High-Speed Signatures from Standard Lattices (original) (raw)

Efficient lattice-based signature scheme

International Journal of Applied Cryptography, 2008

In Crypto 1997, Goldreich, Goldwasser and Halevi (GGH) proposed a lattice analogue of McEliece public key cryptosystem, in which security is related to the hardness of approximating the Closest Vector Problem in a lattice. Furthermore, they also described how to use the same principle of their encryption scheme to provide a signature scheme. Practically, this cryptosystem uses the Euclidean norm, l 2 -norm, which has been used in many algorithms based on lattice theory. Nonetheless, many drawbacks have been studied and these could lead to cryptanalysis of the scheme. In this article, we present a novel method of reducing a vector under the l -norm and propose a digital signature scheme based on it. Our scheme takes advantage of the l -norm to increase the resistance of the GGH scheme and to decrease the signature length. Furthermore, after some other improvements, we obtain a very efficient signature scheme, that trades the security level, speed and space.

Practical Lattice-Based Cryptography: A Signature Scheme for Embedded Systems

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012

Nearly all of the currently used and well-tested signature schemes (e.g. RSA or DSA) are based either on the factoring assumption or the presumed intractability of the discrete logarithm problem. Further algorithmic advances on these problems may lead to the unpleasant situation that a large number of schemes have to be replaced with alternatives. In this work we present such an alternative -a signature scheme whose security is derived from the hardness of lattice problems. It is based on recent theoretical advances in lattice-based cryptography and is highly optimized for practicability and use in embedded systems. The public and secret keys are roughly 12000 and 2000 bits long, while the signature size is approximately 9000 bits for a security level of around 100 bits. The implementation results on reconfigurable hardware (Spartan/Virtex 6) are very promising and show that the scheme is scalable, has low area consumption, and even outperforms some classical schemes.

Compact and provably secure lattice-based signatures in hardware

2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

Lattice-based cryptography is a quantum-safe alternative to existing classical asymmetric cryptography, such as RSA and ECC, which may be vulnerable to future attacks in the event of the creation of a viable quantum computer. The efficiency of lattice-based cryptography has improved over recent years, but there has been relatively little investigation into hardware designs of digital signature schemes. In this paper, the first hardware design of the provably secure Ring-LWE digital signature scheme, Ring-TESLA, is presented, targeting a Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA. The results better compactness of all previous lattice-based digital signature schemes in hardware, and can achieve between 104-785 signatures and 102-776 verifications per second.

Practical Lattice-based Digital Signature Schemes

Digital signatures are an important primitive for building secure systems and are used in most real world security protocols. However, almost all popular signature schemes are either based on the factoring assumption (RSA) or the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem (DSA/ECDSA). In the case of classical cryptanalytic advances or progress on the development of quantum computers the hardness of these closely related problems might be seriously weakened. A potential alternative approach is the construction of signature schemes based on the hardness of certain lattices problems which are assumed to be intractable by quantum computers. Due to significant research advancements in recent years, lattice-based schemes have now become practical and appear to be a very viable alternative to number-theoretic cryptography. In this paper we focus on recent developments and the current state-of-the-art in lattice-based digital signatures and provide a comprehensive survey discussing signature schemes with respect to practicality. Additionally, we discuss future research areas that are essential for the continued development of lattice-based cryptography.

Efficient Certificate-Based Signature with Short Key and Signature Sizes from Lattices


Certificate-based cryptography (CB-PKC) is an attractive public key setting, which reduces the complexity of public key infrastructure in traditional public key settings and resolves the key escrow problem in ID-based public key settings. In the past, a large number of certificate-based signature and encryption schemes were proposed. Nevertheless, the security assumptions of these schemes are mainly relied on the difficulties of the discrete logarithm and factorization problems. Unfortunately, both problems will be resolved when quantum computers come true in the future. Public key cryptography from lattices is one of the important candidates for post-quantum cryptography. However, there is little work on certificate-based cryptography from lattices. In the paper, we propose a new and efficient certificate-based signature (CBS) scheme from lattices. Under the short integer solution (SIS) assumption from lattices, the proposed CBS scheme is shown to be existential unforgeability agai...

LCPR: High Performance Compression Algorithm for Lattice-Based Signatures and Schnorr-like Constructions

IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2014

Many lattice-based signature schemes have been proposed in recent years. However, all of them suffer from huge signature sizes as compared to their classical counterparts. We present a novel and generic construction of a lossless compression algorithm for Schnorr-like signatures utilizing publicly accessible randomness. Conceptually, exploiting public randomness in order to reduce the signature size has never been considered in cryptographic applications. We illustrate the applicability of our compression algorithm using the example of a current state-of-the-art signature scheme due to Gentry et al. (GPV scheme) instantiated with the efficient trapdoor construction from Micciancio and Peikert. This scheme benefits from increasing the main security parameter n, which is positively correlated with the compression rate measuring the amount of storage savings. For instance, GPV signatures admit improvement factors of approximately lgn implying compression rates of about 65% at a securit...

