Robust Table Detection and Structure Recognition from Heterogeneous Document Images (original) (raw)
Related papers
HybridTabNet: Towards Better Table Detection in Scanned Document Images
Tables in the document image are one of the most important entities since they contain crucial information. Therefore, accurate table detection can significantly improve information extraction from tables. In this work, we present a novel end-to-end trainable pipeline, HybridTabNet, for table detection in scanned document images. Our two-stage table detector uses the ResNeXt-101 backbone for feature extraction and Hybrid Task Cascade (HTC) to localize the tables in scanned document images. Moreover, we replace conventional convolutions with deformable convolutions in the backbone network. This enables our network to detect tables of arbitrary layouts precisely. We evaluate our approach comprehensively on ICDAR-13, ICDAR-17 POD, ICDAR-19, TableBank, Marmot, and UNLV. Apart from the ICDAR-17 POD dataset, our proposed HybridTabNet outperforms earlier state-of-the-art results without depending on pre and post-processing steps. Furthermore, to investigate how the proposed method generali...
Table detection is a preliminary step in extracting reliable information from tables in scanned document images. We present CasTabDetectoRS, a novel end-to-end trainable table detection framework that operates on Cascade Mask R-CNN, including Recursive Feature Pyramid network and Switchable Atrous Convolution in the existing backbone architecture. By utilizing a comparatively lightweight backbone of ResNet-50, this paper demonstrates that superior results are attainable without relying on pre and post-processing methods, heavier backbone networks (ResNet-101, ResNeXt-152), and memory-intensive deformable convolutions. We evaluate the proposed approach on five different publicly available table detection datasets. Our CasTabDetectoRS outperforms the previous state-of-the-art results on four datasets (ICDAR-19, TableBank, UNLV, and Marmot) and accomplishes comparable results on ICDAR-17 POD. Upon comparing with previous state-of-the-art results, we obtain a significant relative error ...
CDeC-Net: Composite Deformable Cascade Network for Table Detection in Document Images
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
Localizing page elements/objects such as tables, figures, equations, etc. is the primary step in extracting information from document images. We propose a novel endto-end trainable deep network, (CDeC-Net) for detecting tables present in the documents. The proposed network consists of a multistage extension of Mask R-CNN with a dual backbone having deformable convolution for detecting tables varying in scale with high detection accuracy at higher IoU threshold. We empirically evaluate CDeC-Net on the publicly available benchmark datasets with extensive experiments. Our solution has three important properties: (i) a single trained model CDeC-Net ‡ that performs well across all the popular benchmark datasets; (ii) we report excellent performances across multiple, including higher, thresholds of IoU; (iii) by following the same protocol of the recent papers for each of the benchmarks, we consistently demonstrate the superior quantitative performance. Our code and models are publicly available at for enabling reproducibility of the results.
Table Detection in the Wild: A Novel Diverse Table Detection Dataset and Method
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
Recent deep learning approaches in table detection achieved outstanding performance and proved to be effective in identifying document layouts. Currently, available table detection benchmarks have many limitations, including the lack of samples diversity, simple table structure, the lack of training cases, and samples quality. In this paper, we introduce a diverse largescale dataset for table detection with more than seven thousand samples containing a wide variety of table structures collected from many diverse sources. In addition to that, we also present baseline results using a convolutional neural network-based method to detect table structure in documents. Experimental results show the superiority of applying convolutional deep learning methods over classical computer vision-based methods. The introduction of this diverse table detection dataset will enable the community to develop high throughput deep learning methods for understanding document layout and tabular data processing.
DeCNT: Deep Deformable CNN for Table Detection
IEEE Access
This paper presents a novel approach for detection of tables present in documents, leveraging the potential of deep neural networks. Conventional approaches for table detection relies on heuristics which are error prone and specific to a dataset. In contrast, the presented approach harvests the potential of data to recognize tables of arbitrary layout. Most of the prior approaches for table detection are only applicable to PDFs, whereas the presented approach directly works on images making it generally applicable to any format. The presented approach is based on a novel combination of deformable CNN with Faster R-CNN. Conventional CNN has a fixed receptive field which is problematic in table detection since tables can be present at arbitrary scales along with arbitrary transformations (orientation etc.). Deformable convolution conditions its receptive field on the input itself allowing it to mold its receptive field according to its input. This adaptation of the receptive field enables the network to cater for tables of arbitrary layout. We evaluated the proposed approach on two major publicly available table detection datasets: ICDAR-2013 and ICDAR-2017 POD. The presented approach was able to surpass the state-of-the-art performance on both ICDAR-2013 and ICDAR-2017 POD datasets with a F-Measure of 0.994 and 0.968 respectively indicating its effectiveness and superiority for the task of table detection.
