Bridging Research to Operations Transitions: Status and Plans of Community GSI (original) (raw)
Related papers
Use of High Performance Computing in Meteorology - Proceedings of the Eleventh ECMWF Workshop, 2005
The first non-beta release of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) modeling system in May, 2004 represented a key milestone in the effort to design and implement a fullyfunctioning, next-generation modeling system for the atmospheric research and operational NWP user communities. With efficiency, portability, maintainability, and extensibility as bedrock requirements, the WRF software framework has allowed incremental and reasonably rapid development while maintaining overall consistency and adherence to the architecture and its interfaces. The WRF 2.0 release supports the fullrange of functionality envisioned for the model including efficient scalable performance on a range of high-performance computing platforms, multiple dynamic cores and physics options, low-overhead two-way interactive nesting, moving nests, model coupling, and interoperability with other common model infrastructure efforts such as ESMF.
The Weather Reseach and Forecast Model: Software Architecture and Performance
The first non-beta release of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) modeling system in May, 2004 represented a key milestone in the effort to design and implement a fullyfunctioning, next-generation modeling system for the atmospheric research and operational NWP user communities. With efficiency, portability, maintainability, and extensibility as bedrock requirements, the WRF software framework has allowed incremental and reasonably rapid development while maintaining overall consistency and adherence to the architecture and its interfaces. The WRF 2.0 release supports the fullrange of functionality envisioned for the model including efficient scalable performance on a range of high-performance computing platforms, multiple dynamic cores and physics options, low-overhead two-way interactive nesting, moving nests, model coupling, and interoperability with other common model infrastructure efforts such as ESMF.
On the Use of Services to Support Numerical Weather Prediction
The challenges of building an effective grid-based problem solving environment that truly extends and embraces a computational scientist’s traditional tools are multifold. It is far too easy to build simple stovepipes that allow fixed use patterns, that don’t extend a scientist’s desktop, and fail to encompass the full range of patterns that a scientist needs to find such a problem-solving environment as a liberating and enabling tool. In the LEAD project, we have focused on the most challenging users of numerical weather prediction, namely, the atmospheric science researchers, who are prone to use their own tools, their own modified versions of community codes such as the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, and are typically comfortable with elaborate shell scripts to perform the work they find to be necessary to succeed, to drive our development efforts. Our response to these challenges includes a multi-level workflow engine, to handle both the challenges of ensemble description and execution, as well as the detailed patterns of workflow on each computational resource; services to support the peculiarities of each platform being used to do the modeling (such as on TeraGrid), and the use of an RDF triple store and message bus together as the backbone of our notification, logging, and metadata infrastructure. The design of our problem-solving environment elements attempts to come to grips with lack of control of elements surrounding and supporting the environment; we achieve this through multiple mechanisms including using the OSGI plug-in architecture, as well as the use of RDF triples as our finest-grain descriptive element. This combination, we believe, is an important stepping stone to building a cyber environment, which aims to provide flexibility and ease of use far beyond the current range of typical problem solving environments.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2018
Data assimilation (DA) methods for convective-scale numerical weather prediction at operational centres are surveyed. The operational methods include variational methods (3D-Var and 4D-Var), ensemble methods (LETKF) and hybrids between variational and ensemble methods (3DEnVar and 4DEnVar). At several operational centres, other assimilation algorithms, like latent heat nudging, are additionally applied to improve the model initial state, with emphasis on convective scales. It is demonstrated that the quality of forecasts based on initial data from convective-scale DA is significantly better than the quality of forecasts from simple downscaling of larger-scale initial data. However, the duration of positive impact depends on the weather situation, the size of the computational domain and the data that are assimilated. Furthermore it is shown that more advanced methods applied at convective scales provide improvements over simpler methods. This motivates continued research and development in convective-scale DA. Challenges in research and development for improvements of convective-scale DA are also reviewed and discussed. The difficulty of handling the wide range of spatial and temporal scales makes development of multi-scale assimilation methods and space-time covariance localization techniques important. Improved utilization of observations is also important. In order to extract more information from existing observing systems of convective-scale phenomena (e.g. weather radar data and satellite image data), it is necessary to provide improved statistical descriptions of the observation errors associated with these observations.
Grid implementation of the weather research and forecasting model
Atmospheric science is advancing towards very complex phenomena at ever smaller temporal and spatial scales. One of the principal tools utilized in atmospheric science are weather prediction models. These models usually demand large execution times and resource allocation, such as CPU time and storage space. The main goal of our research is porting of the Weather Research and Forecasting model to the Grid infrastructure. Porting has been done through bash scripts that are using existing Grid tools for job and data management, authentification mechanisms, and other application level services produced within the SEE-GRID project. In this paper, through a few model runs on the Grid we describe certain benefits not only in the overall execution time but also in the ability of performing concurrent runs of the same model especially for scientific purposes. During the execution, we have also faced some drawbacks in data bandwidth, unreliability of some Grid services and relatively hard control of the model execution flow. The final conclusion is that there is a big need and justification for porting the WRF model to the Grid, although it takes a lot of effort to be properly implemented.
Grid-based deployment and performance measurement of the Weather Research & Forecasting model
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2009
A system developed for benchmarking multi-processor Numerical Weather Prediction applications deployed on D-Grid resources is presented. The system currently serves to perform functional and nonfunctional software tests of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model used in the project WISENT. The resulting performance data and the input configurations are automatically published through a web portal to enable third-party comparisons with other, existing WRF deployments. The developed system relies on a self-contained, domain-independent software module for running MPI and other multi-processor Grid (Globus Toolkit 4) jobs that require a user-defined synchronized initialization and cleanup phase.
The Emergence of Weather-Related Testbeds Linking Research and Forecasting Operations
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2013
Test beds have become an integral part of the weather enterprise, bridging research and forecast services by transitioning innovative tools and tested methods that impact forecasts and forecast users. sMith, anD steven weiss august 2013 aMERICaN MEtEOROLOgICaL sOCIEtY | AFFILIATIONS: ralph anD intrieri-noaa/earth system research laboratory, Boulder, colorado; anDra-noaa/national Weather service, norman, oklahoma; atlas anD Murillo-noaa/atlantic oceanographic and meteorological laboratory, miami, florida; boukabara anD riishoJgaarD-Joint center for satellite data assimilation, camp springs, maryland; bright, entwistle, harless, anD levit-noaa/national Weather service, national centers for environmental prediction, kansas city, missouri; DaviDson-office of science and Technology, noaa/national Weather service, silver spring, maryland; gaynor-noaa/office of policy, planning, and evaluation, silver spring, maryland; gooDMan-noaa/national environmental satellite, data, and information service, and nasa goddard space flight center, greenbelt, maryland; Jiing-noaa/ national hurricane center, miami, florida; huang-climate prediction center, noaa/national Weather service, camp springs, maryland; JeDlovec-nasa marshall space flight center, huntsville, alabama; kain, koch, anD sMith-noaa/national severe storms laboratory, norman, oklahoma, and cooperative institute for mesoscale meteorological studies, University of oklahoma, norman, oklahoma; kuo-national center for atmospheric research, Boulder, colorado; t. schneiDer-office of hydrologic development, noaa/national Weather service, Boulder, colorado; r. schneiDer anD weiss-storm prediction center, noaa/national Weather service, norman, oklahoma CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: marty ralph, noaa/earth system research laboratory, r/e/psd,