The Analysis of Students’ Learning Behavior In Isolated School of SMPN Satap Tojabi (original) (raw)

Changes in the Behavior of Junior High School Students in the Learning Process

Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018), 2019

Changes in learning outcomes from student changes, it is expected that future generations will emerge who are well-behaved, qualified and able to get along with the surrounding community. This research method uses cross section method in which research is based on data. Data analysis was carried out namely quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. However, education in Indonesia cannot be separated from problems. The problems that occur cannot be separated from the influence of all parties including students, families and also the community. In regulating the behavior of students, parents and teachers contribute to increasing positive values for children. Not only parents and teachers who play a role in regulating the behavior of students, the community also plays an active role in improving the behavior of students. The input stage is done by parents and the school, which plays an active role in improving the behavior of students and the stage of output by supervising the association of children in the community environment in order to get values that strengthen him in behaving politely.

Pupils’ Classroom Behavior and Academic Performance

International Journal of Research Publications, 2023

Pupils' behavior in the classroom today takes various forms depending on the social and cultural context. This study focused on the pupils' perception of the classroom behavior: Physical Aggression, Verbal Expression, Non-Verbal Communication, Disrespecting Teacher, and Peer Pressure, the pupils' academic performance for the second quarter, and the relationship between pupils classroom behavior and academic performance for the School Year 2022-2023. This study was conducted among the one-hundred-fifty (150) Grade V pupils in schools under South 1 District, Division of Gingoog City. This study used an adapted questionnaire from Lampasaran (2018). The researcher utilized the descriptive–correlational research. Statistical analysis like mean, standard deviation, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were employed to analyze the gathered data. The results revealed that overall, pupils' perception of classroom behavior was sometimes level. Non-verbal communication was rated the highest. The majority of the Pupils' academic performance was at a fairly satisfactory level. Pupils' classroom behavior has a significant impact on academic performance, except for physical aggression. Academic performance has a fairly satisfactory level, which means that pupils should improve their academic performance for better results. The researcher recommends that the school, teachers, and parents may help each other in improving pupils' positive behavior and academic performance.

Student's Behavior at Private School: A Case of Private School in Kathmandu Valley


This study aims to dig out the student learning behavior from the private school and explore the conception about socialization along with indoor and outdoor activity launched by the private school. Ontologically, this study stands up on subjective and multiple realities. Epistemologically, participants view and behavior are sources of knowledge and can be grasped subjectively. Regarding to research design, interpretative phenomenology was chosen as qualitative approach. Five students (S1, S2, S3. S4 and S5) from one of the private schools which was selected from Kathmandu Valley. The result indicated that there is inter-mutual relationship between student's activity and structure of private school. The student's behavior was found to be the reflection of school domination and very much care about the learning environment created by private school. The student culture was highly shaped by the configuration of teacher, parents and, administration. The student culture is requi...

Classroom Behavior of Learners and its Effect to their Academic Performance

Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024

This study aimed to assess the classroom behavior of grade 4-6 learners in Abaga Integrated School. It also sought to determine the effect of learners' classroom behavior to their academic performance. The researcher used descriptive-correlation research design to describe the classroom behavior of learners towards their classmates, classroom activities and teachers and person in authority and its correlation to the academic performance of the learners. Respondents were 44 grade 4 learners, 42 grade 5 learners, and 30 grade 6 learners. Findings revealed that the classroom behavior of the learners towards their classmates were often demonstrated positive behavior and sometimes for the negative behavior. The same findings to the learners' behavior towards their classroom activities and towards their teachers and person in authority. Regression analysis revealed that there was no significant relationship between learners' academic performance and classroom behavior towards classmates, teachers and person in authority. But there was a significant relationship between academic performance and the classroom behavior towards classroom activities. It was further revealed that there was no significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and their academic performance. There was also no significant difference in the classroom behavior of the respondents towards classmates and schoolmates, classroom activities, teachers and person in authority when grouped according to their demographic profile in terms of age, sex, and grade level.

Lesson Study Sebagai Sarana Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengajar Dosen dan Kualitas Pembelajaran dalam Perkuliahan Mata Kuliah Kalkulus I

Jurnal Riset Pendidikan dan Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika (JRPIPM)

Abstrak Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK) sudah sepatutnya memperhatikan mutu pendidikan lembaganya berupa kualitas dosen dalam memahami dan menyampaikan materi serta kualitas perkuliahan dalam cara penyampaian materi yang baik, pemilihan metode yang tepat, serta mahasiswa yang berpartisipasi aktif. Peningkatan kualitas perkuliahan telah banyak dilakukan namun masih belum banyak hasilnya. Untuk itulah Prodi Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UMSurabaya) perlu melakukan penelitian berkaitan dengan peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran tersebut. Salah satu upaya untuk memenuhi peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran tersebut adalah dengan melakukan penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Lesson Study (LS) untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dosen dan kualitas pembelajaran dalam mata kuliah Kalkulus I. Lesson Study (LS) merupakan suatu model pembinaan profesi pendidik yang melalui pengkajian pembelajaran secara kolabo...


