Correlation between metacognitive strategies and listening comprehension of 4th semester english department student at IAIN Palangkaraya (original) (raw)
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University Studentsr Metacognitive Awareness in Listening to English as a Foreign Language
Proceedings of the 2nd Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference: Establishing Identities through Language, Culture, and Education (SOSHEC 2018)
Grabbing meanings in oral texts is not always easy. Therefore, listening is considered as a difficult task by many learners of English as a foreign language. The preliminary study of this research even revealed that students of English Department still face this problem. To ease the task, it is essential for students to know and apply suitable listening strategies as well as to have awareness related to their learning. Yet, whether or not students have the awareness and know the strategies are still questioned. Hence, a research was conducted and this article attempts to share the findings of an investigation on the metacognitive awareness of sophomore students regarding their listening comprehension in English and the strategies they use to understand listening texts. Sophomore students of English education department were chosen because they met the criteria to be the participants of this study i.e. they had joined some level of listening courses in the department. They are considered have adequate experiences in listening class. The data in this study was obtained through questionnaires (MALQ, Vandergrift et al, 2006). Results showed that the students were fairly aware of all aspects of metacognitive strategies and knowledge. Unlike those who were only tested, students who perceived of being trained in using listening strategies had higher metacognitive awareness.
This study investigates the effect of activating metacognitive strategies on the listening performance of English as a foreign language (EFL) university students and explores the impact of such strategies on their metacognitive awareness of the listening task. The participants were N = 50 students of English literature at the state university of Qom, Iran. After screening the participants from among 60 students, they were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The experimental group (n = 25) received the metacognitive strategy instruction based on the models proposed by Vandergrift and Tafaghodtari , while the control group (n = 25) received just the listening input with no strategy instruction. The listening module of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) was utilized to evaluate the listening performance of the participants in both groups in pretests and posttests, and the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) instrument was applied to measure the metacognitive awareness of the treatment group before and after the treatment. The results of the IELTS test revealed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group on the posttest and according to the analysis of the MALQ instrument there was a significant improvement in the students' level of metacognitive awareness after strategy instruction. The interview results in the discussion section also supported the findings and shed more light on the details.
No pain, no gain Trying is a part of failing. If you are afraid to fail then you are afraid to try DEDICATION My beloved father, Syaifullah, and my beloved mother, Erwani, thank you for all your prayers My dear sisters, Esy Yulita, Silvia Reni, and Dita Oktaviani, thank you for all of your supports and advices My best friends, Agung Maldi Saputra, S.H., M. Amdiansyah, S.Pd., thank you for all time we spend together All my friends in English Education Study Program, thank you for all of your supports and cheers Special beloved, Tharadiva Fatria S.Pd., thank you for everything, may God bless you a good life and a bright future vi ABSTRACT Hidayat, Ade. 2014. Students' Metacognitive Strategies in Learning English (A Descriptive Study at Second Year Students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu). The objective of this research was to find out the most dominant metacognitive strategy in learning English and the most preferred aspects of each metacognitive strategies applied by second year students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu. It employed a descriptive quantitative method. The population of this research was 203 students with 50 of the students were used as sample of the research. The data were collected in two ways: distributing a set of questionnaire items and interviewing 10% of the samples. The research found that students" proportions in metacognitive strategy were: 34.74% in strategy in planning learning activities and behaviors; 32.10% in strategy in monitoring the learning process; and 33.16% in strategy in evaluating the learning that have been occurred. Based on the result, all metacognitive aspect was in "moderate" predicate. The mean scores of each strategy are: planning 3.32 in which the most preferred aspect was ability analysis; monitoring 3.07 in which the most preferred aspect was watching their friends" activities to help them decide what to do; and evaluating 3.17 in which the most preferred aspect was appraisal. From the result, it can be concluded that students used metacognitive strategy in proportional way. However, the most dominant strategy in metacognitive strategy that the students used was strategy in planning the learning activities and behaviors.
The Effect of Metacognitive Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension at SMK Swasta Yapim Medan
The research objective was to find out the effect significantly from the implementation of the Metacognitive Strategy on reading comprehension of the students. The researchers formulated the research problem “Does Metacognitive strategy affect the students’ reading comprehension?”. In this research, The students of SMK Swasta Yapim Medan was chosen as the sample in this research.In this research, researchers applied the experimental research. This research was done by applying the experimental group (applying the Metacognitive Strategy) and in the controlled group (without applying the Metacognitive Strategy) by using quantitative approach. The sample used by the researchers in this study was 72 students. 35 students were chosen as the sample in the experimental group. From the data it was known that the total score of the students in the experimental group after conducting the post-test was 2,714. After that the researchers found out that the students’ mean score was 77.54. There...
European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies, 2020
The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between secondary school students' metacognitive awareness levels and frequency of listening / monitoring strategies. In the study, correlational survey model has been employed. The sample of the study consists of 406 secondary school students from 4 schools determined by criterion sampling method in the 2018-2019 academic year. The Metacognitive Awareness Inventory for Children (Jr. MAI) - A and B Forms and The Usage Frequency Scale of Listening/Monitoring Strategies in Secondary School Students have been used as data collection tools. Percentage, frequency, arithmetic mean, correlation analysis, t test, two-way ANOVA analysis have been used. As a result of the research, it has been found out that the frequency of using secondary school students' listening / monitoring strategies is high, and there is a positive correlation between metacognitive awareness level and listening / monitoring strategies. Furthermore, it has b...