Sistem Informasi Persediaan Stok Barang Pada Toko Kelontong Berbasis Web (original) (raw)

Sistem Informasi Persediaan Barang Berbasis Web Pada CV Telaga Berkat


CV Telaga Berkat merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa dan perbengkelan seperti Bubut, Milling, Rekondisi dan Las (Welding) konstruksi Pengerjaannya meliputi: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Pembuatan Spare Part, Precision Part, Konstruksi Besi, Jasa Teknik, Pengerjaan Stamping, Networking dan Perdagangan umum. Sistem informasi persediaan barang yang berjalan saat ini masih terdapat kekurangan diantaranya proses permintaan barang yang dilakukan oleh teknisi saat ini masih dengan cara manual dimana prosesnya menggunakan form sederhana sehingga petugas memerlukan waktu dalam proses pencatatannya, proses pengecekan persediaan barang masih dilakukan secara manual oleh admin gudang yaitu dengan harus mengecek satu persatu sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama, proses perhitungan pada pembelian dan pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh petugas hanya menggunakan kalkulator yang didasarkan dari kertas kwitansi yang mereka dapat dari supplier, admin gudang masih sering mel...

Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Inventory Stock Barang Berbasis Web


Inventory barang merupakan suatu hal yang penting di sebuah perusahaan, maka dari itu Inventory dapat mengelola stok barang pada gudang yang akan dijual kepada konsumen, Dengan adanya sistem informasi inventory ini, dapat membantu dalam melakukan pencatatan dan pengecekan persediaan sembako.Agen Kianda merupakan sebuah usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang ritel, perusahaan ini membutuhkan suatu sistem informasi inventory untuk membantu pendataan stock barang yang lebih akurat. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba membuat Skripsi mengenai inventory stock barang di Agen Kianda yang belum terkomputerisasi.Pendataan Stock barang pada Agen Kianda masih menggunakan sistem manual, dengan sistem yang masih manual beresiko terjadinya penumpukan stock barang, untuk itu dengan adanya sistem informasi inventory stock barang ini merupakan solusi yang terbaik untuk permasalahan yang ada, dengan sistem yang terkomputerisasi adapat tercapainya kegiatan yang lebih efektif

Perancangan Sistem Inventori Barang pada Kedai Kopi Kopiah Berbasis Web

Gema Wiralodra

The development of technology is growing speedily, so the utilization of knowledge system technology is incredibly helpful for firms that require correct, quick and careful data. Kedai Kopi Kopiah may be a look engaged in food and beverages. This shop, in managing inventory, remains in an exceedingly typical method, specifically recording it in an exceedingly book. ranging from recording incoming merchandise, outgoing merchandise, to creating reports still mistreatment typical strategies. so it will cause a delay within the explore for merchandise and hamper in creating reports. so to beat this, a processed system is required. this {method} is intended with the UML (Unified technique Language) method. Programming languages mistreatment markup language, PHP, and MySQL databases. supported downside analysis, the results obtained area unit that this inventory system will offer data that's accessed by admins, super admins, and suppliers. Admin will add, change, and delete item knowl...

Sistem Informasi Inventory Gudang Elektronik Berbasis Web


Inventory is a stock of an item or resource, material, material that is stored and fulfills requests from consumers or customers at any time for sale within a period. Many companies in carrying out their activities often experience problems as one example faced is the problem of purchasing, selling and reporting systems that take place within the company, due to the lack of accurate data. At the Sugi Teknik Electronic Store there is a warehouse where sales and purchase data are still manual or not computerized, to check the stock of goods, employees must record incoming and outgoing goods data so that it takes a lot of time in making reports. From the various problems that arise, the authors want to create an Electronic Warehouse Inventory Information System. This application contains recording of incoming and outgoing goods, sales reports, purchase reports, returns or operational reports and income reports making it easier to get information quickly, clearly and accurately.

