Gambaran Kesehatan Mental Petugas DI Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas Iib Dan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas Iib Siborong-Borong (original) (raw)
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Students E Journal, 2012
Anxiety is an individual response to an unpleasant situation and experienced by every living creature in daily life. The employee of The Instute of Community often experience anxiety while working because they are dealing with citizens assisted in the criminal or civil problems that leads them to endure life in the Rehabilitation Center. The purpose of this research is to identify description of the anxiety level of the employee working in The Instute of Community in Women's Group Level IIA Bandung. The research method applied is quantitative descriptive. The technique of collecting data is the questionnaire of anxiety level from Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. The sampling techniques used were sampling purposive with a total of 31 RUPAM staffs.The results of the research showed that most respondents, 19 respondents (61,29%), were on the level of mild anxiety and almost 12 respondents (38,71%) experienced a moderate level of anxiety. None of the respondents suffered severe anxiety and panic.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between coping strategies and stress among inmates at Kupang Class IIB State Detention Center.Methods: This type of research correlates with cross-cutting design. The population of this study consisted of inmates from Kupang Class IIB State Detention Center with a total of 246 people. The sampling method is based on reasoned use. The sample for this study was 150 people. The independent variable is the adaptation strategy using the BriefCOPE measuring instrument. The stress dependent variable is the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). Results: Pearson's correlation test with a p value = 0.001 <0.05 means that there is a significant relationship between coping strategies and stress of inmates at Kupang Class IIB State Detention Center. The correlation coefficient (r) = - 333 with a low correlation value, the nature of the negative relationship means that the higher the coping strategy, the lower the inmate str...
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Kesejahteraan Psikologis Pada Narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Sragen
The lives of prisioner at the Correctional Institution is a form of punishment for the consequences of unlawful behavior ever conducted. The problems experienced by prisioner to live a life in Prison, including a change of life, loss of freedom and rights are more limited, until the acquisition of villain label inherent and lives in Penitentiary making them must be separated from their families and live with other prisioner. Title as an inmate is not something that can easily be accepted by someone, but indirectly prisioner are required to account for criminal acts that he did, and then were able to have self-acceptance, have positive relationships with others, have a way in the mastery of the environment, and has a purpose life. The aim of this study was to describe the dynamics of Psychological Well-Being of Prisoners in Penitentiary In Class IIA Sragen. The informants as many as four people were selected by purposive sampling characteristics, among others: a) prisioner aged 21 to...
Latar Belakang: Kecemasan dan insomnia dapat dialami oleh siapa saja termasuk penghuni lembaga pemasyarakatan baik dengan status narapidana maupun masih status tahanan. Banyaknya perubahan - perubahan dan permasalahan yang dialami narapidana dan tahanan akan menyebabkan mereka dalam suatu ketidaknyamanan dan berdampak pada masalah kesehatan mental seperti kecemasan yang selanjutnya bermanifestasi insomnia. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kecemasan dan insomnia antara tahanan dan narapidana. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel adalah 57 orang yang terdiri dari 26 tahanan dan 31 narapidana yang berada di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Wanita Semarang. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode simple random sampling. Responden diukur tingkat kecemasan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Zung Self-rating Anxiety Scale dan tingkat insomnia dengan menggunakan kuesioner Insomnia Severity Index. Uji yang digunakan adalah uji Chi...
Jurnal Studia Insania
This study aims to describe the psychological condition of inmates during being in Narcotics Correctional Institution II Karang Intan, Martapura, South Kalimantan. The research method used is qualitative research. Method of taking data by using interview and observation. The main research subjects were two prisoners, HRS and BSR were supported by two informants, prison officers and counselors as a complementary source of data. From the results of research can be described psychological condition of inmates are divided into four aspects, namely cognitive aspects, affective aspects, social aspects and psychomotor aspects (behavior). The research findings can be summarized as follows, on the cognitive aspect can be described prisoners are susceptible to cognitive dysfunction this is related to the ability his perception, the ability to catch and often lose concentration, while the affective aspects of deep sadness, suspicion and excessive alertness, And anxious, to social aspects show behavior tend to withdraw from association among fellow inmates, often sat pensive and become loners or close themselves. In the psychomotor aspect can be seen from maladaptive behavior, can manisfestation in the form of behavior of sleeplessness, lack of spirit and loss of interest, even the desire to hurt until the desire to end life.
