Vestibulotrigeminal pathways in the frog, Rana esculenta (original) (raw)
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Brain Research, 2009
The aim of this work was to study whether the vestibular afferent fibers establish direct connections with the motoneurons of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves of the frog, Rana esculenta. In anaesthetized animals the vestibulocochlear nerve and the common root of glossopharyngeal-vagus and accessory (IX-X-XI) nerves were simultaneously labeled with fluorescein dextran amine (vestibulocochlear nerve) and tetramethylrhodamine dextran amine (IX-X-XI). With a confocal laser scanning microscope we could detect close appositions between the vestibular afferent fibers and somatodendritic components of the general and special visceral motoneurons of the ambiguus nucleus of IX-X nerves. The direct impulse transmission may provide a quick and immediate response of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system upon body displacement.
Central projections of the trigeminal nerve in the bull frog (Rana catesbeiana)
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1973
The trigeminal nerve was unilaterally transected proximal to its ganglion in ten adult bull frogs. The course and termination of the axons were determined with the aid of Nauta and Fink-Heimer techniques. The trigeminal primary afferents can be traced to five loci within the central nervous system, namely: the main sensory nucleus of the trigeminus. the descending nucleus of the trigeminus, a hitherto undescribed "ventral trigeminal field," the rostral part of the nucleus of the solitary tract, and to the commissural nucleus of Cajal.
Brain Structure and Function, 2015
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s: 1. Bácskai T, Kelentey B, Deák Á, Matesz K: Effect of fluorokinolone treatment on the structures innervating the salivary glands of the rat. IBRO International Workshop, 2006 Budapest, Clin. Neurosci. 2006; 59 (S1):1-72 2. Deák Á, Bácskai T, V.eress G, Rácz É, Matesz K: Vestibular afferents to the brainstem: morphological substrate for vestibulo-autonomic interaction. IBRO International Workshop, 2006 Budapest, Clin. Neurosci. 2006; 59 (S1):1-72 3. Szabó, Zs., Bácskai, T., Deák, Á., Matesz, K., Veress, G., Sziklai, I: Localization and dendrodendritic connections of the cochlear efferent neurons in Guinea pig. Congress of The Hungarian Neuroscience Society, 2007 Szeged Clin. Neurosci. 2007; 60 (S1): 1-72. 4. Bácskai T, Kelentey B, Deák Á, Zelles T, Skopkó B, Matesz K: Effect of chronic fluorokinolone treatment on the structures innervating the salivary glands of the rat. Congress of The Hungarian Neuroscience Society, 2007 Szeged, Clin. Neurosci. 2007; 60 (S1): 1-72. 5. Deák Á, Bá...
Vestibular nerve regeneration in the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana: Peripheral dendrites☆☆☆★★★
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 1998
167 regenerated canal afferents were evaluated for functional recovery 16 weeks after transection. Both spontaneous and rotation-induced discharge characteristics were obtained and compared with those obtained from a sample of 254 normal afferents in a previous study (Hoffman LF. Factors affecting the response dynamics of canalicular primary afferent neurons in the bullfrog. St. Petersburg (FL): Association for Research in Otolaryngology; 1989). The mean spontaneous discharge coefficient of variation (CV) ± standard deviation was 0.60 ± 0.32 and 0.49 ± 0.33 for ACC and HCC regenerated afferents, respectively, which did not differ from the normal means of 0.63 ± 0.33 and 0.54 ± 0.36 (Mann-Whitney, p > 0.2). Response gains and phases obtained during 0.05 Hz sinusoid rotations at 15 degrees/second maximum horizontal table velocity also demonstrated normal discharge characteristics. The mean phases were-28.2 ± 25.2 degrees and-55.9 ± 21.5 degrees for regenerated ACC and HCC afferents, respectively, which were not different from the normal means of-33.77 ± 24.31 degrees and-58.0 ± 23.3 degrees (Mann-Whitney U). Furthermore, regenerated afferents exhibited a positive association between phase and CV, which was also true for normal afferents (correlation analysis, p > 0.001). Although the mean gains for regenerated ACC and HCC (7.13 ± 5.5 and 3.3 ± 2.4 spikes • sec-1 /°• sec-2 , respectively) afferents were reduced from normal ACC and HCC (14.8 ± 12.52 and 7.76 ± 6.58 spikes • sec-1 /°• sec-2 , respectively) afferents (Mann-Whitney U, p > 0.0001), a positive association between gain and CV was also demonstrated by regenerated afferents, as was the case for normal afferents (correlation analysis, p < 0.001). Thus the overall response discharges of regenerated afferents were comparable with normal afferents. Normally, large fibers innervate central regions of the receptor, and smaller fibers innervate the peripheral regions. However, the data from experiments 1 and 2 demonstrate that vestibular nerve regeneration results in a dissociation between the normal topographic organization of fiber size and regional innervation of the receptor epithelium. Nonetheless, both spontaneous and stimulusinduced discharge characteristics remain unal
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1997
Anatomical and neurophysiological studies were undertaken to examine the central projection pattern of physiologically characterized horizontal semicircular canal vestibular nerve afferents in the toadfish, Opsanus tau. The variations in individual response characteristics of vestibular nerve afferents to rotational stimulus provided a means of typing the afferents into descriptive classes; the afferents fell into a broad continuum across the spectrum from low-gain, velocity-sensitive to high-gain, acceleration-sensitive responses (Boyle and Highstein [1990b] J. Neurosci. 10:1557-1569 Boyle and Highstein [1990a] J. Neurosci. 10:1570-1582. In the present study, each afferent was typed as a low-gain, high-gain, or acceleration fiber during rotational or mechanical stimulation (Rabbitt et al. [ ] J. Neurophysiol. 73:2237[ -2260 and was then intracellularly injected with biocytin. The axons were reconstructed, and the morphology, synaptic boutons, and projection pattern of each axon were determined. The results indicated that the three descriptive classes of vestibular nerve afferents have unique as well as overlapping central projection patterns and destinations in the vestibular nuclei, with intranuclear parcellation in the anterior octavus, magnocellularis, tangentialis, posterior octavus, and descending octavus nuclei. In general, increased sensitivity and faster response dynamics were correlated with both a more extensive central projection and a progressive increase in morphological complexity. Lowgain, velocity-sensitive fibers were the simplest morphologically, with the fewest number of branches (n 5 17) and shortest length (4,282 µm), and projections were confined to the middle portions of the vestibular nuclei. High-gain, velocity-sensitive fibers were morphologically more diverse than low-gain fibers, with a greater number of branches (n 5 26), longer length (6,059 µm), 29% greater volume, and a more widespread projection pattern with projections to both the anterior and the middle portions of the vestibular nuclei. Acceleration fibers were morphologically distinct from low-and high-gain fibers, with more elaborate branching (n 5 41), greatest overall length (17,370 µm) and volume (16% greater than high gains), and displayed the most extensive central projection pattern, innervating all vestibular nuclei except tangentialis. Thus, there are anatomically demonstrable differential central projections of canal afferents with different response dynamics within the vestibular complex of the fish.