Merger versus Accretion and the Structure of Dark Matter Halos (original) (raw)

The Growth of Dark-Matter Halos. The Effects of Accretion and Mergers


High resolution cosmological N-body simulations show that the density profiles of dark matter halos in hierarchical cosmogonies are universal, with low mass halos typically denser than more massive ones. This mass-density correlation is interpreted as reflecting the earlier formation of less massive objects. We investigate this hypothesis in the light of formation times defined as the epoch at which halos

On the reliability of merger-trees and the mass growth histories of dark matter haloes

We have used merger trees realizations to study the formation of dark matter haloes. The construction of merger-trees is based on three different pictures about the formation of structures in the Universe. These pictures include: the spherical collapse (SC), the ellipsoidal collapse (EC) and the non-radial collapse (NR). The reliability of merger-trees has been examined comparing their predictions related to the distribution of the number of progenitors, as well as the distribution of formation times, with the predictions of analytical relations. The comparison yields a very satisfactory agreement. Subsequently, the mass growth histories (MGH) of haloes have been studied and their formation scale factors have been derived. This derivation has been based on two different definitions that are: (a) the scale factor when the halo reaches half its present day mass and (b) the scale factor when the mass growth rate falls below some specific value. Formation scale factors follow approximately power laws of mass. It has also been shown that MGHs are in good agreement with models proposed in the literature that are based on the results of N-body simulations. The agreement is found to be excellent for small haloes but, at the early epochs of the formation of large haloes, MGHs seem to be steeper than those predicted by the models based on N-body simulations. This rapid growth of mass of heavy haloes is likely to be related to a steeper central density profile indicated by the results of some N-body simulations.

Scale radii and aggregation histories of dark haloes

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2005

Relaxed dark-matter haloes are found to exhibit the same universal density profiles regardless of whether they form in hierarchical cosmologies or via spherical collapse. Likewise, the shape parameters of haloes formed hierarchically do not seem to depend on the epoch in which the last major merger took place. Both findings suggest that the density profile of haloes does not depend on their aggregation history. Yet, this possibility is apparently at odds with some correlations involving the scale radius r s found in numerical simulations. Here we prove that the scale radius of relaxed, nonrotating, spherically symmetric haloes endowed with the universal density profile is determined exclusively by the current values of four independent, though correlated, quantities: mass, energy and their respective instantaneous accretion rates. Under this premise and taking into account the inside-out growth of haloes during the accretion phase between major mergers, we build a simple physical model for the evolution of r s along the main branch of halo merger trees that reproduces all the empirical trends shown by this parameter in N-body simulations. This confirms the conclusion that the empirical correlations involving r s do not actually imply the dependence of this parameter on the halo aggregation history. The present results give strong support to the explanation put forward in a recent paper by Manrique et al. (2003) for the origin of the halo universal density profile.

Dynamical evolution of primordial dark matter haloes through mergers

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2016

Primordial dark matter (DM) haloes are the smallest gravitationally bound DM structures from which the first stars, black holes and galaxies form and grow in the early universe. However, their structures are sensitive to the free streaming scale of DM, which in turn depends on the nature of DM particles. In this work, we test the hypothesis that the slope of the central cusps in primordial DM haloes near the free streaming scale depends on the nature of merging process. By combining and analysing data from a cosmological simulation with the cutoff in the small-scale matter power spectrum as well as a suite of controlled, high-resolution simulations of binary mergers, we find that (1) the primordial DM haloes form preferentially through major mergers in radial orbits; (2) their central DM density profile is more susceptible to a merging process compared to that of galaxy-and cluster-sized DM haloes; (3) consecutive major mergers drive the central density slope to approach the universal form characterized by the Navarro-Frenk-White profile, which is shown to be robust to the impacts of mergers and serves an attractor solution for the density structure of DM haloes. Our work highlights the importance of dynamical processes on the structure formation during the Dark Ages.

The merger rates and mass assembly histories of dark matter haloes in the two Millennium simulations

Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2010

We construct merger trees of dark matter haloes and quantify their merger rates and mass growth rates using the joint dataset from the Millennium and Millennium-II simulations. The finer resolution of the Millennium-II Simulation has allowed us to extend our earlier analysis of halo merger statistics to an unprecedentedly wide range of descendant halo mass (10^10 < M0 < 10^15 Msun), progenitor mass ratio (10^-5 < xi < 1), and redshift (0 < z < 15). We update our earlier fitting form for the mean merger rate per halo as a function of M_0, xi, and z. The overall behavior of this quantity is unchanged: the rate per unit redshift is nearly independent of z out to z~15; the dependence on halo mass is weak (M0^0.13); and it is nearly a power law in the progenitor mass ratio (xi^-2). We also present a simple and accurate fitting formula for the mean mass growth rate of haloes as a function of mass and redshift. This mean rate is 46 Msun/yr for 10^12 Msun haloes at z=0, and it increases with mass as M^{1.1} and with redshift as (1+z)^2.5 (for z > 1). When the fit for the mean mass growth rate is integrated over a halo's history, we find excellent match to the mean mass assembly histories of the simulated haloes. By combining merger rates and mass assembly histories, we present results for the number of mergers over a halo's history and the statistics of the redshift of the last major merger.

