Wastes Management Through Transmutation in an ADS Reactor (original) (raw)

Conceptual design of minor actinides burner with an accelerator-driven subcritical system


In the environmental impact study of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, the limit of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) for disposal is assessed at 70,000 metric tons of heavy metal (MTHM), among which 63,000 MTHM are the projected SNF discharge from U.S. commercial nuclear power plants though 2011. Within the 70,000 MTHM of SNF in storage, approximately 115 tons would be minor actinides (MAs) and 585 tons would be plutonium. This study describes the conceptual design of an acceleratordriven subcritical (ADS) system intended to utilize (burn) the 115 tons of MAs. The ADS system consists of a subcritical fission blanket where the MAs fuel will be burned, a spallation neutron source to drive the fission blanket, and a radiation shield to reduce the radiation dose to an acceptable level. The spallation neutrons are generated from the interaction of a 1 GeV proton beam with a lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) or liquid lead target. In this concept, the fission blanket consists of a liquid mobile fuel and the fuel carrier can be LBE, liquid lead, or molten salt. The actinide fuel materials are dissolved, mixed, or suspended in the liquid fuel carrier. Therefore, fresh fuel can be fed into the fission blanket to adjust its reactivity and to control system power during operation. Monte Carlo analyses were performed to determine the overall parameters of an ADS system utilizing LBE as an example. Steady-state Monte Carlo simulations were studied for three fission blanket configurations that are similar except that the loaded amount of actinide fuel in the LBE is either 5, 7, or 10% of the total volume of the blanket, respectively. The neutron multiplication factor values of the three configurations are all approximately 0.98 and the MA initial inventories are each approximately 10 tons. Monte Carlo burnup simulations using the MCB5 code were performed to analyze the performance of the three conceptual ADS systems. Preliminary burnup analysis shows that all three conceptual ADS systems consume about 1.2 tons of actinides per year and produce 3 GW thermal power, with a proton beam power of 25 MW. Total MA fuel that would be consumed in the first 10 years of operation is 9.85, 11.80, or 12.68 tons, respectively, for the systems with 5, 7, or 10% actinide fuel particles loaded in the LBE. The corresponding annual MA fuel transmutation rate after reaching equilibrium at 10 years of operation is 0.83, 0.94, or 1.02 tons/year, respectively. Assuming that the ADS systems can be operated for 35 full-power years, the total MAs consumed in the three ADS systems are 30.6, 35.3, and 37.2 tons, respectively. For the three configurations, it is estimated that 3.8, 3.3, or 3.1 ADS system units are required to utilize the entire115 tons of MA fuel in the SNF inventory, respectively.

Characterization of metallic fuel for minor actinides transmutation in fast reactor

Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2016

The METAPHIX programme is a collaboration between the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI, Japan) and the Joint Research Centre-Institute for Transuranium Elements (JRC-ITU) of the European Commission dedicated to investigate the safety and effectiveness of a closed nuclear fuel cycle based on Minor Actinides (MA: Np, Am, Cm) separation from spent fuel, incorporation in metal alloy fuel and transmutation in fast reactor. Nine Na-bonded experimental pins of metal alloy fuel were prepared at ITU and irradiated at the Phenix reactor (CEA, France) achieving 2.5 at.%, 7 at.% and 10 at.% burn-up. Four metal alloy compositions were irradiated: U-Pu-Zr used as fuel reference, U-Pu-Zr þ 5 wt.% MA, U-Pu-Zr þ 2 wt.% MA þ 2 wt.% Rare Earths (RE: Nd, Y, Ce, Gd), and þ5 wt.% MA þ 5 wt.% RE, respectively. RE reproduce the expected output of a pyrometallurgical reprocessing facility. Post Irradiation Examination is performed using several techniques, covering properties ranging from the macroscopic morphology of the fuel matrix to the microanalysis of phases and elemental redistribution/segregation. The irradiated fuel is characterized by many phases occurring along the fuel radius. The fuel underwent large redistribution of the fuel constituents (U, Pu, Zr) and many secondary phases are present with a variety of compositions. The distribution of phases in the irradiated fuel containing minor actinides and rare earths is essentially similar to that observed in the basic ternary alloy fuel.

Burn-up characteristics of ADS system utilizing the fuel composition from MOX PWRs spent fuel

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2002

Burn-up characteristics of accelerator-driven system, ADS has been evaluated utilizing the fuel composition from MOX PWRs spent fuel. The system consists of a high intensity proton beam accelerator, spallation target, and sub-critical reactor core. The liquid lead-bismuth, Pb-Bi, as spallation target, was put in the center of the core region. The general approach was conducted throughout the nitride fuel that allows the utilities to choose the strategy for destroying or minimizing the most dangerous high level wastes in a fast neutron spectrum. The fuel introduced surrounding the target region was the same with the composition of MOX from 33 GWd/t PWRs spent-fuel with 5 year cooling and has been compared with the fuel composition from 45 and 60 GWd/t PWRs spent-fuel with the same cooling time. The basic characteristics of the system such as burn-up reactivity swing, power density, neutron fluxes distribution, and nuclides densities were obtained from the results of the neutronics and burn-up analyses using ATRAS computer code of the Japan Atomic Energy research Institute, JAERI.

