The Effectiveness of Using Picture Series as Media to Teach Writing Procedure Text for Tenth Graders of SMA NegeriBandarkedungmulyoJombang (original) (raw)

The Effectiveness of Using Picture Series as Media to Teach Writing Procedure Text for Tenth Graders of SMA Negeri The Effectiveness of Using Picture Series as Media to Teach Writing Procedure Text for Tenth Graders of SMA

Some people may find difficulties in writing something or express their ideas. They have a lot of ideas in their mind, but they cannot decide what they want to write. When the first problem solved, other problem appear that they do not know how to write correctly. Those difficulties faced by students, too and make them frustated and not confident in writing. The teacher has a job to give some stimulus and let the students' imagination free by not forcing the students directly to write and not giving them the same boring strategy all the time. The teacher can use Picture Series. The use of picture series can help the students to be more interested in the material and it is makes students easier to write down their own concept. The research is an experimental research and the objective of this study To find out whether there is significant effect between the students who have been taught writing using picture series and students who have not. The subject of this research was the t...

The Effect of Picture Series Towards Students’ Writing Skill In Recount Text at The Eighth Grade Students’ of SMPN 6 Malingping Lebak-Banten

JELL (Journal of English Language Learning), 2022

This research paper aim to investigate the effect of picture series towards students' writing skill in recount text at the eighth grade students' of SMPN 6 Malingping Lebak Banten in academic year 2021/2022. The method used in this research was quantitative method. The design of this research was quasi-experimental design and cluster random sampling: the researcher used VIII A (20 students) as class experimental and VIII B (20 students) as class control. In the collecting data technique, the researcher used pre-test and post-test. The analysis data used to test research hypotheses using SPSS 25.0 is test of paired samples test. The results of the research concluded that there are a significant effect of picture series towards students' writing skill in recount text with a significant value (p-value) = 0.000. They are < α = 0.05. The results of the research indicate that the hypotheses is accepted. According to the criteria of the test, it could be concluded that there was was progress in the effect of picture series towards students' writing skill in recount text at the eighth grade students' SMPN 6 Malingping Lebak Banten was effective.

Using Picture Series as an Effort to Improve the Writing Skill of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 6 Yogyakarta in the Academic Year of 2014/2015


This research is about improving the students’ writing skill by using picture series. The objective of this research is to improve the writing skill of the eighth grade students of SMPN 6 Yogyakarta. The subjects of this research were 33 students of the eighth grade. The data were collected in two forms, qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were collected by observing the teaching learning process and interviewing the students while the quantitative data were obtained by conducting pretest and posttest for the students. The data were analyzed through five steps. They were assembling data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretations and reporting the outcomes. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analyzed by comparing the mean score of the students’ writing. The validity of the data was achieved by applying the five criteria of validity proposed by Anderson. They were democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity, catalytic validity, an...

Using Pictures Series in Increasing Student’s Writing Skill to the Eleventh Grade Students of Sma Pgri 2 Palembang


This research investigated of using pictures series in increasing student’s writing skill to the eleventh grade students of SMA PGRI 2 Palembang. The objective of this study was to identify whether or not by using pictures series can increase the students ‘ writing skill. This study was conducted in experimental research to 165 students from the eleventh grade students of SMA PGRI 2 Palembang of the academic years of 2016-2017. This study could be concluded that pictures series strategy gave a significant increase for the students’ writing skill than the students’ writing skill by using conventional strategy to the eleventh grade students of SMA PGRI 2 Palembang. Key words: Pictures stories, Writing skill, Experimental researc

An Experimental Study on the Use of Picture Series in Teaching Writing

In learning English, there are four language skills that should be learnt, they are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Listening and reading belong to receptive skills in which the language users require the ability to receive spoken and written language, while speaking and writing belong to productive skills in which the language users require the ability to produce language both spoken and written (Harmer, 1983: 44). Based on curriculum KTSP, all skills in teaching and learning English that are integrated each other must be learnt and taught by both students and teacher, including writing skill.

The Use of Picture Series to Teach Writing Procedure Text


The paper discusses the effectiveness of using picture series to increase students’ ability in writing procedure text at the eleventh grade students of SMK-SMTI Pontianak. The aim of this research was to know whether teaching writing procedure text by using picture series was effective to the eleventh grade students.The research method was pre- experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The population was the eleventh grade students. The sample was XI D which consist 15 students. The technique of data collection was measurement technique and the tool of data collection was a written test. The result of T-test was 8.4 and the effect size was 2.2. It means that the effect size was high effect with ES > 0.8 (2.2 > 0,8). Based on the result, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. The conclusion that the use of picture series is effective to teach students’ writing procedure text. Keywords : Writing, Proced...

The Effectiveness of Picture Series in Teaching Writing at the First Year at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Kediri in Academic Year 2016 / 2017


This research is conducted because of a tendency which scattered that writing is considered as the most difficult and complex skill to learn. This problem occurs because the English teacher feels difficult to choose the appropriate media to teach writing. Therefore, the purpose of conducting this research is to investigate the effect of Picture series as the media that can help students to have better ability in writing descriptive text in terms of content, organization, content, accuracy, and mechanics.In conducting this research, the researcher employed the pre-experimental research and one-group pretest-posttest design. The subject of the research was the seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Kediri in academic year 2015/2016. The sample of the research was class VII-C consisting of 29 students. This research was held in four meetings involved pre-test, first treatment, second treatment, and post-test. The instrument of essay test descriptive was used to know the students’...

USING PICTURES AS TEACHING MEDIA IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (A Pre-Experimental Study at one of Junior High School in Garut, West Java, Indonesia)


This research investigated “Using Picture as Teaching Media in Writing Descriptive Text”. It enhanced the ability to write descriptive in one of junior high school in Garut. The purpose of the research was to know the effect of using pictures on students’ writing ability in descriptive text. The research population was the eighth grade students. The researcher used a written test to collect data. The research design was quantitative experimental. Data were collected through pre-test and post-test. The technique used in analyzing the data was t-test formula. It was used to determine whether there was a significance difference between the pre-test and post-test. The result of the test between pre-test and post-test, the mean of pre-test was 59.63 and the mean of post-test was 75.17 The obtained ttest was tobserved = 12.51 and tcritical = 2.0452. The result showed that tobserved greater than tcritical (12.51 > 2.0452). The tobserved was in the area H0 rejected it means H0 was reject...

The Implementation of Picture Series in Improving Students’ Writing Skills of SMPN2 Banguntapan


The objectives of this study are to describe students’ writing skills taught using picture series, to describe the students’ writing skills taught using traditional method, to find out significant difference between students’ writing skills taught using picture series and traditional method, and to find out a better class in producing writing skills e.g. experimental or control class. This research was experimental research. The population of this research was the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Banguntapan. The samples were taken using lottery technique. For collecting the data, the researchers used paragraph writing test, in the pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using SPSS. The research findings showed that (1) the level of students’ writing skills taught using picture series was “very high” at the category scale of 75-above, (2) the level of students’ writing skills taught using traditional method was “high” at the category scale of 58.33-75, (3) the sig. (2-tailed...