on the postmortem examination of1536 cattle. Age related infection was significant as older animals were more infected (P<0.05, x2 = 27.496).Among the lungs, liver, heart, spleen and kidneys examined in each carcass, the cysts were distributed in the lungs and livers only. Out of 1852 cysts, 1340 (72.3%) were found in liver while512 (27.7%) in lungs. Five hundred and twenty (53.94%) of 964 hydatid cysts were small, while268 (27.80%) medium and 176 (18.25%) large. These cysts were further characterized as fertile (80.08.7%), sterile (17.3%) and calcified (2.85%) and 53.7% of fertile cysts were viable. Based on the study, the direct economic loss was estimated to be 23,876 Ethiopian Birrs. Presence of hydatid cysts in e...

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A study prevalence of hydatidosis in sheep in samawa city Cover Page