Socio-Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Based on Community at Small Isolated Island in Indonesia (original) (raw)

Analysis of the socio-economic impact of renewable energy hybrid electricity utilization for rural community development (case study: Pantai Anyar, Yogyakarta special region, Indonesia)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019

The aim of this research were to: (1) study on socio-economics from Renewable Energy Hybrid Power Plant (PLTH) electricity development for rural communities, (2) find out information related to average households beneficiaries of electricity (pre and post the utilization of electrical energy hybrid electricity at Baru Beach. The research was conducted at Baru Beach, Yogyakarta Special Region on November – December, 2017. The data used were primary and secondary data. The research was conducted by surveying 68 respondents who are direct beneficiaries of hybrid electric energy utilization activities in Baru Beach. The analytical method used in this part of the study is the visualization analysis of the Baru Beach map area for 20072017, analysis of household income, and Paired Sample T-test. The results showed that: (1) based on changes in the map of Pantai Baru area in 2007-2017, changes in road changes, the access and connectivity of this region to other regions have become much bett...

Does an Energy Independent Village Be Formed in North Sumatra Province? Case Study: Buluh Awar Village, Sibolangit Sub-District, Deli Serdang District

EnviroScienteae, 2018

The potential of renewable energy in the province of North Sumatra has not given confidence to the provincial government to establish Energy Independent Village (EIV). This paper aims to describe the utilization of renewable energy in the village Buluh Awar who have had success using a water-based renewable energy as a source of electrical energy for 25 (twenty-five) years. The approach in this study is qualitative and uses data collection techniques such as observation and interview. The study was conducted in May 2016 and took place in the Buluh Awar village, Sibolangit sub-district, Deli Serdang District. The village was chosen because it has been using the power source coming from renewables for 25 (twenty-five) years, but has not been designated as EIV. The informants were: the user community; plant manager; headman; Department of Mines and Energy (Distamben) North Sumatra Province; and, Distamben Deli Serdang. Analysis of the factors that play a role in the utilization of renewable energy shows that the North Sumatra Province has the ability to form the EIV. Based on the analysis of the factors that play a role in the utilization of renewable energy, it can be concluded that the village Buluh Awar has the ability to set as DME, if followed by the intervention of the local government by providing technical assistance to improve generating capacity so that it can generate more electric power so that society can do creative activity that can push economic growth at Buluh Awar village.

The Effectiveness of Development Bamboo Biomass Power Plant (Case Study: Siberut Island, The District of Mentawai Islands)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Electricity has an important role to improve economy in a region. However, currently, part of the people Indonesia still have lack access electricity, especially those in the backward, outer, and advance areas (called 3T in Indonesia mean tertinggal, terluar, dan terdepan), that one of which is in uninhabited islands. Increasing the target of the electrification ratio in the regions, Government of Indonesia has responsibility to power that area. One of ways is to work with private parties to build renewable energy power plant by utilizing the potential of local natural resources. The development of power plant in Siberut Island, West Sumatera utilizes bamboo resources in the local area. This development will be done by private parties in three villages namely Madobag, Matotoan Village in South Siberut District, and Saliguma Village in Central Siberut District. This research uses mixed method, qualitative method using descriptive approach, while quantitative method using Cost Benefit Analysis approach. The cumulative Net Cash Flow generated from the bamboo Biomass Power Plant project is Rp 144,287,730,000 in the 30 th year with a payback period of the 16th year. The IRR of the project, if not using grant, is 4.7%.

IJERT-Assessment of Biomass Potential of a Rural Village for Power Generation

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 Biomass is a natural product of solar energy (Grover, 1996). World wide, energy stored in the form of biomass through photosynthesis is nearly 10 times the world's annual energy use (Hall and Overend, 1987). The growth and the economic utilization of biomass, for power generation, as an alternative to fossil fuels has been on the rise and is being considered seriously (Dua and Rao, 1996). Assessments indicate that even if a small percentage of this vast potential were tapped, it would be possible to meet the total energy requirements of the country for years to come (Rajan, 1995). The present research work assesses the bioenergy available in a rural village for self-sustainable development. The biomass consumption of the village for domestic as well as for all the activities has been collected. The study also entailed the collection of all bioenergy sources available in the village. The bioenergy sources, such as biomass available through forestry, agriculture waste and residues etc., and animal waste (animal dung), have been collected for the exact quantification of the bioenergy generation capacity of the village. From the study it has been found that the village has considerable bioenergy potential. A suitable renewable energy generation system in the studied village is being recommended.

