The Latin America meeting of sustainable universities (I Elaus): Results and possibilities (original) (raw)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Latin-American Universities


Higher education institutions (HEIs) are notable promoters of sustainable development (SD). Thus, it is understood that the sustainable development goals 2015–2030 (SDGs) need to be substantially operationalized in these institutions. Based on this idea, the QualEnv (quality and environment) consortium of universities stands out for having as its main objective the increase in contribution to sustainable development (SD) by universities through the implementation of systematic environmental practices and quality processes in line with the SDGs. The objective of this article is to present how the QualEnv consortium of HEIs adopts the SDGs and demonstrates their contribution to SD. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis was performed based on documentary research, a systematic review of the literature, and notes collected from participant observations. The results show that the adoption of the SDGs in the QualEnv consortium was enhanced by the contribution of the social relations wi...


The IV Seminar on Sustainability in Universities (Brazil, 2012), was one of nine national events convened by the Iberoamerican Alliance Network of Universities for the Sustainability and the Environment (ARIUSA), with the support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), represented by the Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability (GUPES). Its purpose was to bring up discussion and socialize the progress made in addressing environmental themes in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Brazil. Three Working Groups were defined: curriculum greening; management and territorial planning; and public and institutional policies. Took part in the discussions representatives of 51 HEIs from all Brazilian regions and the federal government as well. The conclusion is that the seminar played an important role in promoting dialogue and integration between researchers end HEI in this theme, reaching the proposed goal of updating information about sustainability in HEIs.

Sustainable Development in the Economic, Environmental, and Social Fields of Ecuadorian Universities

Sustainability, 2020

This article considers universities as an important element to increase productivity and competitiveness, where sustainable development (SD) is a cornerstone aspect for their development because it promotes effective communication mechanisms. The aim of this research is to evaluate the management of category A and B universities in Ecuador, through the contents of their accountability reports. The method to be used is bibliographic, exploratory, analytical, and experimental, considering the indicators of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The results show a lack of commitment from the analyzed higher education institutions when preparing accountability reports in terms of sustainability criteria. Additionally, the category in which each university is placed does not guarantee effective disclosure of information to the point that some category B universities have a higher percentage of revealed data than their A category peers. Similarly, the results also suggest proposing plans ...

Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions in the Amazon Region: A Case Study in a Federal Public University in Western Pará, Brazil


Sustainable development (SD) in higher education has occupied the agenda over recent decades. Higher education institutions make efforts to promote sustainability in education, curriculum, research, outreach, and campus operations. This article aims to analyze the level of implementation of sustainability in higher education in the Amazon. The specific objectives of this paper are to identify the curriculum greening (CG) characteristics in institutional development plans (IDPs) and to analyze the perceptions of students from a higher education institution in the Amazon region about sustainability. It follows a qualitative approach, with documentary research and questionnaires applied to students. Analysis content was used in the data analysis. The main findings are the presence of some CG characteristics in institutional documents that were analyzed as a commitment to the transformation of society–nature relations, contextualization, disciplinary order, democracy, theory and practic...

Tema d'anàlisi: University and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: processes and prospects Aportación de la Dra. Gisela Cebrián Bernat

Higher Education has been widely recognised as a principal agent for addressing the current sustainability challenge that society is facing, because of its key mission of knowledge generation and transfer through research and teaching. Several are the contributions that have sought to model and define the key features necessary for creating more sustainable universities. This article presents a review of current practices and initiatives worldwide towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at universities. It includes an analysis of existing models of sustainable universities, environmental and sustainable practices, the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) rationale and pedagogy, and curriculum development and innovation towards embedding ESD within Higher Education. Based on this review of the literature and key initiatives and milestones in ESD, key implications and pathways for future research and practice of ESD in Higher Education are outlined.

Observing Sustainable Development Goals in Brazilian Federal Universities

8th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), 2020

The 2030 Agenda applies to all countries, with the commitment of local governments to implement these actions, as well as involving other institutions and society in general as partners to achieve a fairer and less unequal development model. Universities, in this context, are the protagonists in this process, since in addition to fostering critical thinking, they are responsible for the dissemination of sustainable awareness. Several studies have reinforced this conception, evidencing the role of higher education institutions in promoting the 2030 Agenda and highlighting the research developed by Rezende et al (2019) Menezes and Minillo (2016); Alexios, Azeiteiro and Leal (2019); and Schneider, Gimenez, Molin, Breda and Carra (2020). Aware of this theme, this research sought to examine how the Brazilian Federal Universities have incorporated the SGDs into their pedagogical and management practices. The research is classified as exploratory and was adopted a documentary survey that analyzed norms and reports addressing actions implemented by these institutions to achieve sustainable development. Also, the study is adherent to the report "How to start with the SDGs in Universities" (SDSN, 2017) that established education, research, innovation and leadership as essential to help society in the face of current challenges. About the experiences in Brazilian Federal Universities was identified a SDG Universities Network opened in 2017, promoting education, research and extension in line with the 2030 Agenda. The Network is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and involves higher education institutions from different states of the country, promoting the SDGs in the academic sector. In addition to this initiative, we highlight the actions developed by other universities and that were recognized in the 1st SDG Brazil Award, such as practices implemented by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and Rural Federal University of SemiÁrido (UFERSA). In the case of UFRN, it was observed that it has been a reference in the theme, having received two awards of practices for the implementation of the SDG, one that deals with Integrated Environmental Management at UFRN, addressing effluents and solid waste and connected with SDG 6, 8 and 11. The other it is Nutrir Community Garden, with a theme focused on education and sustainable development in food and nutrition training, related to SDMs 2, 3, 4, 12 and 15. In addition, the university carried out the alignment of its Management Plan and research and extension projects with the 2030 Agenda, meaning that the guidelines are aligned with the principles of implementation of the SGDs. The UFLA also developed a relevant initiative, having created the project "Green University", aiming to transform the University into a sustainable and environmentally correct community, correlated with SDG 4, 6, 7, 9 and 15. Observing the practices developed by the UFC, we highlight the "Office of Social Technology" (ETECS) that aims to serve low-income communities that need technical support for the renovation houses or for land regularization. The project is related to SDG 3 and 11. The UFERSA has developed a Technology focused on the Desalination of Brackish Water and the Water Potential of Saline Tailings in Family Agricultural Production, enabling alternatives for water supply in rural areas, especially in family production areas. The practice was awarded and is related to SDG 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9. Through the analysis of these practices, the study evidenced the importance of universities in the implementation trajectory of the SDGs, highlighting experiences implemented by these institutions in specific projects of research, education and outreach. Examining these experiences is to recognize the challenges and perspectives that educational institutions present, disseminating good practices and fostering the creation of models that should be followed as a standard by universities and organizations that seek to become a reference in the way they deal with the theme of sustainability.

