The relations of Serbia and the People’s Republic of China at the beginning of the 21st century (original) (raw)
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Kultura, 2021
Сажетак: Народна Република Кина кроз различите и бројне форме јавне и културне дипломатије већ дуго настоји да у свету побољша слику о себи. Откад је постала један од значајних и утицајних актера међународног система, јавила се и потреба да се промени њена перспектива према другима, али и перспектива других према њој. Да би то остварила, НР Кина је почела да примењује проактивну стратегију јавне и културне дипломатије, да би се промовисала као одговорна велика сила и да би допринела формирању позитиваног наратива о себи у међународним односима. Кинеске власти кроз неколико великих иницијитава глобалног домета, које укључују економске, политичке и културне стратегије, настоје да побољшају и промовишу имиџ своје земље као поузданог политичког и економског партнера. У том процесу култура и културна размена постају једно од најважнијих оруђа Кине за увећање њене меке моћи. Како ове иницијативе обухватају и Западни Балкан, а тиме и Републику Србију, Кина користи различите методе и инструменте културне дипломатије који се крећу од оснивања Конфуцијевих института и академске сарадње, до интернационализације кинеских медија и њеног медијског присуства у овим земљама. Циљ овог рада је да прикаже и опише како наведени инструменти функционишу на Западном Балкану и како се примењују у Републици Србији у поређењу с другим земљама региона.
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The subject of this paper is the economic relations between the Republic of Serbia and the People's Republic of China from the beginning of the century until today. The development of these economic relations and cooperation is based on the long tradition of their good political and diplomatic relations. The relationship of these two countries towards the transition and different strategies in the implementation of this process are determinants of their economic success and the position they have in the global economy. The aspects of the economic cooperation between Serbia and China are analyzed in two categories in which this cooperation is most visible and in which its effects can be precisely expressed quantitatively: the cooperation in the field of foreign trade and in the field of investments. The basic hypothesis is that the economic relations between Serbia and China have been growing rapidly since the beginning of the century and that such a trend will continue in the fu...
Changes in the national structure of Serbia's population at the beginning of the 21st century
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The main aim of this paper is to analyze the national structure of Serbia's population according to the 2022 Census and the changes occurring since the beginning of the 21st century.(Census, 2002) to date (Census, 2022). The research starts from the assumption that there have not been substantial changes in the national structure of Serbia's population in comparison to two previous censuses (2002 and 2011), but that certain changes can be seen at the municipal level. During the observed period, the number of Serbia's inhabitants dropped by 850,998. The data analysis shows that the reduction in the number of inhabitants was seen in almost all ethnic groups during the observed period. There was an increase in the number of members of Bosniak, Roma, Albanian and Russian nationalities. All ethnic groups are older in comparison to the previous censuses.
Medjunarodni problemi, 2017
The foreign policy positioning of the state is a process influenced by at least three indicators: the geographical position, the structure of the world political system (character of the current international relations) and historical experiences. All three of these indicators are related to the phenomenon of spatial (geographical) distribution of the power of key actors of international politics, at the regional or global level, today or in the past. Therefore, we can consider them as geopolitical determinants, In this article, we will present and analyze the geopolitical determinants that are related to all three indicators. The article consists of five parts. The first introductory part is dedicated to explaining what foreign political positioning means and what foreign policy is. The second part deals with geopolitical determinants that affect the country's foreign policy. The third part is devoted to the analysis of geopolitical determinants related to three indicators of t...
Regional development of Serbia at the beginning of the XXI century
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Problem of regional inequality in Serbia is rather noticeable. Regional inequality and polarization of Serbia can be observed primarily on the example of the City of Belgrade and the AP Vojvodina, which are according to numerous indicators of development evidently ahead other regions in the country. Negative development trends in Serbia present a major problem that threatens to jeopardize the future of regional and social development of the state itself and the process of European integration too. The paper presents some indicators of regional inequality as well as the importance of taking measures to achieve a higher level of economic development. When we talk about regionalization as a factor of public regulation of economic and regional development in the conditions of transition in Serbia, European integration in Europe and globalization in the world, it is necessary to take into account possibilities, limitations, applicability and specific characteristics of the Serbian economy in order to secure socioeconomic and geographical framework for conducting economic activities.
The Middle Ages in Serbian Science, History, Literature And Arts XI : Six Centuries of the Manasija Monastery, 2021
This paper deals with the rare and valuable mention of China in the life of Despot Stefan Lazarević authored by Konstantin Filozof (ca. 1431). The word probably goes on the earliest known Serbian historical source mentioning China. The paper deals with the name that Konstantin Filozof uses to address the country of China – „Htai“ („Cathay“ that is “Cathay”) and the reasons of such a use. In other words, the origin(s) of the particular name of China are analyzed in the paper, its meaning, the sources that Konstantin Filozof used in addressing China in such a way. Describing the life and exploits of the first son of Lazar Hrebeljanović, the second and the last ruler of the Lazarević dynasty – despot Stefan, Konstantin Filozof also gives an account of the story of Tatar emir Temerlan – Temur Lenka (1336–1405), who, in addition to numerous military campaigns and conquests, began military campaigns against China in 1404/1405. While encamped he suffered illness and died, before reaching China border. The first, introductory part of the paper, is thus devoted to investigating the reasons of Timur’s aspirations to conquer China. The second part of the paper is devoted to the study of the European names of China, present in different historical sources frоm ancient Greek period till the middle of the 15th century. The term “Cathay” is particularly analyzed in the paper, due to the fact that Konstantin Filozof uses it while describing the life of Despot Stefan. It is concluded that by using this particular toponym and etnonym for the historical appellation of China Konstantin Filozof does not rely on the classical Greco-Roman heritage, but rather on the contemporaneous Turkish and European language tendencies, which are firmly rooted to its Turco-Mongol roots and tradition.
Regional position of Serbia in light of foreign policy relations with its “old neighbors”
Medjunarodni problemi, 2017
Due to turbulent circumstances and controversial heritage in regard to the breakup of ex-Yugoslavia, regional position of Serbia is, within academic as well as the wider public, most often observed in the context of its relations with the ?new? neighbors - the states that have emerged from the breakup of the former common country. This is in part because of constant tensions in the relations with ex-Yugoslav states, but also due to the political agenda of Western actors, which sets the framework for regional integration processes through the concept of ?Western Balkans?. Foreign policy relations of Serbia with its ?old? neighbors (most notably, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, given that Albania has a distinct status as a de facto interested party in the dispute regarding the status of Kosovo and Metohija), nonetheless, remain at least just as important element of Serbia?s regional position. It is the author?s intention to point towards determinants of the foreign policy of Serbia, as...
Рецензенты: доктор исторических наук Юрий Петрович Аншаков кандидат исторических наук Никита Сергеевич Гусев Вместе в столетии конфликтов. Россия и Сербия в ХХ веке. Сб. статей / Редколлегия: к.В. Никифоров (отв. редактор), А.А. Силкин.-М.: Институт славяноведения РАН, 2016.-400 с. ISBN 978-5-7576-В сборнике представлены различные аспекты российско/советскосербских/югославских отношений в ХХ в. Основное внимание уделено двум Мировым войнам, последствиям советско-югославского конфликта 1948 г. и югославскому кризису 1991-2001 гг. УДК 94 ББК 63