Design of a Sustainable Energy System for an Eco- Village: A Case Study of Bulindo Village

Journal of Medical Case Reports

To plan and design Bulindo eco village to accommodate 10,000 residents with the main emphasis on the sustainable energy system that meets the energy demand under available constraints i.e. maximum annual capacity shortage, allowable emissions, operating reserve and the minimum renewable energy fraction Study Design: The planning and design was accomplished by ascertaining the current state of Bulindo village as well as determining the energy requirements of this village and the available resource potential in the area. Using the above data as input to computer simulation model using HOMER software an energy system configuration that meets the energy demand for this village Methodology: After gathering the relevant information for the study i.e. energy demand of the village using a field survey and the primary energy resource potential at Bulindo got from a climate file for Wakiso district provided by Meteonorm software, HOMER was used to model, simulate and optimize the energy system that meets the energy requirements of the village under available constraints. HOMER also assisted in determining both the technical and economic feasibility of the designed system. Results: From computer modeling and simulation, it was found that Bulindo has an overall electrical energy demand of 49 MWh/day. The demand is maximum from 18:00-22:00hrs with a peak of 4.6 MW. The fresh water supply system for the village which was modeled as a deferrable load had an energy demand of 680 kWh/day. The demand is highest during the dry season i.e. from January to March and from June to September with a peak demand of 170 kW. The designed energy system consisted of a PV array, a wind generator, the grid, battery bank, a converter and a biomass generator which acts as backup. This system can meet up to 95% of the annual energy demand while the remaining 5% will be supplied by the national grid. The unit cost of the electricity is 0.028andtheprojectlifeis50years.Conclusion:ThesustainableenergysystemforBulindoecovillagetobemovedinby2025hasbeendesigned.Thedesignedsystemisbelievedtoofferabetterperformanceduetoitssustainabilityaswellasitsabilitytomeetalltheenergyrequirementsofthevillagei.e.bothenergyandfreshwaterdemand.SimulationresultsdemonstratethatusinggreenenergysourcessuchassolarPVandwindgeneratorswillreducetheoperatingcosts,greenhousegasemissionsandparticulatematter.Inaddition,thesystemalsosuppliesfreshwaterforresidential,commercialandindustrialusage.Theamountofenergyproducedbythesystemis63,658,616kWh/yearataunitcostof0.028 and the project life is 50 years. Conclusion: The sustainable energy system for Bulindo eco village to be moved in by 2025 has been designed. The designed system is believed to offer a better performance due to its sustainability as well as its ability to meet all the energy requirements of the village i.e. both energy and fresh water demand. Simulation results demonstrate that using green energy sources such as solar PV and wind generators will reduce the operating costs, greenhouse gas emissions and particulate matter. In addition, the system also supplies fresh water for residential, commercial and industrial usage. The amount of energy produced by the system is 63,658,616 kWh/year at a unit cost of 0.028andtheprojectlifeis50years.Conclusion:ThesustainableenergysystemforBulindoecovillagetobemovedinby2025hasbeendesigned.Thedesignedsystemisbelievedtoofferabetterperformanceduetoitssustainabilityaswellasitsabilitytomeetalltheenergyrequirementsofthevillagei.e.bothenergyandfreshwaterdemand.SimulationresultsdemonstratethatusinggreenenergysourcessuchassolarPVandwindgeneratorswillreducetheoperatingcosts,greenhousegasemissionsandparticulatematter.Inaddition,thesystemalsosuppliesfreshwaterforresidential,commercialandindustrialusage.Theamountofenergyproducedbythesystemis63,658,616kWh/yearataunitcostof0.028 /kWh. 76% of the generated energy is consumed by the system i.e. AC primary load and the deferrable load while the surplus (24%) is sold to the national grid which earns crucial revenue to the village for better management of the system hence guaranteeing sustainability. However, the challenge will be getting the human resource to maintain and manage this system.

The Effect Of Renewable Energy Source Utilization On The Community Economy In Balong Wetan Umbulharjo Cangkringan Sleman Yogyakarta


Background: Manure often results in problems in the society. This waste, in addition to having odor, also results in disease. However, if this waste is managed well and correctly, many benefits will be obtained. Objective: This research aimed to study the economic benefit of cow manure utilization as a renewable energy source. Result: The people of Balong Wetan were generally farmers and cow breeder. This condition was really suitable because they live in the mountain slope. However, they had not utilized their cow manure waste. They disposed cow manure around their stall. Consequently, less good smell resulted. This condition made Widodo aware of beginning to construct digester and biogas reactor to utilize the cow manure waste. According to Widodo, if this manure problem was not coped with, it would have resulted in disease. Widodo’s attempt, in fact, yielded positive result. Cow manure waste could be converted into biogas that could be used as energy source. In addition, cow manu...

