Define Extraction Method to Obtain Possible Highest Content of Yield Recovery of the Rice Volatile Compounds (original) (raw)

Effect of Extraction Parameters (Raw Material Particle Size, Volume of Solvent, and Time) on the Process Yield of Rice Bran Oil

Research In Chemical Engineering (RiCE)

Rice bran oil is the result of oil extraction from rice bran. Extraction solvent proccessing conducted using ethanol. Rice bran oil can be used as a consuming oil and materials for making cosmetics.This research aimed to find effect of rice bran size, ethanol volume, extraction time and its interaction toward yield of rice bran oil. This research include pure experimental study based on explorative factorial design to find the most influencing factors. The low level of rice bran size is 0.014 mm, beside the high level is 0.085 mm. The volume of ethanol that are used in this research, 250 ml as low level and 400 ml as high level. And then 120 minute as low level of extraction time whereas 240 minute as its high level. Data analysis of yield was done with Minitab software Release 16 with 95% level of confidence.The results show that the size of rice bran was dominant in determining the most influencing factors.

Pengaruh Proses Penepungan Terhadap Kandungan Senyawa Volatil Dalam Beras Organik Lokal (Effect Of Milling To Volatile Compound Contents In Local Organic Rice)


There is public awareness on the importance of health changing consumption pattern from inorganic food to organic food, such as organic rice. Organic red rice Saodah variety, organic white rice Jasmine variety, and organic black rice Java variety are local organic rice cultivated in Sleman, Dl Yogyakarta. This commodity is potentially used functional food to export. Organic rice is produced from rice cultivation with principles of organic agricultural and without application of chemicals based on particular standards and has been certified. Red and black rice are contained many phenolic compounds potentially as many biological activities, such as antioxidant, antibacterial, anti inflammation, anticholesterol and so on. Milling is one way of rice diversification to produce the other food.This experiment was done to identify volatile compounds in local organic rice and milling effect of volatile compounds contents. The analysis of volatiles using solid phase micro extraction (SPME) fi...

Optimasi Kondisi Ekstraksi Senyawa Total Fenolik Buah Labu Siam (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.) Menggunakan Response Surface Methodology

Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2017

Labu siam (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.) merupakan salah satu tanaman sayur yang dapat digunakan untuk obat tradisional dan memiliki aktivitas sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum ekstraksi buah labu siam terhadap senyawa total fenol. Metode untuk menentukan kondisi optimum menggunakan tehnik Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Box-Behnken Design (BBD) dipilih sebagai rancangan penelitian dengan tiga faktor dan tiga tingkat. Variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah waktu ekstraksi (2, 3, dan 4 jam), perbandingan simplisia-pelarut (1:5, 1:10, dan 1:15) dan konsentrasi pelarut (etanol kualitas pangan 30, 50, dan 70%), sedangkan variabel tidak bebas yang digunakan adalah kadar total fenol dan rendemen proses. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode perkolasi dan analisis kadar total fenol dilakukan dengan menggunakan ELISA reader. Simplisia yang digunakan adalah buah labu siam segar yang memiliki kadar susut pengeringan sebesar 90,47%; kadar air 93,69%; kadar abu total 0,44%; kadar abu tidak larut asam 0,02%; kadar sari larut air dan kadar sari larut etanol 0,52%; dan kadar total fenol 4,75 mg EAG/g simplisia kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimum ekstraksi buah labu siam diperoleh pada waktu 2 jam, perbandingan simplisia-pelarut (1:14,35) dan konsentrasi etanol 66,22%, dengan nilai kadar total fenol 2,50 mg EAG/g ekstrak dan rendemen proses 2,20%. Kesimpulannya adalah senyawa total fenolik dalam buah labu siam telah berhasil dioptimasi menggunakan tehnik Response Surface Methodology. Kondisi optimum ekstraksi senyawa total fenolik buah labu siam berada pada kisaran faktor yang ditetapkan.



The purpose of this study was to know the effect of intermittent irrigation to the growth and yield of rice, the suitability of various local varieties in rice cultivation, and the interaction of irrigation system and local varieties to the growth and yield of rice. This research was conducted by the method of 2 x 4 factorial experiment arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with eight treatment combinations with three replications. The first factor was irrigation system i.e. convensional methods and intermittent irrigation systems. The second factor was local varieties i.e. Mentik Wangi, Mentik Susu, Rojolele and Pandan Wangi. The number of plants per experimental unit consists of four plants, three samples of plants and the plant's backup. The results of this research showed that the convensional irrigation systems and intermittent irrigation was not significantly to the growth and yield of rice. The varieties of Pandan Wangi was not significantly to the growth and yield of Mentik Wangi and Mentik Susu, based on weight of 1000 grain, percentage of unfilled grain, number of grains and grain dry weight. Rojolele varietiy on plant height were significantly higher than other varieties, while the panicle length and the number of tillers varieties of pandanwangi was significantly higher than Mentik wangi, Mentiksusu and rojolele varieties. There was no interactions between irrigation system and local varieties of rice, except the number of productive tillers. The combination of convensional irrigation and Mentik Susu variety produce the number of productive tillers more than other treatment combinations.

Effect of Mannitol Concentration on The Stability of Encapsulated Yeast Black Rice Extract

Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science

The encapsulation process of black rice yeast extract with mannitol was able to minimize the occurrence of protein aggregation and degradation processes due to encapsulated preparations that had low bioavailability. This study aims to determine the effect of mannitol concentration on the stability of encapsulated black rice yeast extract using sonication techniques and a poloxamer support matrix. The addition of mannitol used concentration variations (0 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, 75 ppm dan 100 ppm). The stability of the encapsulated results was measured using a TDS (Total Dissolve Solid) meter to see the level of turbidity and characterized using infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to see the shift in the spectra of the functional groups. The results showed that the encapsulation of formula 3 has the best stability because it has a small TDS value for a period of 7 with a turbidity of 16 ppm and the resulting color display looks clearer. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the ...

