Estimation of stream discharge of ungauged basins using NRCS-CN and remote sensing methods: A case study of Okhuwan and Okhaihe catchments, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria (original) (raw)

Modeling runoff with satellite-based rainfall estimates in the Niger basin

Cogent Food & Agriculture

Effective runoff modeling in the Niger basin has been hampered by inadequate and deteriorating amount of reliable observation stations. Satellite-based rainfall products have increasingly been considered an important component in addressing these data gaps. We compared the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) one degree daily estimate and interim reanalysis data of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) named ERA-Interim rainfall estimates with observed rainfall. The suitability of the two rainfall products for runoff modeling was also assessed. Rainfall data were averaged over a well gauged catchment (Sota) and compared. They were subsequently used to calibrate a hydrological model and their modeling efficiencies were evaluated. The better of the two datasets was subsequently used in regional simulation on 10 Niger basin catchments. GPCP rainfall estimates had good fit to observed rainfall with Nash values of 0.93, 0.94 and 0.84 for monthly, seasonal and daily climatological comparisons. River discharge simulated with the GPCP showed closer correlation with observed than the ERA-Interim. GPCP appropriately simulate river discharge in all 10 evaluated Niger basin catchments. Based on our findings, we proposed the integration of GPCP rainfall estimates in runoff modeling, especially in data scarce river basins.

Predicting daily streamflow in ungauged rural catchments: the case of Masinga catchment, Kenya

Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2007

Access to daily streamflow data at the catchment scale, is a central component of many aspects of water resources and water quality management. However, the majority of river reaches in many catchments in Kenya are ungauged or poorly gauged, and in some cases existing measurement networks are declining. Long-term continuous monitoring is not being done due to high costs of equipment maintenance. Therefore, there is a need for an alternative tool such as a catchment-scale hydrological model that is capable of predicting the daily streamflow. An approach is presented of predicting daily streamflow using a physically-based catchment-scale model, the geospatial Stream Flow Model (SFM). The SFM was developed using the "C" programming language and the user interface was developed using the Avenue script of the ArcView software. The SFM simulates the dynamics of runoff processes by utilizing remotely sensed and widely available global or local data sets. The model was applied in the Masinga catchment, Kenya, and the results gave a model performance coefficient of 0.74 based on the Nash-Sutcliffe statistical criterion.

A SCS-CN Technique for Geospatial Estimation of Runoff Peak Discharge in the Kubanni Drainage Basin, Zaria, Nigeria


The problem of soil loss is becoming widespread due to increasing unwholesome land use practices and population pressure on limited landscape. This study employed the integration of satellite imageries, rainfall and soil data and modern GIS technology to estimate runoff peak discharge in the Kubanni drainage basin. Some of the contributions of this study include the determination of the Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) and Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS CN) for the Kubanni drainage basin with a view to investigating runoff peak discharge using geospatial technology. Satellite images of Landsat OLI for February, July and November 2019, rainfall data from 2014 to 2018, soil data and SRTM DEM of 30-meter resolution were utilized for the study. A maximum likelihood supervised classification method was adopted in processing the satellite images to determine the Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) classes for the Kubanni drainage basin landscape. The LULC classes for the study area inc...

Parameters Estimation at Ungauged Catchments Using Rainfall-Runoff Model, Upper Tekeze Basin, Ethiopia

Engineering Science, 2021

This study was conducted for parametres estimation and stream flow prediction at ungauged catchments on the case of Upper Tekeze basin, Ethiopia by using Rainfall-runoff model. In the basin, most of the catchments were ungauged. The basin has 9199km 2 and 3638km 2 gauged and ungauged catchments respectively. Rainfall and stream flow data were analyzed in the period of 1992-2006 and 1992-20006, respectively. Parameters calibrated for gauged catchments were extrapolated to ungauged catchments on the base of similar physical catchment characteristics using regionalization techniques. Regionalization methods such as multiple linear regression, spatial proximity, sub basin mean and area ratio were applied to transfer model parameters values from gauged to ungauged catchments. For this study seven gauged catchments were satisfied objective functions in the calibrated and validation period, for example in Gheba catchment Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (NSE), relative volume error (RVE) and coefficient of determination (R 2) were, 0.81,-4.25, 0.77 and 0.71, 5.5, 0.74 respectively. Stream flow simulation at ungauged catchments by using spatial proximity and sub basin mean method were contributing high runoff volume compare to other methods. The result for this study shows that the Key model parameters like runoff coefficient (Beta), recession coefficient of upper reservoir zone (Khq), Limit for evapotranspiration (Lp), field capacity (Fc), percolation (Perc) as defaulting value when applying HBV-96 model to the future regionalization studies. Model parameters were calibrated manually by try and error rules, however it was tidies therefore more creative automatic model calibration techniques could be useful for upcoming studies. Thus, Current and future water resources development endeavors may use apply such discharge data for planning and design purposes.

