Penerapan Knowledge Management System Pada Bidang Pelayanan Di SMA Satria Nusantara (original) (raw)

Perancangan Knowledge Management System Pada Pt. Pos Indonesia


The purpose of writing is to create a strategy for managing knowledge, namely by creating a KM portal for storage and documentation process knowledge for PT Pos Indonesia. The method used in this paper is carried out by the method of design analysis and interviews. The analysis method is to use Knowledge Management Model (KM) is the Inukshuk KM Model Kimiz Dalkir accordance with the theory and knowledge taxonomy. The result achieved by analysis Inukshuk KM model is able to demonstrate knowledge that is currently owned by the company in the form of notice of employee knowledge strategy, knowledge of the documents and news articles, documents, reports and minutes of meetings, documents on organization, leadership style in the organization, the organization used technology , and the culture within the organization. Then determine the features that fit the needs of knowledge companies such as chat, articles, news, company profiles, forums, minutes of meetings, and the application proced...

Penerapan Knowledge Management System Pada Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi Dan Informatika Pemerintah Kota Prabumulih


- Prabumulih Government Department of Transportation, Communication, and Informatics is local government in charge of transportation, communication, and informatics affair in Prabumulih. This department has many Problem Solving Knowledges and Document-Based Knowledges. This research explains concept about implementation of Knowledge Management System in the department in order both of this kind of knowledge can be documented and shared to all of department employees so that it can support the employees work. The system development method used is 10-step knowledge management roadmap by Amrit Tiwana . Whereas the searching method of the knowledges uses String Matching Method with Brute Force Algorithm. The result of this research is every department employee can documents and shares both of this kind of knowledge to other department employees easily so that it can support employees work. If the work performance of department employees are good, the mission and vision of department wil...

Sistem Informasi Knowledge Management Pada Perguruan Tinggi Stmik Widya Dharma Pontianak


Knowledge sharing is one of important issues in a company because it is a required approach to facilitate knowledge recording and to improve the effectiveness of knowledge sharing among colleagues. Knowledge sharing accelarates the knowledge transfer. The application of knowledge sharing with the web based system is expected to be a solution for meeting the organization’s needs. The absence of policy and culture among the lecturers to carry out web based knowledge management results in knowledge sharing difficulties among the students and the faculty members in the long run. This research analyzes the web based knowledge management approach to accelerate the teaching and learning process quality at the STMIK Widya Dharma. Keywords : knowledge , knowledge management , knowledge sharing , knowledge transfer , web design , knowledge management application , UML


ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi yang semakin cepat menuntut manusia untuk bertindak semakin cepat dengan memperhatikan efisiensi dan efektifitas. PT. Astrido Jaya Mobilindo sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang otomotif kususnya penjualan dan sevices mobil. Tujuan yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem informasi Knowledge Management System yang di gunakan untuk menyimpan dan memanfaatkan knowledge yang dimiliki karyawan sehingga mempermudah karyawan untuk menemukan solusi dari masalah yang di hadapi. Untuk metode pengumpulan data peneliti melakukan dengan cara observasi langsung, studi pustaka, dan wawancara. Knowledge management dilakukan dengan penciptaan pengetahuan, berbagi pengetahuan dan penerapan pengetahuan. Penciptaan pengetahuan dilakukan dengan model SECI (sosialization, externalization, combination dan internalization). Metode pengembangan system dengan Rapid Application Development (RAD) dan dimodelkan dengan menggunakan sistem analisis menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML). Pengujian validasi menggunakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Kualitas perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan di uji berdasarkan empat karakteristik kualitas perangkat lunak model ISO 9126, yaitu: functionality, reliability, usability, dan efficiency dengan menggunakan metode kuesioner. Teknik pengujian perangkat lunak dengan menggunakan software Acunetix dan Blackbox Testing. Hasil dari penilitian ini adalah menujukan bahwa penerapan knowledge management system adalah solusi dari permasalahan yang ada. ABSTRACT Technology development and communication faster demanding man to act the sooner by taking into account efficiency and the effectiveness of .PT Astrido jaya mobilindo as a company that working in the area of automotive kususnya sales and sevices car. A hoped-for goal from the study is to build information system knowledge management system which in use for storing and use knowledge owned employees so ease employees to find a solution of the problems. For data collection method researchers conducted by means of direct observation , the literature study , and an interview .Knowledge management conducted by the creation of knowledge , sharing knowledge and the application of knowledge .Knowledge creation done with model seci (sosialization , externalization , combination and internalization) .metode development with rapid system application development (RAD) and modeled by the use of systems analysis using the modelling language (UML).Validation of testing using focus group discussion (FGD). The quality of software that produced tested on four characteristic quality of software model iso 9126: functionality, reliability, usability, and efficiency by using the method the questionnaire Technique testing software as using software acunetix and blackbox testing. The result of research is showing that the implementation of knowledge management system are solutions of the existing problems.

