Quark confinement physics from quantum chromodynamics (original) (raw)

Strong randomness of off-diagonal gluon phases and off-diagonal gluon mass in the maximally abelian gauge in QCD

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2002

We study abelianization of QCD in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge. In the MA gauge, the off-diagonal gluon amplitude is strongly suppressed, and then the off-diagonal gluon phase shows strong randomness, which leads to a large off-diagonal gluon mass. Using lattice QCD, we find a large effective off-diagonal gluon mass in the MA gauge: M off ≃ 1.2GeV in SU(2) QCD, M off ≃ 1.1GeV in SU(3) QCD. Due to the large off-diagonal gluon mass in the MA gauge, infrared QCD is well abelianized like nonabelian Higgs theories. We investigate the inter-monopole potential and the dual gluon field Bµ in the MA gauge, and find longitudinal magnetic screening with mB ≃ 0.5 GeV in the infrared region, which indicates the dual Higgs mechanism by monopole condensation. We propose a gauge invariant description of the MA projection by introducing the "gluonic Higgs scalar field".

Abelian dominance for confinement and random phase property of off-diagonal gluons in the maximally abelian gauge

Nuclear Physics B, 1999

We study abelian dominance for confinement in terms of the local gluon properties in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge both in the analytical consideration and in the lattice QCD. In the MA gauge, the off-diagonal gluon amplitude IA~[ is strongly suppressed, which is observed as "microscopic abelian tendency" on the link variable in lattice QCD. According to the suppression of the off-diagonal gluon amplitude, the phase variable of the off-diagonal gluon tends to be random in the MA gauge, besides the residual gauge degrees of freedom. Within the randomvariable approximation for the off-diagonal phase variable, we demonstrate that the off-diagonal gluon contribution to the Wilson loop obeys the perimeter law in the MA gauge, and show exact abelian dominance for the string tension, although a small deviation is brought about by the finite size effect of the Wilson loop. We numerically confirm these results using the lattice QCD simulations. (g)

Confinement Physics and Topology in QCD


Based on the dual-superconductor picture, we study the confinement physics in QCD in terms of the monopole in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge using the SU(2) lattice QCD. In the MA gauge, the off-diagonal gluon component is forced to be small, and hence microscopic abelian dominance on the link variable is observed in the lattice QCD for the whole region of beta\betabeta. From the gluon-propagator analysis in the lattice QCD, the origin of abelian dominance for the long-range physics is interpreted as the effective mass mchsimeq0.9rmGeVm_{ch} \simeq 0.9 {\rm GeV}mchsimeq0.9rmGeV of the charged gluon induced by the MA gauge fixing. In the MA gauge, there appears the macroscopic network of the monopole world-line covering the whole system, which would be identified as monopole condensation at a large scale. Using the dual Wilson loop in the MA gauge, we find the effective mass of the dual gluon field, mBsimeqm_B \simeq mBsimeq0.5GeV, which is the evidence of the dual Higgs mechanism by monopole condensation. The large fluctuation ...

Abelianization of QCD in the maximally Abelian gauge and the Nambu-'t Hooft picture for color confinement

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2003

We study the Nambu-'t Hooft picture for color confinement in terms of the abelianization of QCD and monopole condensation in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge. In the MA gauge in the Euclidean metric, the off-diagonal gluon amplitude is strongly suppressed, and then the off-diagonal gluon phase shows strong randomness, which leads to rapid reduction of the off-diagonal gluon correlation. In SU(2) and SU(3) lattice QCD in the MA gauge with the abelian Landau gauge, the Euclidean gluon propagator indicates a large effective mass of the off-diagonal gluon as M off ≃ 1 GeV in the intermediate distance as 0.2fm ≤ r ≤ 0.8fm. Due to the infrared inactiveness of offdiagonal gluons, infrared QCD is well abelianized like nonabelian Higgs theories in the MA gauge. We investigate the inter-monopole potential and the dual gluon field Bµ in the MA gauge, and find longitudinal magnetic screening with mB ≃ 0.5 GeV in the infrared region, which indicates the dual Higgs mechanism by monopole condensation. We define the "gluonic Higgs scalar field" providing the MA projection, and find the correspondence between its hedgehog singularity and the monopole location in lattice QCD.

