GVAA - GRUPO VERDE DE AGROECOLOGIA E ABELHAS - POMBAL - PB Revisão de Literatura A dor em neonatos submetidos à ventilação mecânica invasiva: Uma revisão de literatura (original) (raw)
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Introducao: Pneumonia associada a ventilacao e a causa mais comum de infeccao hospitalar em pacientes que necessitam de ventilacao mecânica. Objetivo: Avaliar a taxa de pneumonia associada a ventilacao em criancas internadas na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal de um hospital escola, antes e apos o treinamento da equipe assistencial. Material e metodo : Estudo transversal, de intervencao, no periodo de abril a outubro de 2012. Foi aplicado um pacote de medidas para a prevencao de pneumonia associada a ventilacao: treinamentos para a equipe medica, de enfermagem e de fisioterapia durante 60 dias com aulas teoricas; aplicacao de questionarios; divulgacao dos resultados dos questionarios e de cartazes explicativos nas unidades. Foram avaliados os dados da Comissao de Controlo de Infeccao Hospitalar (CCIH) referentes as taxas de Pneumonia associada a ventilacao tres meses antes e tres meses apos o treinamento da equipe. Resultados : A taxa de pneumonia tres meses antes do treinament...
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Fisioterapia Brasil, 2017
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A sedação e analgesia de crianças submetidas à ventilação mecânica estariam sendo superestimadas
Jornal De Pediatria, 2003
OBJECTIVE: to describe the pattern of analgesic and sedative infusions in children submitted to mechanical ventilation in a regional pediatric intensive care unit during a 12-month period. To compare the use of these drugs among clinical and surgical patients, as well evaluate the influence of the length of use on the average daily doses and on the incidence of abstinence syndrome. METHODS: this cohort study was performed from April 2001 to March 2002, involving children (1 month old to 15 years old) submitted to the mechanical ventilation with a tracheal tube for a period longer than 12 hours and who were successfully extubated (dead patients and those who required reintubation were excluded from the study). A team of professionals not involved with the patient's assistance performed a daily collection of all data up to the 28th day under mechanical ventilation (maximum length of follow up for those who remain longer under mechanical ventilation). The main outcome was the infusion doses of morphine, fentanyl, ketamine and midazolam administered at 12 AM (considering this dose as the average dose for that day). The diagnosis of abstinence syndrome was based on the chart revision (recorded diagnosis or based on the specific antagonist treatment used) and in an interview with the assistant physician on the following days after the extubation. This study was approved by the Ethics and Scientific Committee of the HSL-PUCRS. RESULTS: 127 children were eligible for this study, but only 124 patients were analyzed (16.0+29-5 months old; 58% male; 92 defined as clinical patients and 32 as surgical patients). An average of 1.7 sedative-analgesic infusion per patient a day was used in the whole group (without difference between clinical and surgical groups). Morphine and fentanyl were the most common drugs infused in both groups (fentanyl was preferred for the clinical group and morphine for the surgical group). The mean length of infusion was different (p<0.01) between clinical and surgical patients (6.8 and 3.9 days, respectively). After the 7th day, there was a significant increase in the fentanyl and midazolam doses (p<0.01), as well as a higher incidence of abstinence syndrome in the clinical group (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: this study evaluated the daily practice in a regional PICU, and it demonstrated that analgesic and sedative infusions in children submitted to mechanical ventilation are used according to an uncontrolled pattern (average 1.7 drugs/patient/day) and those classified as clinical patients used these drugs for longer periods, what could explain the higher prevalence of abstinence syndrome in this group.
Caracterização dos recém-nascidos em ventilação mecânica em uma unidade neonatal
Northeast Network Nursing Journal, 2007
This study aimed to characterize the profile of newborns (NBs) of a public neonatal unit in the city of Fortaleza using mechanical ventilation (MV). It is an exploratory-descriptive research, conducted with newborns using MV. The sample was composed of 42 NBs that remained for at least 12 hours under ventilatory assistance. The data were collected from April to July 2004, through a form. It was verified that 52.4% were males, 35.7% weighing between 1001 and 1500 grams. In relation to gestational age 35.7% were between 31 to 36 weeks. We got to the conclusion that the newborns weighing less than 1500 grams and younger than 31 weeks of gestational age, due to their lung immaturity. are the great MV users.