Analisa dan perancangan Knowledge Management System pada SMA Negeri Ragunan Jakarta Selatan


As one of the public high schools intended for student athletes and sportsmen in the Ragunan area of ​​South Jakarta, Ragunan State Senior High Schools not only want to improve their students 'sports achievements but want to improve their students' academic performance. This research proposes to the need for a Knowledge Management System. The Knowledge Management concept tries to combine two major strengths namely Knowledge and Management by managing all the resources (resources) that are in the company so that it is easy to store, recover, and distributed to the right people quickly according to needs. By designing a web-based knowledge management system at Ragunan State High School, it becomes one of the learning media and information related specifically between teachers and students. The website is one of the media in many ways in delivering information, through education websites, the teachers and students can exchange information and even conduct learning activities. S...

Implementansi Model Knowledge Management System Pada Pelayanan Sertifikasi Algoritma

Bit (Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Budi Luhur)

Algorithm certification is a mandatory activity for students of the Information Technology Faculty at Budi Luhur University before their take final assignments and is managed by the faculty secretariat as a service unit for algorithm certification. Currently, Knowledge in algorithm certification services still relies on the ability of one person, so that if there any change of manager will cause the loss of explicit and tacit knowledge because they have no knowledge management which can help the manager to collect Knowledge to continue the management of algorithm certification. The purpose of this study is to make a proposed Knowledge Management model as a knowledge management center for algorithmic certification management for facilities for documenting, discussing, utilizing knowledge according to institutional regulations, and creating applications that can manage knowledge and share related to algorithmic certification activity services. This study uses the Tiwana framework model, and the method of scoring the results of system testing using Likert scale measurements, Forum Group Discussion (FGD), as a system prototype testing using the ISO 9126 method. The results of the analysis will produce a model and knowledge management system that is can be a solution in documenting and exchanging knowledge in applications to the algorithm certification unit.

Knowledge Sharing System dalam Upaya meningkatkan Kinerja Guru di SMA Negeri Ciwaru


Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pandangan bahwa lembaga pendidikan sekolah tinggi yang kompetitif saat ini mampu untuk mengeksploitasi pengetahuan yang ada pada setiap sumber daya manusia dengan tujuan mencapai keunggulan dan kemampuan bersaing pada level paling optimal. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, studi ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh dari penerapan sistem berbagi pengetahuan dalam upaya membentuk budaya berbagi pengetahuan antar guru sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja guru di SMA Negeri 1 Ciwaru. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SECI yang dikembangkan oleh Nonaka, dikombinasikan dengan integrasi pengetahuan dan teknik-teknik pengujian kualitas perangkat lunak yang diuji dengan menerapkan empat karakteristik kualitas perangkat lunak menurut model ISO 9126, yaitu fungsionalitas, keandalan, kebergunaan dan efisiensi. Berdasarkan hasil-hasil studi ini, sistem berbagi pengetahuan yang diterapkan telah memberikan hasil uji yang bagus sebesar 89,46%. Sehingga so...

Penerapan Knowledge Management di Sekolah (Studi kasus : SDIT Al-Hamidiyah Depok)


Sumber daya manusia yang unggul dan berkualitas merupakan faktor penting bagi perusahaan baik yang bergerak di bidang jasa maupun non jasa. Apalagi dengan kondisi seperti sekarang ini, dimana persaingan bisnis yang kian menajam menyadarkan orang bahwa pengetahuan menjadi faktor penting dalam menciptakan keunggulan dibandingkan aset finansial/modal uang. Oleh karena itu, berbagai bidang kegiatan di Indonesia saat ini menghadapi tuntutan untuk melaksanakan manajemen pengetahuan agar dapat tetap bertahan.

Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kesiswaan Di SMA Swasta Nusantara Setia Janji

Digital Transformation Technology

Administrasi Kesiswaan berperan penting dalam mendukung tertib administrasi dalam lembaga pendidikan. Ketersediaan informasi yang akurat mampu mendukung pengambilan keputusan yang tepat dan cepat pada berbagai hal yang menyangkut siswa. Akurasi ini dapat ditingkatkan dengan membuat sistem yang dapat menstandarkan informasi dalam sistem administrasi kesiswaan yaitu dengan pembuatan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kesiswaan. SMA Nusantara Setia Janji adalah salah satu sekolah yang menginginkan kemudahan dalam pengolahan data dan laporan. Pelayanan yang dilakukan dengan cara manual bisa diselesaikan dengan program aplikasi yang dapat membantu mempercepat proses dan dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan untuk menghasilkan laporan yang cepat, akurat, dan lebih efektif dan efisien. Sistem informasi administrasi kesiswaan dirancang untuk mengolah data secara efektif dan efisien, selain untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan komputer yang ada.