Kualitas Hidup Pada Narapidana DI Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas Iia Wanita Tangerang
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup pada narapidana. Teori yang dipakai adalah lima bidang yang dikembangkan oleh WHO (Larasati, 2007). Bidang – bidang tersebut adalah kesehatan fisik, kesehatan psikologis, tingkat aktivitas, hubungan sosial, dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini karena peneliti ingin mendapatkan gambaran mendalam mengenai bagaimana kualitas hidup pada narapidana. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan mengobservasi dan melakukan wawancara pada ketiga subjek. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah individu dewasa awal dan berada pada rentang usia 20 – 40 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga subjek sudah mendapatkan kualitas hidup yang baik, dilihat dari berbagai bidang kesehatan fisik, kesehatan psikologis, tingkat aktivitas, hubungan sosial, dan lingkungan. Bidang yang mempengaruhi subjek secara khusus adalah hubungan sosial dan juga peran keluarga sebagai pen...
Gambaran Kesehatan Mental Narapidana Ditinjau Dari Emosi Psikis DI Polisi Resort Painan
A This research is motivated by the feeling of morality that arises on the inmates involved in drug cases and theft. The presence of anxiety experienced by the inmates in the cell both psychologically and socially. But the focus in this study is: 1) The mental health deskription of the prisoners is seen from social feelings. 2) The mental health deskription of prisoners is seen from feelings of morality. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. key informants as much as 2 people and additional informants as many as 4 people, Instruments that researchers use in this research is interview. Data analysis techniques such as data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results can reveal that: 1). The mental health deskription of the inmates is seen from the social feelings that prisoners are able to socialize and be able to get closer to other inmates, the inmates are able to perform activities and obey the rules that are in the cell, for example: eating together, ...
Psychological Well-Being Warga Binaan Lapas Wanita Kelas IIA Sukamiskin Bandung Menjelang Pembebasan
Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia
A good level psychological well-being is important for inmates’ prerelease to have a good function in their new surroundings and as a predictor of resilience. Women inmates who will be release can have psychologicall distress that have negative consequences to their level of psychological well-being. The aim of this research is to see psychological well-being in inmates’ during their prerelease. This is a descriptive and quantitative research using 42-item Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale. The respondents were 33 inmates’ during their prerelease time in Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wanita Klas IIA Sukamiskin Bandung (Women Prison in Sukamiskin Bandung) and were taken using accidental sampling in non-random sampling method. The data then were analyzed by using distribution of frequency in the percentations. The level of psychological well-being was divided into three categories: high, middle, and low psychological well-being, and the result of this research shows that most of the inmate...
Pelayanan Pola Makanan Sehat Dan Gizi Terhadap Tahanan DI Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas I Depok
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dan Rumah Tahanan Negara sebagaimana yang di atur di dalam Pasal 1 Angka 1 UU Pemasyarakatan merupakan tempat dilaksanakannya penghukuman dan pembinaan bagi narapidana dengan sistem kelembagaan, pembinaan ini menjadi satu tujuan akhir dari sistem pemidanaan. Berdasarkan Pasal 14 UU Pemasyarakatan ini narapidana berhak mendapatkan pengayoman pelayanan kesehatan dan makanan yang layak. Adapun berkenaan dengan proses pelayanan konsumsi makanan untuk narapiana di dalam Lapas/Rutan, Idealnya yang berdampak pada peningkatan kualitas SDM, maka dengan demikian dalam hal ini dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas gizi harus seimbang serta layak dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Pada kenyataannya pelayanan kesehatan dan konsumsi yang penulis teliti baik di Rutan Kelas I Depok masih kurang memadai dan belum memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis pemenuhan hak-hak dasar narapidana atas pelayanan kesehatan dan konsumsi, faktor-f...