Reading has a great importance in the development of human beings. For the man is not born complete, lacks the knowledge, understanding on certain issues, the ability to know about opine, among others. And reading as an instrument builder, complete this development. It is impossible to think of the existence of an educational process in which the reading does not do this. For without it there was no such process, and the same thread of the educational process. It is through and through, that part of the school fulfills its role, transmit knowledge to their students. It is in kindergarten that the child begins to develop their reading practice, trying to find familiar words in a text, it can establish a correlation with something known. To facilitate this process, the teacher needs to know how to create very special situations, which are productive. The process of learning to read in kindergarten becomes easier when you make use of certain strategies. To learn to read easily, the chi...
Ventilação mecânica não invasiva
Revista Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, 2013
Patients with acute respiratory failure have been treated with intubation and mechanical ventilation for treatment of hypoxemia, hypoventilation and respiratory distress. However, tracheal intubation is associated with several complications, use of sedatives and prolongation of hospitalization time. Noninvasive ventilation provides ventilatory assistance without the need of artificial airway, with the use of masks in patient-ventilator interface. Its use in clinical practice has increased over the last 20 years as well as the availability of technology resources for its implementation. Currently, it is considered first-line treatment for acute respiratory insufficiency. Similar to invasive ventilation, noninvasive ventilation can reduce the work of breathing and respiratory rate, increase tidal volume, improve gas exchange, dyspnea, promote rest of respiratory muscles and patient comfort. Its indication is well established in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiogenic pulmonary edema and in immunosuppressed patients. Other clinical applications should be carefully evaluated as a delay in the intubation can increase mortality in these patients. Some protocols are available in the literature but the clinical judgment and knowledge of available resources by well-trained staff are key to the success of noninvasive ventilation. Likewise, choosing the correct interface, ventilation mode and monitoring in intensive care unit optimize patient comfort and patient-ventilator interaction with better clinical outcomes. This article aims to review the latest literature on indications and clinical use of noninvasive ventilation.
Sentimentos e expectativas da mãe com filho prematuro em ventilação mecânica
O nascimento do recém-nascido (RN) prematuro implica em internação e uso de aparatos tecnológicos para sua sobrevivência. Objetivou-se com o presente estudo investigar os sentimentos das mães durante a internação do filho na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) neonatal e conhecer suas expectativas quanto ao tratamento do recém-nascido em ventilação mecânica. Estudo qualitativo realizado em uma maternidade pública, em Fortaleza/CE, Brasil, de abril a maio/2008. Os sujeitos foram onze mães cujos filhos se encontravam em ventilação mecânica, internados em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. Aplicou-se entrevista semi-estruturada contendo dados sócio-demográficos e questões norteadoras das quais emergiram as categorias: bebê idealizado e sentimentos versus internação do filho. A partir da convivência com os filhos na UTI neonatal, as mães revelaram os conflitos, acerca das condições que os filhos enfrentam. Nesse cotidiano, além de acreditarem na assistência e sobrevivência do filho prematuro, mostraram sentimentos e expectativas positivas em relação a sua alta hospitalar. Conclui-se que a presença das mães no ambiente de internação favorece o acompanhamento da evolução da saúde de seus filhos, promovendo o vínculo afetivo entre o binômio mãe-filho.
Desmame da ventilação mecânica - revisão de literatura
Brazilian Journal of Development
OBJETIVO: Este estudo foi realizado a partir de uma revisão de literatura, a fim de comparar os protocolos do processo de desmame da ventilação mecânica invasiva. OBJETIVO ESPECÍFICO: Demonstração e resultados comparativos de intervenções no campo da ventilação mecânica invasiva. METODOLOGIA: Foi realizado um levantamento nas principais bases de dados eletrônicas Pub Med, Scielo, Science direct, The Non-English Journal of Medicine, Cochrane library, medical archives e Intensive Care Medicine. CRITÉRIOS DE INCLUSÃO: ensaios clínicos randomizados e pesquisas não vinculadas a bases de dados científicas, como dissertações. CRITÉRIOS DE EXCLUSÃO: protocolo de desmame da ventilação invasiva e artigos mais antigos com mais de 10 anos. Resultados: o estudo incluiu 3.156 indivíduos devidos em 7 estudos que utilizaram o protocolo de desmame da ventilação mecânica. Os estudos foram organizados em forma de tabela para mostrar os principais achados. CONCLUSÃO: Após o estudo de revisão, podemos o...
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