Purity Algorithm in Determining System of The Productivity of Rice Harvesting Areas in Kabupaten Aceh Utara


Purity is an algorithm thatcan be used to measure the purity value of the data. This research aims to implement the purity algorithm to provide the information on the area of rice harvest productivity in Kabupaten Aceh Utara. The highest purity value indicates the highest harvest productivity area. With lower Purity value indicates lower harvest productivity areas. The data used in this research obtained from the Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten Aceh Utara in 2015-2019, which consists of 26 sub-districts. The results of this research indicate that the areas that are very productive in producing rice in Aceh Utara are based on planting area (ha), harvested area (ha), productivity (kw/ha), production (ton), and production presentation using Purity. In 2015, the highest purity value was in Muara Batu sub-district with a value of 0.742189869. In 2016, the highest purity value was in Sawang sub-district with a value of 0.732474998. In 2017, the highest purity value was in Sawang sub-...

Dengan Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction ( The Effect of Differences of Acid Solution In Dadap Merah Flower ( Erythrina crista-galli ) Extraction Using Microwave Assisted Extraction Method )


The use of natural dyes in various fields of technology today can use plants because it can be renewed, dadap merah flowers become one of the sources of anthocyanin color pigments that are found in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the best acid solvents in the extraction process in terms of total anthocyanin levels. The dadap merah extraction process is carried out by microwave using the microwave method. Microwave power used was 600 W. Anthocyanin extraction was carried out with different solvents namely Journal of Chemical Process Engineering e-ISSN Number 2655 2967 34 acidified ethanol using 4% citric acid, 4% tartaric acid and 1% HCl. The solvent ratio used is 1:25 and the time is 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 minutes. The highest level of anthocyanin obtained by each solvent was tested for its color intensity characteristics. The highest anthocyanin extraction using 4% citric acid was obtained at 3.673754647 mg / L in 12 minutes. The highest anthocyanin using 4% tartaric acid was o...

Pengaruh Metode Ekstraksi terhadap Mutu Kimia dan Komposisi Asam Lemak Minyak Buah Merah (Pandanus conoideus)

Minyak buah merah (Pandanus conoideus) secara tradisional telah dikenal dan digunakan oleh masyarakat Papua. Teknik ekstraksi yang digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat adalah ekstraksi basah dengan proses pemasakan buah merah sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan minyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh metode ekstraksi terhadap kualitas kimia dan komposisi asam lemak dari minyak buah merah yang dihasilkan. Metode ekstraksi yang dipelajari adalah (i) metode ekstraksi basah (dengan penambahan air) dan (ii) metode ekstraksi kering (tanpa penambahan air); serta metode Folch digunakan sebagai metode pembanding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas kimia minyak buah merah yang dihasilkan dengan metode ekstraksi kering secara nyata (P<0,05) lebih baik dibandingkan dengan minyak yang dihasilkan dengan metode ekstraksi basah, terutama karena kadar asam lemak bebas (ALB) yang lebih rendah, serta kadar total karotenoid dan tokoferol yang lebih tinggi, tapi memiliki kual...

PENGOLAHAN BERAS WANGI BUATAN METODE DAN RETENSI SENYAWA AROMA [Processing of Artificial Fragrant Rice The Method and Aroma Retention]

Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan, 2010

Processing of artificial fragrant rice in which one or more aroma compounds were introduced into raw milled rice were studied. The end product, which is potentially marketable, showed no visible difference in appearance from the untreated rice, and the cooked product showed perceivable aroma to the consumers. The aromatisation process used liquid carbon dioxide as a vehicle to deliver the aroma. Five aroma compounds of eugenol, iso-eugenol, methyl eugenol, cinnamyl alcohol, and cinnamaldehyde were used as model compounds. The results showed that liquid carbon dioxide at a pressure of 8 MPa and an equilibration time of 5 minutes were found to be the optimum conditions for imparting the aroma compounds into the rice. The retention of the model aroma compounds in rice were in the range of 33% to 50%. The aroma carrier was found to be able to carry the model compounds into the core of rice. This was significant, as it potentially provided a longer period for the aroma compounds to remai...

Muka Air Optimum Pada System Of Rice Intensification (SRI)

Jurnal Irigasi

Pengendalian muka air merupakan cara mengelola air di sawah SRI. Petani cenderung mengaplikasikan muka air yang berbeda tergantung pada praktek pengelolaan air setempat. Hal ini dapat berimplikasi pada pertumbuhan tanaman yang dapat terlihat dari jumlah anakan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan pada pembentukan anakan padi SRI di berbagai perlakuan muka air. Muka air dikendalikan menggunakan tabung mariot dengan set-point -12, -7, -5, -3, 0, dan +2 cm dari permukaan tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai kelembaban tanah (Ɵ) berfluktuasi karena adanya penerapan irigasi berselang dan perbedaan muka air. Hal tersebut mempengaruhi jumlah anakan yang terbentuk dimana laju pembentukannya bervariasi antara 0,21-0,29 anakan/hari. Anakan pertama muncul pada 18 hari setelah tanam (HST). Jumlah anakan terus meningkat hingga mencapai nilai maksimal pada 63-72 HST. Studi empirik ini menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian muka air pada -5 cm dari permukaan tanah di budidaya padi SRI merupakan ...