An Analysis of Rainfall and Discharge Relationship at the River Kilange Catchment, Adamawa State, Nigeria


The global environmental change phenomenon is becoming more glaring, but there is no clear distinction between the roles played by climatic and anthropogenic factors. Most river catchments in different parts of the world experience a multitude of environmental and water resourcemanagement problems that can be better studied at the river catchment scale. The relationship between rainfall and river discharge are so complicated, and understanding how they interact requires some local studies. This is so, because factors influencing hydrological processes on the earth surface not only vary from time to time, but also over space. As rain falls on the ground it flows through several ways to reach to stream channels, (Suleiman, 2014). The proportion of rainfall that does not evaporate or percolate into the ground flows over the soil surface as surface runoff, whilst the remainder infiltrates through the soil and flows beneath the surface to a stream as sub-surface flow (Nicandrou, 2010). T...

Assessment of the change in river discharge-carrying capacity using remote sensing geographic information system: a case study of Ofu river, Nigeria

Nigerian Journal of Technology

This study assessed the changes in the flow carrying capacity of Ofu River in Nigeria between 2000 and 2011 using the DEMs of the respective years. The results showed that Ofu River had lost 12.88 m amounting to about 42.58 % of its flow depth at Oforachi between 2000 and 2011 at a rate of 1.171 m per year and an estimated 18.74 m amounting to about 61.95 % in 2016. The Total sediment load was 66,825,730 kg/year comprising of 56,747,260 kg/year and 10,077,470 kg/year of measured and unmeasured sediment loads respectively. The results obtained suggested that the loss in flow depth is a result of siltation of the river bed due to the high sediment load probably as a result of soil cultivation within the floodplains. The study demonstrated that remote sensing and GIS can be used to assess the changes in the discharge-carrying capacity of a river.

Prediction of Stream Flow at Ungauged Catchments Using Rainfall-Runoff Model: The Case of Upper Tekeze Basin, Ethiopia


This paper deals with simulation of stream flow at ungauged catchments, the case of upper Tekeze basin, using HBV-96 rainfall-runoff model. Parameters calibrated with the model are extrapolated from gauged catchments to ungauged catchments of similar physical characteristics with regionalization technique. In the upper Tekeze basin, most of the catchments are ungauged . The basin has 9199km 2 and 36381km 2 gauged and ungauged catchments respectively. For this study hydro-meteorological stations of the basins were used to calibrate and validate the model parameters for gauged catchments from 1992-2006 years data by using HBV-96 rainfall-runoff model. Key model parameters considered consist of runoff coefficient (Beta), recession coefficient of upper reservoir zone (Khq), limit for evapotranspiration (Lp), field capacity (Fc), percolation (Perc) and general correction factor for evapotranspiration (ecorr). To have a better understanding of model parameter performance, sensitivity anal...

Hydrological Characterization Of A Watershed For Streamflow Prediction


In this paper, we extend the versatility and usefulness of GIS as a methodology for any river basin hydrologic characteristics analysis (HCA). The Gurara River basin located in North-Central Nigeria is presented in this study. It is an on-going research using spatial Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Arc-Hydro tools to take inventory of the basin characteristics in order to predict water abstraction quantification on streamflow regime. One of the main concerns of hydrological modelling is the quantification of runoff from rainstorm events. In practice, the soil conservation service curve (SCS) method and the Conventional procedure called rational technique are still generally used these traditional hydrological lumped models convert statistical properties of rainfall in river basin to observed runoff and hydrograph. However, the models give little or no information about spatially dispersed information on rainfall and basin physical characteristics. Therefore, this paper synthesizes...

Predicting the daily flow in ungauged catchments of the eastern part of the upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia

Sustainable Water Resources Management, 2023

Estimation of stream flows is required as a prerequisite for solving several engineering and environmental problems. Applying regionalization techniques for ungauged or poorly gauged river basins to predict stream flows is one of the various approaches. This paper deals with predicting daily discharge at ungauged catchments using the conceptual lumped rainfall–runoff model HBV-96 in the eastern part of the upper Blue Nile basin. Model parameters were calibrated and validated using observed data, and sensitivity analysis of the model parameters was performed. The runoff coefficient (Beta), recession coefficient of the upper reservoir zone (Khq), the limit for evapotranspiration (LP), field capacity (Fc), percolation (Perc), and capillary rise coefficient (Cflux) are more sensitive than others. The model performance results show that of 20 gauged rivers, 9 of them have good agreement and distribution between the observed and simulated discharges. Moreover, transferring of gauged catchment model parameters into ungauged catchments was conducted using a regional model, sub-basin mean, area ratio, and spatial proximity methods. As a result, the regional model method is selected and recommended for predicting discharge for ungauged catchments.

A framework to estimate continuous streamflow at the ungauged site with limited catchment’s hydrological data: Case study Isahaya Catchment

This paper presents a framework for mapping flow information from the gauged to the ungauged river basins. The calibration and validation of a hydrologic model were conducted to establish basic watershed characteristics. The new framework was then applied to account for the two watersheds' proportionality in their similarity, such as the influence of land use on transplanting flow signatures. Three land-use scenarios-discharges at the ungauged and gauged sites formed the basis of an equation mapping the gauged discharge signal to the ungauged site. In comparison with intermittent observed data, the framework prediction attained a precision of 0.85≥NSE≤0.95, 0.80≥R2≤0.94, 0.56≥bR2≤0.89. Despite considerable differences in the watershed area, slope, soils, and land cover, the framework satisfactorily depicted the variation in flow pulses of each river. In the absence of established hydrological information, this provides an alternative flow estimation at ungauged sites, reducing u...