ADS Fuel Developments in Europe: Results from the EUROTRANS Integrated Project

Energy Procedia, 2011

Fuels to be used in Accelerator Driven Systems dedicated to Minor Actinides transmutation can be described as highly innovative in comparison with those used in critical cores. Indeed, ADS fuels are not fertile, so as to improve the transmutation performance and they contain high volumetric concentrations (~50%) of minor actinides and plutonium compounds. This unusual fuel composition results in high gamma and neutron emissions during its fabrication, as well as degraded performances under irradiation. Ceramic-Ceramic and Ceramic Metallic composite fuels consisting of particles of (Pu,MA)O 2 phases dispersed in a magnesia or molybdenum matrix were investigated within the European Research programme for Transmutation, as driver fuels for a prospective 400MWth transmuter: the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation. Fuel performances and safety of preliminary core designs were evaluated to support the project. Out -of-pile as well as in-pile experiments were carried out to gain essential knowledge on properties and behaviour under irradiation of these types of fuel. This paper gives an overview of experimental results within the project.

Study of an ADS Loaded with Thorium and Reprocessed Fuel

Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2012

Accelerator-driven systems (ADSs) are investigated for long-lived fission product transmutation and fuel regeneration. The aim of this paper is to investigate the nuclear fuel evolution and the neutronic parameters of a lead-cooled accelerator-driven system used for fuel breeding. The fuel used in some fuel rods wasT232hO2forU233production. In the other fuel rods was used a mixture based upon Pu-MA, removed from PWR-spent fuel, reprocessed by GANEX, and finally spiked with thorium or depleted uranium. The use of reprocessed fuel ensured the use ofT232hO2without the initial requirement ofU233enrichment. In this paper was used the Monte Carlo code MCNPX 2.6.0 that presents the depletion/burnup capability, combining an ADS source and kcode-mode (for criticality calculations). The multiplication factor (keff) evolution, the neutron energy spectra in the core at BOL, and the nuclear fuel evolution during the burnup were evaluated. The results indicated that the combined use ofT232hO2and ...

Evaluation on transmutation performance of minor actinides with high-flux BWR

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2001

The performance of high-¯ux BWR (HFBWR) for burning and/or transmutation (B/T) treatment of minor actinides (MA) and long-lived ®ssion products (LLFP) was discussed herein for estimating an advanced waste disposal with partitioning and transmutation (P&T). The concept of high-¯ux B/T reactor was based on a current 33 GWt-BWR, to transmute the mass of long-lived transuranium (TRU) to short-lived ®ssion products (SLFP). The nuclide selected for B/T treatment was MA (Np-237, Am-241, and Am-243) included in the discharged fuel of LWR. The performance of B/T treatment of MA was evaluated by a new function, i.e. [F/T ratio], de®ned by the ratio of the ®ssion rate to the transmutation rate in the core, at an arbitrary burn-up, due to all MA nuclides. According to the results, HFBWR could burn and/or transmute MA nuclides with higher ®ssion rate than BWR, but the ®ssion rate did not increase proportionally to the¯ux increment, due to the higher rate of neutron adsorption. The higher B/T fraction of MA would result in the higher B/T capacity, and will reduce the units of HFBWR needed for the treatment of a constant mass of MA. In addition, HFBWR had a merit of higher mass transmutation compared to the reference BWR, under the same mass loading of MA.

Evaluation on transmutation of minor actinides discharged from PWR spent fuel in the RSG-GAS research reactor

Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences

The evaluation of RSG-GAS research reactor for transmutation reactor was proposed to study its effectiveness to transmute minor actinides (MA), specifically Am-241, to support geologic storage/disposal. The Am-241 radionuclide was assumed to be discharged from 1000MWe PWR’s spent fuel. The mass of Am-241 discharged from within a year operation of 1000MWe PWR was 1.65E+03 gram, while the optimum Am-241 mass which can be transmuted in RSG-GAS - and still meet the safety requirements of reactivity - was 8.0E+03 gram. This was equivalent to about cumulative Am-241 discharged from 5 units of 1000MWe PWR. In 10 cycles of RSG-GAS operation (about 2 years), the remaining of Am-241 is only about 100 grams. The ratio of Am-241 transmuted (8.0E+03 gram) and Am-241 produced in the RSG-GAS core (1.98E-02 gram) within 1-year operation shows the effectiveness of RSG-GAS as a transmutation reactor.

Comparison of the Waste Transmutation Potential of Different Innovative Dedicated Systems and Impact on the Fuel Cycle

Fusion Science and Technology, 2012

The performances of three different types of innovative transmutation systems have been investigated in order to assess in a comparative way their potential to manage nuclear waste arising in a geographical region, where different countries have different policies with respect to nuclear energy development, but share the objective of a common optimized waste management strategy in order to minimize the waste masses sent to a geological repository. The three systems are 1) a critical low conversion ratio fast reactor (LCFR); 2) an accelerator driven system (ADS) and 3) a hybrid fissionfusion system (FFH). In order to simplify the comparison, the three systems have been loaded with comparable fuels, in particular with the same Pu to Minor Actinides (MA) ratio. A waste management scenario study has been performed: the results show that, apart from the technological readiness of each single option, the performances, in terms e.g. of time needed to eliminate specific spent fuel inventories or in terms of reduction of decay heat and radiotoxicity in a deep geological repository, are rather comparable.