Burnout in Completing Undergraduate Thesis and Its Implications to Guidance and Counseling Program (original) (raw)
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The Phenomenon of Burnout Among Students from the West University of Timisoara
Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi, 2022
Since the phenomenon of burnout affects more and more people, this research aims to explore the existing relationship between the health crisis facing humanity and the emergence of student burnout in the context of the digitalization of the teaching-learning process, by overloading them with academic tasks. 209 students from the West University of Timișoara, undergraduate cycle, of which 172 are female and 37 are male, participated in the research. Following the analysis of the data collected through the questionnaire, it was found that third-year students are more prone to burnout than first-year and secondyear students, with an average of 3.25. At the same time, women are more prone to the occurrence of the phenomenon than men with an average of 3.26.
The Examination of the Burnout Levels of Psychological
In this study, the burnout levels of psychological counselors are examined according to perceptions of school environment and according to the variables such as cooperation with the school administrators, the quality of the school, the school grade and the place where the counselors work, the level of being appreciated by their superiors. The study was conducted on 213 the psychological counselors eliminated with random sampling method who work in Erzurum province and its countries in 2011-2012 school years. The data of the study was gathered by Maslach Burnout Inventory developed by Maslach. The data related to the variables of the psychological counselors was gathered through "Personal Information Form" prepared by the researcher. One-way MANOVA for multi-variables and Bonferroni LSD test technique, one of the multi-comparison tests (Post Hoc) were used in the statistical analysis of the data. In the result of the study, it is observed that the burnout levels of psychological counselors difference significantly according to variables such as being appreciated by their superiors, the quality of the school where counselors work and cooperation with the administrators, but the burnout levels do not difference significantly according to the type of the school and the place. The results were discussed and the necessary suggestions were made according to the related litterateur.
Psico-USF (Impresso), 2006
Background: In order to fill the gap of tool for measurement of student burnout in Iran, this study was performed on the 238 female students of Isfahan university that were selected by simple random sampling. Materials and Methods: The inventory is including 15 items and three subscales. Data were presented by analytical and descriptive statistic and draw table. In order to determine reliability of MBI-SS were used internal consistency method and test-retest. Results: Coefficient Cronbach's alpha for the exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy respectively was 88, 90, 84 (p<0.05) and showed good internal consistency. Also testretest reliability about 4 weeks later, obtaining a reliability coefficient of 89, 84 and 67 (p<0.01) respectively for exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy. Principle component factor analysis with exploration method with warimax rotation was used to determine construct validity. In order to check the concurrent validity and divergent validity of this inventory were used respectively from the University Student Depression Inventory and the researcher made of scale interest to academic filed and coefficients for the exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy respectively were obtained-21,-53,-32 (p<0.01). Also concurrent validity for exhaustion, cynicism and academic efficacy respectively were obtained 74, 68 and 50 (p<0.01). Conclusion: This finding was that the Maslach burnout inventory-student survey is a valid and reliable instrument to measure academic burnout girls.
International journal of research publications, 2022
Background: Burnout is a symptom of emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and fatigue that occurs in an individual who does work by providing a form of service to others or the like. Burnout has the possibility of happening to students even though professionally students are not considered to be working or not having a job. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome based on the year of lecture and to determine academic and non-academic factors that influence the occurrence of burnout syndrome in medical students. Method: This study is a cross-sectional with respondents from the Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University in the 2019-2021 class. The sampling technique was carried out by consecutive sampling. Data collection using a questionnaire. Instrument used is a burnout scale questionnaire made by Freudenberger and Richelson which has been translated into Indonesian Results: The results showed that 136 medical students had filled out the distributed questionnaires. The total number of students affected by burnout is 71 people with a percentage of 52.2%. In this study, the academic and non-academic factors that were found to have a significant effect on the occurrence of burnout in students were the average lecture time (p-value = 0.011), study fatigue (p-value = 0.038), and free time (p-value = 0.037) through logistic regression. Conclusion: There is a correlation between the incidence of burnout with the variable duration of daily lectures, study fatigue, and free time.
Economy & Business Journal, 2019
The role of the university department and students’ year of birth and year of study in relation to burnout syndrome has been examined thoroughly. In this paper it is assumed that students are considered as workers and that the studies are analogously their work. Correspondingly, the years of study are proportional to both the student's age and the characteristics of the workload to. In this regard, a structured questionnaire was answered by 582 students of the University of Patras whose answers were analysed via an exploratory factor analysis. The aim was to deconstruct the phenomenon of students’ burnout in its causal structural elements and to examine the impact of the university department and the year of study on each of these elements. The results showed that the university department affects the students' burnout syndrome via three channels: efficacy and self-accomplishment of studies, lack of interest in university studies and via the difficulty in collaborating with ...