Deep learning for table detection and structure recognition: A survey
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
Tables are everywhere, from scientific journals, papers, websites, and newspapers all the way to items we buy at the supermarket. Detecting them is thus of utmost importance to automatically understanding the content of a document. The performance of table detection has substantially increased thanks to the rapid development of deep learning networks. The goals of this survey are to provide a profound comprehension of the major developments in the field of Table Detection, offer insight into the different methodologies, and provide a systematic taxonomy of the different approaches. Furthermore, we provide an analysis of both classic and new applications in the field. Lastly, the datasets and source code of the existing models are organized to provide the reader with a compass on this vast literature. Finally, we go over the architecture of utilizing various object detection and table structure recognition methods to create an effective and efficient system, as well as a set of development trends to keep up with state-of-the-art algorithms and future research. We have also set up a public GitHub repository where we will be updating the most recent publications, open data, and source code. The GitHub repository is available at table-detection-structure-recognition.
DeepDeSRT: Deep Learning for Detection and Structure Recognition of Tables in Document Images
2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR)
This paper presents a novel end-to-end system for table understanding in document images called DeepDeSRT. In particular, the contribution of DeepDeSRT is twofold. First, it presents a deep learning-based solution for table detection in document images. Secondly, it proposes a novel deep learningbased approach for table structure recognition, i.e. identifying rows, columns, and cell positions in the detected tables. In contrast to existing rule-based methods, which rely on heuristics or additional PDF metadata (like, for example, print instructions, character bounding boxes, or line segments), the presented system is data-driven and does not need any heuristics or metadata to detect as well as to recognize tabular structures in document images. Furthermore, in contrast to most existing table detection and structure recognition methods, which are applicable only to PDFs, DeepDeSRT processes document images, which makes it equally suitable for born-digital PDFs (as they can automatically be converted into images) as well as even harder problems, e.g. scanned documents. To gauge the performance of DeepDeSRT, the system is evaluated on the publicly available ICDAR 2013 table competition dataset containing 67 documents with 238 pages overall. Evaluation results reveal that DeepDeSRT outperforms state-of-the-art methods for table detection and structure recognition and achieves F1-measures of 96.77% and 91.44% for table detection and structure recognition, respectively. Additionally, DeepDeSRT is evaluated on a closed dataset from a real use case of a major European aviation company comprising documents which are highly unlike those in ICDAR 2013. Tested on a randomly selected sample from this dataset, DeepDeSRT achieves high detection accuracy for tables which demonstrates the sound generalization capabilities of our system.
IEEE Access
The first phase of table recognition is to detect the tabular area in a document. Subsequently, the tabular structures are recognized in the second phase in order to extract information from the respective cells. Table detection and structural recognition are pivotal problems in the domain of table understanding. However, table analysis is a perplexing task due to the colossal amount of diversity and asymmetry in tables. Therefore, it is an active area of research in document image analysis. Recent advances in the computing capabilities of graphical processing units have enabled the deep neural networks to outperform traditional state-of-the-art machine learning methods. Table understanding has substantially benefited from the recent breakthroughs in deep neural networks. However, there has not been a consolidated description of the deep learning methods for table detection and table structure recognition. This review paper provides a thorough analysis of the modern methodologies that utilize deep neural networks. Moreover, it presents a comprehensive understanding of the current state-of-the-art and related challenges of table understanding in document images. The leading datasets and their intricacies have been elaborated along with the quantitative results. Furthermore, a brief overview is given regarding the promising directions that can further improve table analysis in document images.
DCTable: A Dilated CNN with Optimizing Anchors for Accurate Table Detection
Journal of Imaging
With the widespread use of deep learning in leading systems, it has become the mainstream in the table detection field. Some tables are difficult to detect because of the likely figure layout or the small size. As a solution to the underlined problem, we propose a novel method, called DCTable, to improve Faster R-CNN for table detection. DCTable came up to extract more discriminative features using a backbone with dilated convolutions in order to improve the quality of region proposals. Another main contribution of this paper is the anchors optimization using the Intersection over Union (IoU)-balanced loss to train the RPN and reduce the false positive rate. This is followed by a RoI Align layer, instead of the ROI pooling, to improve the accuracy during mapping table proposal candidates by eliminating the coarse misalignment and introducing the bilinear interpolation in mapping region proposal candidates. Training and testing on a public dataset showed the effectiveness of the algo...
Continual Learning for Table Detection in Document Images
The growing amount of data demands methods that can gradually learn from new samples. However, it is not trivial to continually train a network. Retraining a network with new data usually results in a known phenomenon, called “catastrophic forgetting.” In a nutshell, the performance of the model drops on the previous data by learning from the new instances. This paper explores this issue in the table detection problem. While there are multiple datasets and sophisticated methods for table detection, the utilization of continual learning techniques in this domain was not studied. We employed an effective technique called experience replay and performed extensive experiments on several datasets to investigate the effects of catastrophic forgetting. Results show that our proposed approach mitigates the performance drop by 15 percent. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that continual learning techniques are adopted for table detection, and we hope this stands as a basel...