Learning behaviors of students are the key to either success or failure in their ventures. For educational setting, there is the outcomes based requirement that verifies students’ learning. However, there are also factors affecting their learning behaviors. These are observed in their value judgment about self, peers and classroom environment. Knowing these facts about the factors that can be related to the learning behaviors can base the school program for students to enhance classroom conditions and services for students. These can be determined through descriptive method using the questionnaire and mean averages and Pearson r product moment correlation statistics in analyzing the results. A significant relationship between the students’ learning behaviors of valuing self, others and environment and the factors in classroom situations that included teachers’ behavior and methods of teaching, instructional materials and guides, and the classroom conditions was found. As a result, an improved co-curricular program of the school was made to take effect for the school year 2013-14.

Learning Model in Elementary School Saren 1 Elementary School, Kalijambe Subdistrict, Sragen Regency

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019), 2020

Learning model is the steps implemented by the teacher so that the goals of the learning outcomes that are expected to be quickly achieved. Therefore the choice of models when learning takes place must be appropriate to achieve learning objectives efficiently and effectively. This research was conducted to find out which cooperative model is often used by teachers in elementary schools. The research method uses qualitative descriptive. The subjects of this study were elementary school teachers at Saren 1. The technique used was interviews with teachers. The ultimate goal of this study is to provide an overview to the teacher in choosing the right learning model following the characteristics of students.

Learners' Behavior in the Classrooms of Nepali Private Schools


Learners' behavior in terms of ability and willingness are essential factors to improve their learning achievement. This study explores the learners' behavior attributed by their teachers in terms of learners' readiness level employing qualitative research through the workshop method among a purposive sample of fourteen teachers from five private schools of Kathmandu district to collect the information. The thematic analysis of the participants' collaborative shared experience was used to analyze the attributed behavior of the learners under two themes: Learners' ability-related behavior and willingness-related behavior. From the study, it was found that willingness is an important aspect in determining a learner's behavior, but it also interacts with ability. The findings of the study suggest the teacher to keep a balance between personal and environmental factors to modify the learners' undesired behaviors that eventually enhance the learners' learning achievement.

Behavioral Factors Affecting the Performance of Grade 2 Learners in the New Normal Setting

Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal , 2023

This study aimed to determine the learners' academic performance and the learners' behavior. The respondents of the study were 49 grade 2 pupils and parents of Lanipao Elementary School. No sampling procedure was considered. Only 1 parent or guardian served as a respondent for every child or learner enrolled in school year 2021-2022. On the other hand, the grade 2 learners' academic performance in the second quarter was considered. The study sought to answer the parents' profile in terms of sex, age, parents' educational attainment, languages/dialects used/spoken at home, and parent's monthly income, the behavior of the learners in terms of learning behavior, management behavior, and emotional behavior, and the academic performance of the learners. The researcher utilized a researcher-made questionnaire in the data collection process. Contents of the 30-item questionnaire were under survey type. The gathered data were tabulated and analyzed using the following statistical tools, mean and percentage, Spearman rho, Chi-square, and Pearson-r Correlation Coefficient. The study entailed that the parents' demographic profile was not associated with the learners' academic performance. Thus, the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between the parents' profile and learners' academic performance was not rejected. Furthermore, the academic performance of the learners was unrelated to their learning behavior, management behavior, and emotional behavior. Thus, the null hypothesis of no significant relationship between the level of learners' behavior and their academic performance was not rejected. An action plan was drawn based on the findings of the study.

Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengikuti Pelajaran Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar


The aim of the research is to increase the capability of the lesson by giving additional food. The research has been done at the Terbantam I Sleman elementary School within two cycles. The steps of the action that we have done are: (1) To consult and discuss with the principal and teacher class about the plan that conducted the action research, (2) To communicate class teacher for asking how many students who involve and suggest to do some observation about the situation in the class, (3) To give parents some questionnaires about the daily activities of students like eating, sleeping, playing, and studying, (4) Direct correction the students achievement of the lesson, (5) To give additional food (6) To correct the teaching methods of the teachers. Result of research: (1) According to the fifth class of the elementary school at Terbantaman I Sleman did not have the side effect of psysic,eg: diarrhea or vomit. Conversely. This program raising the motivation of student in following t...