Finding High Risk Persons with Internet Tests to Manage Risk—A Literature Review with Policy Implications to Avoid Violent Tragedies, Save Lives and Money (original) (raw)
2016, Review of European Studies
The goal is to share policy implications of sensitive, specific internet-based tests in place of current approaches to lowering violence, namely fewer mass murders, suicides, homicides. When used, internet-based tests save lives and money. From 2009-2015, a Chicago field test had 324 fewer homicides (saving 2,089,848,548,ROI=6.42).In60yrs.,conventionalapproachesforhighriskpersons(e.g.,.inappropriatelyreleasingpoor,severelymentallyill)ledtounnecessaryexpenseincludingyearly:(a)300massmurders(592,089,848,548, ROI=6.42). In 60 yrs., conventional approaches for high risk persons (e.g.,. inappropriately releasing poor, severely mentally ill) led to unnecessary expense including yearly: (a) 300 mass murders (59% demonstrating psychiatric conditions); (b) 1-6% having costly personnel challenges; (c) 2,100,000 "revolving door" Emergency-Room (ER) psychiatric admissions (41,149 suicides, 90% mentally ill); (d) 10,000,000 prisoners (14,146 homicides, 20% psychiatric challenges). Current metrics fail [success rates from 25%-73%: (1) for background checks (25%); (2) interviews (M=46%); (3) physical exams (M=49%); (4) other tests (M=73%)]. Internet-based tests are simultaneously sensitive (97%), specific (97%), non-discriminatory, objective, inexpensive, 2,089,848,548,ROI=6.42).In60yrs.,conventionalapproachesforhighriskpersons(e.g.,.inappropriatelyreleasingpoor,severelymentallyill)ledtounnecessaryexpenseincludingyearly:(a)300massmurders(59100/test, require 2-4 hrs.