The dynamical state of dark matter haloes in cosmological simulations - I. Correlations with mass assembly history

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012

Using a statistical sample of dark matter haloes drawn from a suite of cosmological Nbody simulations of the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model, we quantify the impact of a simulated halo's mass accretion and merging history on two commonly used measures of its dynamical state, the virial ratio η and the centre of mass offset ∆r. Quantifying this relationship is important because the degree to which a halo is dynamically equilibrated will influence the reliability with which we can measure characteristic equilibrium properties of the structure and kinematics of a population of haloes. We begin by verifying that a halo's formation redshift z form correlates with its virial mass M vir and we show that the fraction of its recently accreted mass and the likelihood of it having experienced a recent major merger increases with increasing M vir and decreasing z form . We then show that both η and ∆r increase with increasing M vir and decreasing z form , which implies that massive recently formed haloes are more likely to be dynamically unrelaxed than their less massive and older counterparts. Our analysis shows that both η and ∆r are good indicators of a halo's dynamical state, showing strong positive correlations with recent mass accretion and merging activity, but we argue that ∆r provides a more robust and better defined measure of dynamical state for use in cosmological N -body simulations at z ≃ 0. We find that ∆r 0.04 is sufficient to pick out dynamically relaxed haloes at z=0. Finally, we assess our results in the context of previous studies, and consider their observational implications.

Merger rates of dark matter haloes: a comparison between EPS and N-body results

Astrophysics and Space Science, 2011

We calculate merger rates of dark matter haloes using the Extended Press-Schechter approximation (EPS) for the Spherical Collapse (SC) and the Ellipsoidal Collapse (EC) models. Merger rates have been calculated for masses in the range 1010 M ⊙ h-1 to 1014 M ⊙ h-1 and for redshifts z in the range 0 to 3 and they have been compared with merger rates that have been proposed by other authors as fits to the results of N-body simulations. The detailed comparison presented here shows that the agreement between the analytical models and N-body simulations depends crucially on the mass of the descendant halo. For some range of masses and redshifts either SC or EC models approximate satisfactory the results of N-body simulations but for other cases both models are less satisfactory or even bad approximations. We showed, by studying the parameters of the problem that a disagreement—if it appears—does not depend on the values of the parameters but on the kind of the particular solution used for the distribution of progenitors or on the nature of EPS methods. Further studies could help to improve our understanding about the physical processes during the formation of dark matter haloes.

The physical origin of the universal accretion history of dark matter halos

Understanding the universal accretion history of dark matter halos is the first step towards determining the origin of their universal structure. In this work, we begin by using the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) formalism to show that the halo mass accretion history is determined by the growth rate of initial density perturbations, and that it follows the expression M(z)=M0(1+z)^{af(M0)}e^{-f(M0)z}, where M0=M(z=0), a depends on cosmology and f(M0) depends only on the matter power spectrum. We then explore the relation between the structure of the inner dark matter halo and halo mass history using a suite of cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations. We confirm that the formation time, defined as the time when the virial mass of the main progenitor equals the mass enclosed within the scale radius, correlates strongly with concentration. We provide a fitting formula for the relation between concentration and formation time, from which we show analytically that the scatter in formatio...

Environmental dependence of dark matter halo growth - I. Halo merger rates

Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, 2009

In an earlier paper we quantified the mean merger rate of dark matter haloes as a function of redshift z, descendant halo mass M0, and progenitor halo mass ratio xi using the Millennium simulation of the LCDM cosmology. Here we broaden that study and investigate the dependence of the merger rate of haloes on their surrounding environment. A number of local mass overdensity variables, both including and excluding the halo mass itself, are tested as measures of a halo's environment. The simple functional dependence on z, M0, and xi of the merger rate found in our earlier work is largely preserved in different environments, but we find that the overall amplitude of the merger rate has a strong positive correlation with the environmental densities. For galaxy-mass haloes, we find mergers to occur ~2.5 times more frequently in the densest regions than in voids at both z=0 and higher redshifts. Higher-mass haloes show similar trends. We present a fitting form for this environmental dependence that is a function of both mass and local density and is valid out to z=2. The amplitude of the progenitor (or conditional) mass function shows a similarly strong correlation with local overdensity, suggesting that the extended Press-Schechter model for halo growth needs to be modified to incorporate environmental effects.

Predicting the Number, Spatial Distribution, and Merging History of Dark Matter Halos

The Astrophysical Journal, 2002

We present a new algorithm (PINOCCHIO, PINpointing Orbit-Crossing Collapsed HIerarchical objects) to predict accurately the formation and evolution of individual dark matter haloes in a given realization of an initial linear density field. Compared with the halo population formed in a large (360 3 particles) collisionless simulation of a CDM universe, our method is able to predict to better than 10 per cent statistical quantities such as the mass function, two-point correlation function and progenitor mass function of the haloes. Masses of individual haloes are estimated accurately as well, with errors typically of order 30 per cent in the mass range well resolved by the numerical simulation. These results show that the hierarchical formation of dark matter haloes can be accurately predicted using local approximations to the dynamics when the correlations in the initial density field are properly taken into account. The approach allows one to automatically generate a large ensemble of accurate merging histories of haloes with complete knowledge of their spatial distribution. The construction of the full merger tree for a 256 3 realisation requires a few hours of CPU-time on a personal computer, orders of magnitude faster than the corresponding N -body simulation would take, and without needing any extensive post-processing. The technique can be efficiently used, for instance, for generating the input for galaxy formation modeling.