A Little Honesty Goes a Long Way - The Two-Tier Model for Secure Multiparty Computation (original) (raw)

Multiparty Computation for Dishonest Majority: From Passive to Active Security at Low Cost

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010

Multiparty computation protocols have been known for more than twenty years now, but due to their lack of efficiency their use is still limited in real-world applications: the goal of this paper is the design of efficient two and multi party computation protocols aimed to fill the gap between theory and practice. We propose a new protocol to securely evaluate reactive arithmetic circuits, that offers security against an active adversary in the universally composable security framework. Instead of the "do-and-compile" approach (where the parties use zero-knowledge proofs to show that they are following the protocol) our key ingredient is an efficient version of the "cut-and-choose" technique, that allow us to achieve active security for just a (small) constant amount of work more than for passive security.

Secure Multiparty Computation with Minimal Interaction


We revisit the question of secure multiparty computation (MPC) with two rounds of interaction. It was previously shown by Gennaro et al. (Crypto 2002) that 3 or more communication rounds are necessary for general MPC protocols with guaranteed output delivery, assuming that there may be t ≥ 2 corrupted parties. This negative result holds regardless of the total number of parties, even if broadcast is allowed in each round, and even if only fairness is required. We complement this negative result by presenting matching positive results. Our first main result is that if only one party may be corrupted, then n ≥ 5 parties can securely compute any function of their inputs using only two rounds of interaction over secure point-to-point channels (without broadcast or any additional setup). The protocol makes a black-box use of a pseudorandom generator, or alternatively can offer unconditional security for functionalities in NC1. We also prove a similar result in a client-server setting, where there are m ≥ 2 clients who hold inputs and should receive outputs, and n additional servers with no inputs and outputs. For this setting, we obtain a general MPC protocol which requires a single message from each client to each server, followed by a single message from each server to each client. The protocol is secure against a single corrupted client and against coalitions of t < n/3 corrupted servers. The above protocols guarantee output delivery and fairness. Our second main result shows that under a relaxed notion of security, allowing the adversary to selectively decide (after learning its own outputs) which honest parties will receive their (correct) output, there is a general 2-round MPC protocol which tolerates t < n/3 corrupted parties. This protocol relies on the existence of a pseudorandom generator in NC1 (which is implied by standard cryptographic assumptions), or alternatively can offer unconditional security for functionalities in NC1.

Efficient Two Party and Multi Party Computation Against Covert Adversaries

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Recently, Aumann and Lindell introduced a new realistic security model for secure computation, namely, security against covert adversaries. The main motivation was to obtain secure computation protocols which are efficient enough to be usable in practice. Aumann and Lindell presented an efficient two party computation protocol secure against covert adversaries. They were able to utilize cut and choose techniques rather than relying on expensive zero knowledge proofs. In this paper, we design an efficient multi-party computation protocol in the covert adversary model which remains secure even if a majority of the parties are dishonest. We also substantially improve the two-party protocol of Aumann and Lindell. Our protocols avoid general NP-reductions and only make a black box use of efficiently implementable cryptographic primitives. Our two-party protocol is constant-round while the multi-party one requires a logarithmic (in number of parties) number of rounds of interaction between the parties. Our protocols are secure as per the standard simulation-based definitions of security. Although our main focus is on designing efficient protocols in the covert adversary model, the techniques used in our two party case directly generalize to improve the efficiency of two party computation protocols secure against standard malicious adversaries.

Efficient secure comparison in the dishonest majority model

Secure comparison (SC) is an essential primitive in Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) and a fundamental building block in Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics (PPDA). Although secure comparison has been studied since the introduction of SMC in the early 80s and many protocols have been proposed, there is still room for improvement, especially providing security against malicious adversaries who form the majority among the participating parties. It is not hard to develop an SC protocol secure against malicious majority based on the current state-of-the-art SPDZ framework. SPDZ is designed to work for arbitrary polynomially-bounded functionalities; it may not provide the most efficient SMC implementation for a specific task, such as SC. In this thesis, we propose a novel and efficient compiler specifically designed to convert most existing SC protocols with semi-honest security into the ones secure against the dishonest majority (malicious majority). We analyze the security of the prop...

Complete Fairness in Multi-party Computation without an Honest Majority

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009

Gordon et al. recently showed that certain (non-trivial) functions can be computed with complete fairness in the two-party setting. Motivated by their results, we initiate a study of complete fairness in the multi-party case and demonstrate the first completely-fair protocols for non-trivial functions in this setting. We also provide evidence that achieving fairness is "harder" in the multi-party setting, at least with regard to round complexity.

ATLAS: Efficient and Scalable MPC in the Honest Majority Setting

Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2021, 2021

In this work, we address communication, computation, and round efficiency of unconditionally secure multi-party computation for arithmetic circuits in the honest majority setting. We achieve both algorithmic and practical improvements: • The best known result in the semi-honest setting has been due to Damgård and Nielsen (CRYPTO 2007). Over the last decade, their construction has played an important role in the progress of efficient secure computation. However despite a number of follow-up works, any significant improvements to the basic semi-honest protocol have been hard to come by. We show 33% improvement in communication complexity of this protocol. We show how to generalize this result to the malicious setting, leading to the best known unconditional honest majority MPC with malicious security. • We focus on the round complexity of the Damgård and Nielsen protocol and improve it by a factor of 2. Our improvement relies on a novel observation relating to an interplay between Damgård and Nielsen multiplication and Beaver triple multiplication. An implementation of our constructions shows an execution run time improvement compared to the state of the art ranging from 30% to 50%.

Round Efficiency of Multi-party Computation with a Dishonest Majority

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003

We consider the round complexity of multi-party computation in the presence of a static adversary who controls a majority of the parties. Here, n players wish to securely compute some functionality and up to n − 1 of these players may be arbitrarily malicious. Previous protocols for this setting (when a broadcast channel is available) require O(n) rounds. We present two protocols with improved round complexity: The first assumes only the existence of trapdoor permutations and dense cryptosystems, and achieves round complexity O(log n) based on a proof scheduling technique of Chor and Rabin [13]; the second requires a stronger hardness assumption (along with the non-black-box techniques of Barak [2]) and achieves O(1) round complexity.-Secure two-party computation may be achieved in a constant number of rounds by applying the compiler of Lindell [30] (based on earlier work of Goldreich, Micali, and Wigderson [24]) to the constant-round protocol of Yao [34] (which is secure against semi-honest adversaries).

Efficient and secure multi-party computation with faulty majority and complete fairness

To appear, 2004

We study the problem of constructing secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols that are completely fair-meaning that either all the parties learn the output of the function, or nobody does-even when a majority of the parties are corrupted. We first propose a framework for fair multi-party computation, within which we formulate a definition of secure and fair protocols. The definition follows the standard simulation paradigm, but is modified to allow the protocol to depend on the runing time of the adversary. In this way, we avoid a well-known impossibility result for fair MPC with corrupted majority; in particular, our definition admits constructions that tolerate up to (n − 1) corruptions, where n is the total number of parties. Next, we define a "commit-provefair-open" functionality and construct an efficient protocol that realizes it, using a new variant of a cryptographic primitive known as "time-lines." With this functionality, we show that some of the existing secure MPC protocols can be easily transformed into fair protocols while preserving their security. Putting these results together, we construct efficient, secure MPC protocols that are completely fair even in the presence of corrupted majorities. Furthermore, these protocols remain secure when arbitrarily composed with any protocols, which means, in particular, that they are concurrently-composable and non-malleable. Finally, as an example of our results, we show a very efficient protocol that fairly and securely solves the socialist millionaires' problem.