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The lived experience of families with a mentally ill family member *1
The study of the lived experience of families with a mentally ill family member involved seven family members who had come to visit their mentally ill relatives in the mental Hospital. The major objective was to explore the lived experience of families with a persistent 1 mentally ill family member. The study adopted a qualitative descriptive-phenomenological design, participants were purposively sampled and data was collected using a tape recorder. Colaizzi's phenomenological approach for data management was then employed. The study revealed that family members held misconceptions about mental illness and described care as a contractual obligation. They lived in misery as the patients' behavior was intolerable, sadistic, exasperated, and embarrassing. Although medication proved helpful, they had to plead with the patient to take it. Their homes were discriminated 2 which made them desperate and disappointed. Patients had bizarre complaints, could vanish, which forced family members to be vigilant all the time and made them feel guilty if anything happened to the patient. Family revenue was devastated and admission of the patients was considered a liberty to the family members and a break from the monotonous, tiresome and costly collection of medication from the hospital. Family members were pessimistic, and always in dilemma. Living with a mentally ill family member was considered a prime issue in the affected families. The study recommended health education to the community, institute programs to screen patients, counseling, and community patients' follow up. There was need to initiate home based income generation through micro financing.
The family challenge in for people care suffering from mental disorder
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2015
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Jurnal Medical Brasovean, 2010
Health politics defend that people with mental diseases should be kept within the community. The family is asked to look after these people, without being prepared for that. The family doesn't understand their ill relatives neither the revelation of the illness, dealing as well with guilt, physical and emotional overload, social isolation and frequently economical difficulties. This study allows us to identify the health needs in the families with relatives suffering from mental illness, and develop healthy strategies to overcome the difficulties caused by the illness. Our aim is to promote health in these families. For this investigation we conducted semi-structured interviews within a sample composed by relatives of mental patients. The families feel insecure and don't know what to do, saying it would be important to know how to deal with the ill person and where to turn to in case of family instability. The information allows us to help the family to readjust their new life projects.
Italian psychiatry has gained International attention after its radical reform of 1978, which established the progressive closure of mental hospitals and the establishment of community services throughout the country. However it is technically inappropriate to talk about Italian psychiatry as the devolution process has transferred to the regions all competences about policy, planning and evaluating health services. This explains the variety of “community psychiatries” that can be found along the peninsula and the reasons of interest that can arise from their comparison. The development of community psychiatry in Emilia‐Romagna, a region of 4 million inhabitants in Northern Italy, has proceeded through two partially overlapping phases of deinstitutionalization (1978‐1997) and development of integrated mental health departments (1990‐2008). The analysis of raw data about allocation of resources and professional capital development give way to tentative comparisons with the current Por...
The Burden of a Family in Caring For Members Who Suffer From Mental Disorders
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The family in the psychosocial rehabilitation of people with mental suffering
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online, 2016
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Caring for the person with mental disorder according to the family’s understanding
Revista de Pesquisa Cuidado é Fundamental Online, 2020
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The Lived Experience of Families with a Mentally Ill Family Member
Did you know what it feels like living with and caring for a mentally ill family member? If you have, then this book offers you an opportunity to know similar others’ experiences. If you have never known how it feels, then this is the right book for you. Most of the diseases that people suffer from make the patient to suffer with pain and discomfort. For mental illness, the family member suffer more than the patient they are taking care of. The families would prefer losing their loved one to death than losing him to mental illness. When the person is lost to death others comfort and sympathize with them, but when the person is lost to mental illness they yield stigma, shame, embarrassment and humiliation. This is least expected for a disease like mental illness that is not contagious. The more one gives critical attention to details of care of the patient, the more one suffers stress and sometimes depression as a result of caring for the mentally ill patient. This book provides ment...
Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità, 2009
The law that in 1978 reformed the psychiatric assistance in Italy, the well known "Law 180", represented an historical moment not only respect to the new modalities of the assistance to mentally ill people but also for the cultural and social approach to psychiatric illness. The closure of psychiatric hospitals and the beginning of the process of destigmatization of mental illness were its most relevant and historically significant elements. Despite of this, thirty years after the law and considering modes and results of its utilization, some critical remarks can be made, aiming at a further evolution in the modalities of the assistance to psychiatrically ill people.