Design of Ethnomathematics Mobile Module to Facilitate Students Mathematical Thinking Ability (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Math Educator Nusantara: Wahana Publikasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah di Bidang Pendidikan Matematika
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The development of information technology plays an essential role in supporting learning activities in all subjects, including mathematics. In mathematics learning, teachers usually use conventional media, such as printed textbooks and paper-based students' worksheets. Regarding this issue, an innovation of mathematics learning media based on information technology is needed to be developed. Therefore, this study aims to design learning media based on mobile learning. This study is a research and development (R&D) study applying the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). This study's subjects are students in the tenth grade of a private vocational high school in Central Java, Indonesia. The results of this study can be described as follows: 1) the rating of media experts with an average value of 67.5 is included in the excellent category; 2) the material experts' assessment with an average score of 75 is included in the excellent category; 3) the students' evaluation with an average grade of 70,119 is included in the excellent category. The assessment was obtained from the SUS (System Usability Scale) questionnaire. Moreover, based on the analysis of a pre-experimental design, it can be concluded the media improve students' scores in the topic of matrix operations.
Integrating Ethnomathematics in Mathematical Learning Design for Elementary Schools
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
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Ethnomathematics: Electronic Math Module Based on Madura Batik in Improving Creative Thinking Skills
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMMEd 2020), 2021
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Developing Islamic-Friendly Android Mobile Apps for Understanding Mathematical Concepts
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2020
Android mobile apps technology integration in the mathematics learning process in the industrial era 4.0 is needed to facilitate the understanding of mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study is to produce mobile apps that are feasible, interesting, and effective Islamic-nuanced interactive multimedia with a scientific approach to facilitate mathematical concepts understanding. The research method used is research and development with the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model which consists of 4 stages. The results show that the media is deemed feasible based on the validation from the material expert with a percentage of 91.67%, 83% from the media experts, and 77% from the religious experts. The product's percentage based on the small-group trial is 65% and the field trial is 76% which belongs to the interesting criteria. the score for the media's effectiveness is 0.56 which belongs to the medium category. Based on the results, the development of Islamic-nuanced android mobile apps of interactive multimedia with a scientific approach can be a solution to learning mathematics in the industrial era 4.0.
JPP (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran), 2019
One of the most important steps in having educational process with the media. The media itself represents the component of Language Leaning. In researchers' context, which is Math, the subject matter represents the content itself. Most of the times, our students face difficulty in learning the content-Math subject. Therefore, the objective of this study is to produce an instructional media that might ease the students in learning Mathematics easier and meaningful. Our interest is developing an instructional media that help students to also learn culture as its additional material. We develop ETHIC GAME (Ethnomathematics Game) as an integrated and augmented reality-based (AR) instructional media that combine mathematics and culture. Based on Edgar Dale's theory on learning, the students can undergo the meaningful learning experience when they learn, observe, and listen to the media by themselves. We decide then to make an instructional media that also use such kind of principle that is TRINGO (Ngerti, Ngrasa, Nglakoni-or Understanding, Experiencing, Doing) by Ki Hadjar Dewantara. The development method used in this study refers to Lee Owen model of development. In the end, by having ETHIC GAME as instructional media, students learn more insightful and meaningful Mathmatics and culture-not only to make the learning process more authentic, but also to make the learners preserve the national culture. Indicates how easy the users in using the application which shows 100% of the users stated that there is no difficulty in using it. So, this instructional media can be used easily and fun.
Alifmatika: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Matematika
This study aims to make traditional books that were packaged electronically with an ethnomathematics approach to traditional snacks, which was adapted from Bruner's theory by presenting three stages of Bruner's theory as enactive, iconic, and symbolic by incorporating elements of traditional snacks as an ethnomathematics approach as an effort to build students' mathematical understanding abilities. The method used the 4-D concept by using questionnaires and test instruments so that this media was valid and suitable for use as a medium in learning mathematics. The results showed a score of 3.86 for material experts and 3.74 for media experts, with 82% eligibility criteria to improve students' mathematical understanding abilities. The response to the ethnomathematics-based e-book was 91% with the "Very Eligible" criteria. It can be concluded that this e-book was developed to meet valid criteria and is practical and effective in use.