Assessment of National Level Data (1995 – 2005) (original) (raw)
THE GHANA STRATEGY SUPPORT PROGRAM (GSSP) BACKGROUND PAPERS ABOUT GSSP GSSP is a research, communication, and capacity-strengthening program to build the capabilities of researchers, administrators, policymakers, and members of civil society in Ghana to develop and implement agricultural and rural development strategies. With core funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Ghana and a mandate to develop a multi-donor-funded Program, IFPRI launched GSSP as a partnership between Ghana and its development partners. IFPRI is working with these stakeholders to generate information, improve dialogue, and sharpen decisionmaking processes essential for effective formulation and implementation of development strategies. GSSP informs stakeholders on the role of agriculture and rural development in the broader economic and policy context in line with the emphasis placed on agriculture in Ghana's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy. GSSP supports the development and implementation of a system to monitor and evaluate progress toward achieving Ghana's growth and poverty reduction targets and the Millennium Development Goals. ABOUT THESE BACKGROUND PAPERS IFPRI's Ghana Strategy Support Program (GSSP) Background Papers contain preliminary material and research results from IFPRI and/or its partners in Ghana. The papers have not been subject to a formal peer review. They are circulated in order to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of their home institutions or supporting organizations.