Academic Burnout among Students studying in Selected Secondary School of Chitwan
MedS Alliance Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
INTRODUCTION: Academic burnout has been widely reported in recent decades in different countries among students. Today’s students are facing dual stress in their academic endeavor i.e., higher academic expectations and perceived pressure from their parents. The aim of the study is to assess the level of academic burnout among the plus two students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was done among secondary level students in a school of Bharatpur municipality. The study was conducted during October 2021 and December 2021among plus two level students. A self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. Burnout was measured by using a 25 items tool comprising different types of burnout. Descriptive and inferential statistics were computed at 5% level of significant. RESULTS: Of total; 62.2% and 7.4% students had mild and moderate burnout respectively. Median value of total burnout was 56 out of the maximum value 125. There was strong significant correlation betw...
International Journal of New Technology and Research, 2020
This study establishes the incidence of burnout in teachers and the University Center of the foundation of the city of UNIRG Gurupi-TO, using the MBI (Malasch Burnout Inventory). Burnout is a persistent condition and negative work-related, exposed by normal individuals, distinguished by exhaustion, reduced sense of efficacy, reduced motivation and dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors at work. An investigation was conducted with 101 teachers UNIRG the municipality of Gurupi-TO. The data indicated no major incidence of burnout in the sample. The 3 dimensions established by MBI for the syndrome was characterized by 9.9% in the dimension of emotional exhaustion (EE), 21.78 % in the dimension depersonalization (DE) and 100 % professional achievement in the dimension (RP). Even so, it would be important to create programs that prevent burnout syndrome, to prevent education professionals to get sick. It is also necessary to continue this type of research and to create more complex patterns for the outline of burnout in this specific context.
Síndrome de Burnout entre concluintes de graduação em enfermagem
Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line, 2017
Objective: to identify the factors associated with Burnout Syndrome among Nursing undergraduates, correlating to sociodemographic factors. Method: an exploratory descriptive study of a quantitative approach regarding the stress factors of the Burnout Syndrome, comprising 41 students, applied a semi-structured questionnaire composed of sociodemographic data and questions involving the identification of stressors related to the onset of such syndrome based on MBI adapted by MBI-SS. Results: according to sociodemographic variables, there is only correlation between Burnout with age and with marital status. The identification of Burnout Syndrome among students was of 4.9%, it is important that 73.2% are in the process of developing it. Conclusion: it is essential to identify the Burnout aiming at a holistic and humanitarian service to society, emphasizing the quality of life of the future professional. Descriptors: Nursing Education; Professional Exhaustion; Nursing Students. RESUMO Objetivo: identificar fatores associados à Síndrome de Burnout entre graduandos em Enfermagem, correlacionando fatores sociodemográficos. Método: estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem quantitativa a respeito dos fatores estressores pautados na Síndrome de Burnout perfazendo 41 discentes, aplicado um questionário semiestruturado composto por dados sociodemográficos e questões envolvendo a identificação de fatores estressores relacionados ao surgimento de tal Síndrome baseado no MBI forma adaptada por MBI-SS. Resultados: segundo as variáveis sociodemográficas, somente há correlação entre Burnout com idade e com situação conjugal. A identificação da Síndrome de Burnout entre os estudantes foi de 4,9%, ressalta-se que 73,2% estão em processo de desenvolvimento da mesma. Conclusão: é imprescindível a identificação do Burnout visando um atendimento holístico e humanitário à sociedade, enfatizando a qualidade de vida do futuro profissional. Descritores: Educação em Enfermagem; Esgotamento Profissional; Estudantes de Enfermagem. RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados con el síndrome de burnout entre los estudiantes de enfermería en la correlación con factores sociodemográficos. Método: un estudio exploratorio descriptivo con un enfoque cuantitativo con respecto a los factores de estrés guiados por el Síndrome de Estrés por un total de 41 estudiantes aplicó un cuestionario semi-estructurado con los datos sociodemográficos y las cuestiones relacionadas con la identificación de los factores de estrés relacionados con la aparición de un síndrome de Burnout basado en la forma MBI adaptado por MBI-SS. Resultados: de acuerdo a las variables sociodemográficas, solamente una correlación entre el desgaste con la edad y el estado civil. La identificación del síndrome de burnout entre los estudiantes fue del 4,9%, es de destacar que el 73,2% se encuentra en el mismo proceso de desarrollo. Conclusión: es esencial para identificar la quemadura con el objetivo de un servicio integral y humanitario a la sociedad, con énfasis en la calidad de vida de los futuros profesionales. Descriptores: Educación en Enfermería; El Agotamiento Profesional; Estudiantes de Enfermería.