Lattice-Based Revocable Certificateless Signature


Certificateless signatures (CLS) are noticeable because they may resolve the key escrow problem in ID-based signatures and break away the management problem regarding certificate in conventional signatures. However, the security of the mostly previous CLS schemes relies on the difficulty of solving discrete logarithm or large integer factorization problems. These two problems would be solved by quantum computers in the future so that the signature schemes based on them will also become insecure. For post-quantum cryptography, lattice-based cryptography is significant due to its efficiency and security. However, no study on addressing the revocation problem in the existing lattice-based CLS schemes is presented. In this paper, we focus on the revocation issue and present the first revocable CLS (RCLS) scheme over lattices. Based on the short integer solution (SIS) assumption over lattices, the proposed lattice-based RCLS scheme is shown to be existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attacks. By performance analysis and comparisons, the proposed lattice-based RCLS scheme is better than the previously proposed lattice-based CLS scheme, in terms of private key size, signature length and the revocation mechanism.

Exploiting Determinism in Lattice-based Signatures

Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security

In this paper, we analyze the implementation level fault vulnerabilities of deterministic lattice-based signature schemes. In particular, we extend the practicality of skip-addition fault attacks through exploitation of determinism in certain variants of Dilithium (Deterministic variant) and qTESLA signature scheme (originally submitted deterministic version), which are two leading candidates for the NIST standardization of post-quantum cryptography. We show that single targeted faults injected in the signing procedure allow to recover an important portion of the secret key. Though faults injected in the signing procedure do not recover all the secret key elements, we propose a novel forgery algorithm that allows the attacker to sign any given message with only the extracted portion of the secret key. We perform experimental validation of our attack using Electromagnetic fault injection on reference implementations taken from the pqm4 library, a benchmarking and testing framework for post quantum cryptographic implementations for the ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. We also show that our attacks break two well known countermeasures known to protect against skip-addition fault attacks. We further propose an efficient mitigation strategy against our attack that exponentially increases the attacker's complexity at almost zero increase in computational complexity. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Digital signatures; Hardware attacks and countermeasures; Side-channel analysis and countermeasures; Embedded systems security.

Lattice signatures using NTRU on the hardness of worst-case ideal lattice problems

IET Information Security, 2020

Recently, lattice signatures based on the Fiat-Shamir framework have seen a lot of improvements which are efficient in practice. The security of these signature schemes depends mainly on the hardness of solving short integer solutions (SIS) and/or learning with errors problem in the random oracle model. The authors propose an alternative lattice-based signature scheme on the Fiat-Shamir framework over the ring ℤ[x]/(x n + 1). The key generation in the signature scheme is based on the combination of NTRU and Ring SIS like key generation. Both the signature and the verification are done efficiently by doing polynomial convolutions in the ring ℤ[x]/(x n + 1). The proposed signature scheme is provably secure based on the hardness of the Ring SIS problem in the random oracle model. The scheme is also efficient up to constant factors as the highly practical schemes which have provable secure instantiation.

Masking the GLP Lattice-Based Signature Scheme at Any Order

Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2018, 2018

Recently, numerous physical attacks have been demonstrated against lattice-based schemes, often exploiting their unique properties such as the reliance on Gaussian distributions, rejection sampling and FFT-based polynomial multiplication. As the call for concrete implementations and deployment of postquantum cryptography becomes more pressing, protecting against those attacks is an important problem. However, few countermeasures have been proposed so far. In particular, masking has been applied to the decryption procedure of some lattice-based encryption schemes, but the much more difficult case of signatures (which are highly non-linear and typically involve randomness) has not been considered until now. In this paper, we describe the first masked implementation of a latticebased signature scheme. Since masking Gaussian sampling and other procedures involving contrived probability distribution would be prohibitively inefficient, we focus on the GLP scheme of Güneysu, Lyubashevsky and Pöppelmann (CHES 2012). We show how to provably mask it in the Ishai-Sahai-Wagner model (CRYPTO 2003) at any order in a relatively efficient manner, using extensions of the techniques of Coron et al. for converting between arithmetic and Boolean masking. Our proof relies on a mild generalization of probing security that supports the notion of public outputs. We also provide a proof-of-concept implementation to assess the efficiency of the proposed countermeasure.