Higher education for sustainable development at EARTH University

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2017

Purpose – The purpose of this article is to present the experience of a Central American university that has been successfully advancing an educational model focused on sustainability for over 25 years. Many universities in industrialized nations are assuming a more active role in promoting sustainable development, while in emerging countries, interest in this issue is recent and not well known. Design/methodology/approach – A study was conducted on perceptions of the impact from graduates of EARTH (Escuela de Agricultura de la Región Tropical Húmeda) University in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala, utilizing a mixed methodology that combined the application of a standardized questionnaire, together with focus groups of graduates, and semi-structured interviews of graduates, their employers, members of their communities, clients of the companies where they work and colleagues. Findings – Agricultural engineers who received their education at EARTH University have had a positive social, economic and environmental impact in their communities of origin. They have taken on leadership positions and have become change agents who are aware of the social needs around them. They contribute to economic growth and job creation, and at the same time, promote sustainable management of natural resources. Research limitations/implications – It is a case study and their findings are limited. Practical implications – Learning about EARTH University’s experience may be useful for other higher education institutions seeking to cultivate this perspective in their degree programs, and for academics who support a fundamental reorientation in higher education aimed at confronting the challenge of promoting sustainable development. Social implications – The results established that most of the agronomists who studied at EARTH University are having a positive economic, social and environmental influence, which appears to be closely associated with their university education. This suggests that higher education may in effect play an important role in promoting sustainability and contributing elements for advancing this perspective in higher education in Latin America. Originality/value – This study of EARTH University’s educational model reveals that, in the case of Latin America, education for sustainability cannot be limited to providing training in natural resources management. The promotion of inclusive development supposes that students have learned how to manage productive activities that are economically and socially sustainable, and that students have received a solid education in values, aimed at fostering a commitment to build a fairer society.

Education for sustainable development in Portuguese universities: the key actors´ opinion

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2018

This paper aims to determine, from key actors’ perspective, how sustainability has been integrated into the policies and strategies of higher education institutions (HEIs), particularly Portuguese public universities, within the framework of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UN DESD) 2005-2014. Semi-structured exploratory interviews were conducted after gathering a sample of 15 key actors in decision-making processes who designed and implemented Portuguese education for sustainable development (ESD). Seven interviews with the key actors were undertaken and analyzed, leading to other plans, policies and programs that were not publicly accessible. The main findings are the lack of commitment from governmental institutions to implementing ESD at the university level and how few documents are partially linked to sustainable development, according to the key actors’ opinions. Nevertheless, Portuguese universities’ autonomy and their social responsibility have lead them to develop several initiatives and policies toward ESD. Convenience sample does not allow results to be generalized to all Portuguese HEIs. Future investigation will be undertaken, including the analysis of plans, policies and strategies at university level, and a questionnaire survey will be applied to those responsible for implementing sustainability in Portuguese universities. This study provides findings, conclusions and recommendations that ultimately motivate HEIs to achieve sustainable development and to be more effective in integrating sustainability into their policies and strategies. The paper contributes to the literature by reflecting the lack of integration of policies and strategies in HEIs in a southern European country (Portugal), within the framework and goals of the UN DESD 2005-2014, and by explaining similar patterns probably existing in other countries.

Status of sustainability reports by brazilian higher education institutions


The purpose of this research is to analyze the status of the publications of sustainability reports by Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In order to meet this objective, a process of identification of institutions that are preparing sustainability reports was carried out, looking at the characteristics of these reports, what they communicate, as well as comparing the level of disclosure found in Brazilian HEIs with the results of studies developed in other countries. The findings show a small number of higher education institutions that publish sustainability reports, most of which are non-profit, privately-held institutions located in the southern region of Brazil. As for the content, it is worth highlighting the limited disclosure of indicators related to environmental dimension for Brazilians HEI ́s and diversity of distribution and disclosure of the dimensions found on studies done on other countries. The findings of the research can be useful for the elaboration of...

Sustainability Through Higher Education

Journal of Sustainability Perspectives, 2021

The Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, UNAD, through instruments, the experiences in environmental management and their participation in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings were systematized. This article shows the implementation of sustainability within the institution, which was achieved through the Participatory Action methodology, which facilitates the integration of knowledge and actions to promote transformations in the thinking of the institutional community. In this way, they are articulated: objectives, strategy (ecological homes), research, technology and ICT as a method to establish relationships between the university, the State and the community. Additionally, the university defines projects and goals in the 2019-2023 development plan, which are articulated to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals, to train the community in values such as solidarity, assertive and true communication, collaboration effective, the attitudes to dialogue comprehens...