Techno-Economic and Environmental Analysis of an On-Grid and Off-Grid Renewable Energy Hybrid System in an Energy-Rich Rural Area: A Case in Indonesia


Energy access is crucial for rural development in developing countries, as electrification drives economic growth, creates employment opportunities, and enhances the quality of life for rural communities. This study aims to determine the feasibility of powering a remote community with a hybrid energy system (HRS) combining solar photovoltaic, wind, and biogas to generate electricity and meet the energy needs of the rural area. West Waru Village was selected as the case study area due to its abundance of renewable energy sources. The HOMER tool was employed to model and optimize the HRS, providing a detailed analysis of its technical, economic, and environmental aspects. Furthermore, the study's findings were analyzed through a sensitivity analysis, considering uncertainty factors such as village load consumption, solar radiation, wind speed, and biomass availability. The best configuration for an on-grid scheme included a 2,284 kW photovoltaic (PV) system, 388 unit vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), and a 500 kW biogas generator, resulting in a net present cost (NPC) of 8,506,090,acostofenergy(COE)of8,506,090, a cost of energy (COE) of 8,506,090,acostofenergy(COE)of0.054/kWh, and a payback period of 5.79 years. This configuration also reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 67.2% compared to grid electricity. The optimal configuration for an off-grid scheme consisted of a 5,491 kW PV system, 954 VAWT, a 500 kW biogas generator, and 4,850 batteries, with an NPC of 20,162,390andaCOEof20,162,390 and a COE of 20,162,390andaCOEof0.1601/kWh, reducing CO2 emissions by 99.993%. These findings can serve as a baseline for the government to develop renewable energy systems in West Waru.

Sustainable Development of Renewable Energy Potential and its Impact on Community Life in Indonesia: A Systematic Review

Indonesia is very rich in new and renewable energy potential. Indonesia's population growth continues to increase and in line with technological advances that are developing very rapidly, causing the need for energy to increase. Problems related to resources and energy are still problems that have not found the right solution to overcome them. Society's dependence on fossil energy sources seems to make it difficult for new ideas and innovations for clean and affordable energy to enter people's lives. The purpose of this article is to find out the potential for new energy sources and renewable energy in accordance with the goals of the 2030 SDGs. The method used is a systematic literature review, by searching journal articles on renewable energy and successful case studies using Google search and Artificial Intelligence (AI) application review, while the data analysis technique is in the form of data reduction, data presentation to draw conclusions. The results of the study show that many cases show that if new renewable energy is well developed in Indonesia, this potential will become a very tangible benefit for people's lives. These potentials include the potential for solar power, biomass, and micro-hydro.

Enhancing Energy Security through Utilization of Local Resources Case Study: Biomass/Biogas Utilization in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan

Indonesian Journal of Energy Vol.1, 2017

Remote rural villages in Indonesia do not have sufficient infrastructure to maintain an economically sound energy generation and distribution. Sparse area and low population hinder national electricity company PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) to connect these remote rural villages to the national grid. Many of the villages lies in the palm oil plantation, where renewable biomass resources from the Palm Oil Mill wastes are plentiful. Untapped biomass resources could be the answer to energy security issue in remote rural area. Berau Regency in East Kalimantan Province has many villages located in the palm oil plantation area. Nearly all of the palm oil processing plants in Berau use palm shell and fibre to power the mill. Some of them have the agreement with PLN to sell their excess power. This scheme can be applied to provide electricity to villages around the palm oil mills. However, it is unreliable since the amount of excess electricity produced keeps fluctuating. This paper explores the idea of village-owned biomass/biogas power plant that is owned and operated by the villagers themselves. That way, the village can ensure its own energy security using sustainable local resources. In conclusion, the investment cost of biomass/biogas power plant cannot be provided by village annual budget. Although the villages in Berau Regency have a relatively high annual budget about two to five billion rupiahs, the investment costs of biomass/biogas power plant is even higher. According to the economic analysis of biomass/biogas power plant development, a biomass power plant with 1,7 MW capacity can cost up to 46 billion rupiahs Moreover, a biogas power plant with 1 MW capacity costs around 41 billion rupiahs. It is not possible for the villages to finance the power plant development by themselves. Therefore, the private sector is needed to implement biomass/biogas utilization for rural electrification from palm oil waste. With the Net Present Value (NPV) up to Rp. and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 20% for biomass power plant and Rp.14.330.070.000 and 10% for biogas power plant, it is economically feasible and profitable for private enterprise to undertake. The challenges are for the government to encourage the private sector to invest and for PLN to sign Power Purchase Agreement with these palm oil enterprises rather than just Excess Power Agreement.