A workstation approach to IC process and device design (original) (raw)
Related papers
Integrated CAD framework linking VLSI layout editors and process simulators
Optical Microlithography IX, 1996
This thesis presents an Integrated CAD Framework which links VLSI layout editors to lithographic simulators and provides information on the simulated resolution of a feature to the circuit designer. This will help designers to design more compact circuits, as they will be able to see the eect on manufactured silicon. The Framework identies areas in a layout (in Magic or CIF format) that are more prone to problems arising out of the photolithographic process. It then creates the corresponding inputs for closer analysis with a process simulator (Depict) and analyzes the simulator outputs to decide whether the printed layout will match the designed mask for a particular set of process parameters. The designer can modify the original layout based upon this analysis. The Framework has been used to evaluate layouts for various process techniques. These evaluations illustrate the use of the Framework in determining the limits of any lithographic process.
Technology transfer between VLSI design and software engineering: CAD tools and design methodologies
Proceedings of the IEEE, 1986
Recent research on the explicit transfer of technology used in computer-aided design (CAD) tools and design methodologies is reported. First, several examples are given of applications of these technologies to software engineering. Then, three research projects are described which focused on applying software engineering principles to the VLSl design process. They are: a methodology, language, and assessment tool for multilevel mixed-mode VLSl designs; a research project that explored the potential for transfer of software design methodologies for managing VLSI design complexity; and a specification technique for "modules" in a VLSl design that localizes the impact of changes to the design. Next, a CAD tool and design methodology are described which consider the design of software and hardware together, and apply common techniques to both. Finally, some observations are made on the appropriateness of technology transfer between VLSI design and software engineering.
Open-Source VLSI CAD Tools: A Comparative Study
The design of electronic circuits can be achieved at many different refinement levels from the most detailed layout to the most abstract architectures. Given the complexity of Very Large Scaled Integrated Circuits (VLSI) which is far beyond human ability, computers are increasingly used to aid in the design and optimization processes. It is no longer efficient to use manual design techniques, in which each layer is hand etched or composed by laying tape on film due to the time consuming process and lack of accuracy. Therefore, Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools are heavily involved in the design process. In today's market, there are plenty of VLSI CAD tools; however, most of them are expensive and require high performance platforms. Selecting an appropriate CAD tool for academic use is considered as one of the key challenges in teaching VLSI design courses. In this paper, number of open-source and freeware CAD tools are presented and evaluated. Based on the objectives of the user, this paper furnishes guidelines that help in selecting the most appropriate open-source and freeware VLSI CAD tool for teaching a VLSI design course.
ULYSSES—a knowledge-based VLSI design environment
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 1987
Ulysses is a VLSI computer-aided design (CAD) environment which effectively addresses the problems associated with CAD tool integration. Specifically, Ulysses allows the integration of CAD tools into a design automation system, the codification of a design methodology, and the representation of a design space. Ulysses keeps track of the progress of a design and allows exploration of the design space. The environment employs artificial intelligence techniques, functions as an interactive expert system, and interprets descriptions of design tasks encoded in the scripts language. The architecture of Ulysses is described in detail. Ulysses has been successfully used to perform a VLSI chip floor planning and layout task and has produced an example chip.
Device and circuit simulation interface for an integrated VLSI design environment
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1988
Integration of technology-CAD tools is strongly needed. This paper describes a new program, called MOSGEN, which provides efficient interface between the device simulator PISCES and the circuit simulator SPICE. Algorithms to generate parameters for SPICE builtin MOS transistor models have been developed and incorporated into MOSGEN. Only six PISCES simulation results are required to generate a complete set of SPICE parameters. This interface program, together with SUPREM, PISCES, and SPICE, form an integrated simulation environment for VLSI design. Such an integrated simulation environment greatly facilitate the designers to examine just how a microscopic fabrication variable, such as implantation dose, affects final device and circuit performance and product yield.
Design-manufacturing interface: Part I—vision
This paper proposes a vision for a new research domain emerging on the interface between design and manufacturing of VLSI circuits. The key objective of this domain is the minimization of the mismatch between design and manufacturing which is rapidly growing with the increase in complexity of VLSI designs and IC technologies. This broad objective is partitioned into a number of specific tasks. Often, one of the most important task is the extraction of VLSI design attributes that may be relevant from a manufacturing efficiency standpoint. The second task is yield analysis performed to detect process and design attributes responsible for inadequate yield. This paper postulates both, an overall change in the design-manufacturing interface, as well as a methodology to address the growing design-manufacturing mismatch. Attributes of a number of tools needed for this purpose are discussed as well.
Automated design tool execution in the Ulysses design environment
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1989
Ulysses is a VLSI computer-aided design environment that effectively addresses the problems associated with CAD tool integration. Specifically, Ulysses allows for the integration of a collection of individual CAD tools into a design automation (DA) system that wifl execute a codified design methodology. Ulysses can track the multiple partial designs that result during a complete design cycle. Furthermore, Ulysses allows the designer to interrupt the design process at any time and take control.
A knowledge-based approach to VLSI-design in an open CAD-environment
Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 1989
A knowledge-based approach is suggested to assist a designer in the increasingly complex task of generating VLSI-chips from abstract, high-level specifications of the system. The complexity of designing VLSI-circuits has reached a level where computer-based assistance has become indispensable. Not all of the design tasks allow for algorithmic solutions. AI techniques can be used, in order to support the designer with computer-aided tools for tasks not suited for algorithmic approaches. The approach described in this paper is based upon the underlying characteristics of VLSI design processes in general, comprising all stages of the design. A universal model is presented, accompanied with a recording method for the acquisition of design knowledge -strategic and task-specific -in terms of the design actions involved and their effects on the design itself. This method is illustrated by a simple design example: the implementation of the logical EXOR-component. Finally suggestions are made for obtaining a universally usable architecture of a knowledge-based system for VLSI-design.
Structuring Principles for VLSI CAD 0
Ua VLSI CAD systems are typically large and undergo frequent changes. A frustrating aspect of these changes is that so little of the old availtime and effiort to find the reusable pieces and recast them for the new use.We believe that such systems should be designed for reusability by anticipating change. Our thesis is that this goal can be achieved by designing the software as layers of problem oriented languages, which are implemented by suitably extending a,"base", language. A language layer rarely needs to be adapted to changes, only the application (i.e. algorithm) needs to be changed. ," We illustrate this methodology with respect to VLSI CAD programs and a particular language layer: a language for handling networks. A concept shared by many CAD programs is that of networks consisting of components and their interconnects. We capture this common part by providing a languagefor handling network problems. Such a language consists of our, "bse" language (...
IDS : an interactive design system for integrated circuits
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