Hadron Physics and Confinement Physics in Lattice QCD

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001

We are aiming to construct Quark Hadron Physics and Confinement Physics based on QCD. Using SU(3) c lattice QCD, we are investigating the three-quark potential at T = 0 and T = 0, mass spectra of positive and negative-parity baryons in the octet and the decuplet representations of the SU(3) flavor, glueball properties at T = 0 and T = 0. We study also Confinement Physics using lattice QCD. In the maximally abelian (MA) gauge, the off-diagonal gluon amplitude is strongly suppressed, and then the off-diagonal gluon phase shows strong randomness, which leads to a large effective off-diagonal gluon mass, M off ≃ 1.2GeV. Due to the large off-diagonal gluon mass in the MA gauge, infrared QCD is abelianized like nonabelian Higgs theories. In the MA gauge, there appears a macroscopic network of the monopole world-line covering the whole system. From the monopole current, we extract the dual gluon field B µ , and examine the longitudinal magnetic screening. We obtain m B ≃ 0.5 GeV in the infrared region, which indicates the dual Higgs mechanism by monopole condensation. From infrared abelian dominance and infrared monopole condensation, low-energy QCD in the MA gauge is described with the dual Ginzburg-Landau (DGL) theory.

Dual superconductivity, monopole condensation and confining string in low-energy Yang-Mills theory

Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics, 2001

We show that the QCD vacuum (without dynamical quarks) is a dual superconductor at least in the low-energy region in the sense that monopole condensation does really occur. In fact, we derive the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory (i.e., dual Abelian Higgs model) directly from the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory by adopting the maximal Abelian gauge. The dual superconductor can be on the border between type II and type I, excluding the London limit. The masses of the dual Abelian gauge field is expressed by the Yang-Mills gauge coupling constant and the mass of the off-diagonal gluon of the original Yang-Mills theory. Moreover, we can rewrite the Yang-Mills theory into an theory written in terms of the Abelian magnetic monopole alone at least in the low-energy region. Magnetic monopole condensation originates in the non-zero mass of off-diagonal gluons. Finally, we derive the confining string theory describing the low-energy Gluodynamics. Then the area law of the large Wilson loop is an immediate consequence of these constructions. Three low-energy effective theories give the same string tension.

Dual Superconductivity in Abelian Higgs Model of QCD

International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016

The study of generalized field associated with Abelian dyons has been undertaken and it has been demonstrated that topologically, a non-Abelian gauge theory is equivalent to a set of Abelian gauge theories supplemented by dyons which undergo condensation leading to confinement and consequently to superconducting model of QCD vacuum, where the Higgs field plays the role of a regulator only. Constructing the effective action for dyonic field in Abelian projection of QCD, it has been demonstrated that any charge (electrical or magnetic) of dyon screens its own direct potential to which it minimally couples and anti-screens the dual potential leading to dual superconductivity in accordance with generalized Meissner effect. In this Abelian projection of QCD an Abelian Higgs model (AHM) has been successfully constructed and it has been shown to incorporate dual superconductivity and confinement as the consequence of dyonic condensation. It has been demonstrated that in AHM t' Hooft loop creates the string (AHM-string) around which the monopole current under London limit leads to vanishing coherence length in the chromo-magnetic superconductor. It has also been shown that in London limit the squared density of monopole current around AHM-string has a maximum at the distance of the order of penetration length.

Gauge-invariant gluon mass, infrared Abelian dominance, and stability of magnetic vacuum

Physical Review D, 2006

We give an argument for deriving analytically the infrared "Abelian" dominance in a gauge invariant way for the Wilson loop average in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. In other words, we propose a possible mechanism for realizing the dynamical Abelian projection in the SU(2) gauge-invariant manner without breaking color symmetry. This supports validity of the dual superconductivity picture for quark confinement. We also discuss the stability of the vacuum with magnetic condensation as a by-product of this result.

Dyon Condensation and Dual Superconductivity in Abelian Higgs Model of QCD

Advances in High Energy Physics, 2010

Constructing the effective action for dyonic field in Abelian projection of QCD, it has been demonstrated that any charge (electrical or magnetic) of dyon screens its own direct potential to which it minimally couples and antiscreens the dual potential leading to dual superconductivity in accordance with generalized Meissner effect. Taking the Abelian projection of QCD, an Abelian Higgs model, incorporating dual superconductivity and confinement, has been constructed and its representation has been obtained in terms of average of Wilson loop.

Confinement and topological charge in the Abelian gauge of QCD

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 1997

We study the relation between instantons and monopoles in the abelian gauge. First, we investigate the monopole in the multi-instanton solution in the continuum Yang-Mills theory using the Polyakov gauge. At a large instanton density, the monopole trajectory becomes highly complicated, which can be regarded as a signal of monopole condensation. Second, we study instantons and monopoles in the SU(2) lattice gauge theory both in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge and in the Polyakov gauge. Using the 16 3 × 4 lattice, we find monopole dominance for instantons in the confinement phase even at finite temperatures. A linear-type correlation is found between the total monopole-loop length and the integral of the absolute value of the topological density (the total number of instantons and anti-instantons) in the MA gauge. We conjecture that instantons enhance the monopole-loop length and promote monopole condensation.