Perancangan Sistem Inventori Barang Pada Rehat Kopi 32 Berbasis Web

Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Innovative Applications (JOAIIA), 2020

The development of technology is growing rapidly, so that the use of information system technology is very useful for companies that need accurate, fast and detailed information. Rehat Kopi 32 is a shop engaged in food and beverages. This shop, in managing inventory, is still in a conventional way, namely recording it in a book. Starting from recording incoming goods, outgoing goods, to making reports still using conventional methods. So that it can cause a delay in the search for goods and slow down in making reports. So that to overcome this, a computerized system is needed. This system is designed with the UML (Unified Method Language) method. Programming languages using HTML, PHP, and MySQL databases. Based on problem analysis, the results obtained are that this inventory system can provide information that is accessed by admins, super admins, and suppliers. Admin can add, change, and delete item data, category data, incoming goods and outgoing goods. Meanwhile, to add users, purchase of goods and print reports can only be done by super admin. The supplier can receive notification of the purchase of goods made by the super admin. This inventory system was created to make it easier for companies to manage stock items and provide faster information. This application can perform data search automatically, record incoming and outgoing goods, and can generate reports of incoming and outgoing goods.

Sistem Informasi Stok Gudang Pada Platinum Hotel Berbasis Web


The writing of this Final Project aims to design an Information System. This system is expected to make it easier to see the stock data warehouse, and able to do the job job with precise and careful. As well as one of the requirements to take the Examination Trial Final Tests At Computer Information Management Academy (AMIK) Labuhan Batu. The programming language used in making the System in question is Using PHP and MySQL. Database Creation Application using MySQL and ServerAppserv, Localhost Phpmyadmin. Preparation of this Final Project begins by formulating the problem, Identifying the problem, Determination of Objectives and Benefits and Collecting data on the History of the establishment of the Agency. After all the data needed in get, then proceed to Process System Analysis. The results of the programming is aimed with the

Sistem Informasi Stok Barang DI CV. Karya Libra Utama Berbasis Web

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi, 2018

CV. Karya Libra Utama merupakan salah satu perusahaan penyewaan alat-alat pesta, rias pengantin dan event organizer di Kota Bogor. CV. Karya Libra Utama memiliki kendala dalam pencatatan informasi data barang yang masih dalam bentuk konvensional, pencatatan melaui buku besar stok barang sehingga diperlukan suatu sistem yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini mengambil data observasi lapangan yang di dapat langsung dari perusahaan, data studi literatur yang didapat dari dasar penelitian terdahulu dan data wawancara yang didapat dari pertanyaan kepada perusahaan mengenai informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam perancangan sistem. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model waterfall, yang terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu Analisis (Requirements Analysis and Definition), Perancangan (System and Software Design), Pengkodean (Implementation and Unit Testing), dan Pengujian (Integration and System Testing) yang akan menghasilkan analisis kebutuhan pengguna yang diperlukan untuk pembuatan aplikasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem informasi stok barang di perusahaan CV. Karya Libra Utama berbasis web, aplikasi yang dibangun memberikan informasi jumlah barang yang bisa dipesan serta kondisi barang yang dimiliki oleh CV. Karya libra utama.

Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Persediaan Barang Pada Toko Jabat

Journal of Engineering and Information Technology for Community Service

The process of registering goods is very important because we need to know when goods enter and leave, and when checking, we need to know the existing stock. The current system running at Jabat stores has many shortcomings and weaknesses, including the recording of receipts and problems at Jabat stores is not yet fully electronic, so inventory management is slow and often incomplete. Common errors such as number typos or missing data. Reports that are still manual greatly affect the company's performance and have not been able to meet all company needs. The application is expected to help and facilitate the work of the Administration in managing the list of goods reports, incoming goods reports, outgoing goods reports, and inventory reports as well as minimizing errors in processing these reports

Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Persediaan Barang Berbasis Web di CV Kunikita

Jurnal ICT : Information Communication & Technology, 2021

CV. Kunikita is a distributor in Garut city which is engaged in online sales for various product categories, namely food, fashion and skincare. As a distributor in the field of online sales, the management of storage of goods in the warehouse of CV. Kunikita is still by hand, that is, it is written in a ledger so that inventory information is not accurate. For this reason, it is necessary to use communication information technology in warehouse inventory management, no longer written in a ledger where this will result in data mismatches. The data collection method in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, and the methodology for developing this application is the waterfall SDLC method with black box testing and white box testing. Web-based information system application at CV. Kunikita with a database as a data storage facility that makes data processing and storage more efficient and useful for reporting data on warehouse inventory so that it can quickly take action to fil...