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Die Sicherheitslage im Südkaukasus nach dem Krieg von 2020

Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing eBooks, 2024

The outcome of the 44-Day War in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 changed the balance between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which had existed since 1994, and thus the status quo in the South Caucasus. It was particularly appalling for the Armenian state, because its defence system experienced to sustain very painful losses. Armenians, who had achieved independence in 1991, forfeited their vision for the political future of their own country through this defeat. The outbreak of war alone showed, in turn, that the UN Security Council, which was competent for peacekeeping, was incapable of responding effectively. Three attempts by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs to bring about a ceasefire failed. What saved Nagorno-Karabakh from complete conquest was the Russian-mediated agreement of 9 November 2020, which established a Russian peacekeeping mission of about 2,000 troops in the region. Furthermore, the war strengthened Turkish influence in the South Caucasus. Where do we go from here for the Armenian state and in terms of a peaceful resolution of the conflict? Which are the external actors engaged in and what kind of challenges do Yerevan and Stepanakert have to face by restoring their security? It should be noted that the current article was written in the summer of 2022; thereafter, the situation of this region underwent significant changes. 1. Einführung Zur Klarstellung sei zunächst angemerkt, dass im vorliegenden Beitrag mit der Region Südkaukasus die drei Staaten Georgien, Armenien und Aserbaidschan sowie die drei international nicht anerkannten bzw. teilanerkannten Entitäten Abchasien, Südossetien und Arzach (Berg-Karabach) gemeint sind. Das gesamte Gebiet umfasst etwa 187.000 Quadratkilometer, was etwa der Hälfte der Fläche der Bundesrepublik Deutschland entspricht. Die


Corr, Susan; Hutchings, Jeremy D.; van der Burg, Jaap; Aguilella Cueco, David; Noll Minor, Mechthild; Gall Ortlik, Agnès; Dobrusskin, Sebastian (2020). ԱՄՐԱԿԱՅՄ-ՎԵՐԱԿԱՆԳՆՄ ՄԱՍՆԱԳԻՏԱՆ ՀԱՄԱՐ ՊԱՀԱՆՋՎՈՂ ՈՐԱԿԱՎՈՐՄՆԵՐ [Competences for Access to the Conservation-Restoration Profession] Brussels: E.C.C.O. , 2020

This is a translation of the Book "Competences for Access to the Conservation-Restoration Profession" into the Armenian language. The E.C.C.O. Guidelines I–III where added as an appendix. The translation was organized by the Regional Office for Cultural Heritage Enhancement, Management and Protection (Armenian-Italien Cultural Heritage Center Branch of the National Gallery of Armenia) and supported by the Italian Ageny for Development Cooperation and the Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna. On the Content: This booklet presents the work conducted by E.C.C.O. on defining the competences required to enter the profession of Conservation-Restoration. It is based on existing definitions of Conservation-Restoration (E.C.C.O. 2009) and the recognition that the Conservator-Restorer has a public responsibility to contribute to the preservation of cultural property and dissemination of related knowledge for the benefit of present and future generations. The final report, printed in full, was ratified by the General Assembly, in Brussels, June 2010. It combines the concept mapping technique with the language of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) to create a framework that describes the areas of competence required for access to the Conservation-Restoration profession and legitimate use of the title. This is expressed through the rubric of knowledge and skills. Competence is defined as the combination of knowledge and skill together with experience that allows the professional Conservator-Restorer to deliver work consistently and responsibly. E.C.C.O. proposes that it is exactly this combination exercised in the discrete areas of activity described in the framework representing EQF level 7 (equivalent to a Master’s degree) that defines the level required to become a Conservator-Restorer. As such this represents the point at which an individual starts to develop as a professional.

Ավագ Հինգշաբթիի և Մեծ Պահքի ավարտի առնչությունների շուրջ

Գիտական աշխատություններ, 2021

Հոդվածը նվիրված է Ավագ հինգշաբթի օրը հաղորդություն տալու և Մեծ պահքը լուծելու խնդիրներին: Քննարկվել են այն հարցերը, թե երբ և ինչու է հայոց մեջ տարածված եղել Ավագ հինգշաբթի օրը Մեծ պահքը լուծելը, վաղ միջնադարում Հայոց Եկեղեցին ինչ դիրքորոշում է որդեգրել այդ խնդրի վերաբերյալ, Հովհան Օձնեցի Հայրապետն ինչ լուծում է ձևակերպել, և հետագա դարերում ինչպես է այդ սովորույթը կենսագործվել Հայոց եկեղեցում և ժողովրդի մեջ:

Գորգի Վերականգնման Սկզբունքները. Միջազգային Չափորոշիչներ, Հայաստանյան Փորձ / Principles of Carpet Restoration: International Standards, Armenian Practice

Աշխատություններ Հայաստանի պատմության թանգարանի / Transactions of the History Museum of Armenia

The principles of carpets' structural intervention are formulated by conservation institutes and advisory institutions as cultural heritage and museum objects. The article presents foreign experience of intervention on this issue. In this context, our task was to research the experience of the museums in Armenia. They have more than thirty years of experience in this field. Accurate and partial restoration were carried out in the Soviet and post-Soviet attempts. The experience of carpet restoration is based on knowledge developed in the private field. In general, the problems of the carpet intervention are mainly related to education, necessity of professional discussions and boundaries developing to propose appropriate solutions.

Ագրոզբոսաշրջության Զարգացման Միջազգային Փորձի Վերլուծությունը/The Analysis of International Experience of Agritourism Development/Анализ Международного Опыта Развития Агротуризма

Bulletin of Eurasia International University, 2020

Agritourism is a journey to rural areas, the purpose of which is to participate in agricultural, land cultivation, harvesting, and other activities. The analysis of the international experience of agritourism development is very important, as it allows identifying the main steps of the development of different countries, the possibilities of their localization in the Republic of Armenia. The article analyzes the models of agritourism development, the experience of different countries, such as France, Italy, Germany, Georgia, Australia, etc., associations operating in this field in different countries, and their functions. The issues and the main steps of agritourism development in different countries, as well as the main directions of their application in the Republic of Armenia were discussed and analyzed.

Թվային տնտեսության զարգացման խնդիրներն ու հեռանկարները ՀՀ-ում/Problems and Perspectives of Digital Economy Development in the RA

Banber Erevani petakan tntesagitakan instituti, 2022

Ներկայումս աշխարհը թևակոխել է չորրորդ արդյունաբերական հեղափոխության փուլ, որը տեխնոլոգիական նախորդ փուլերի տրամաբանական շարունակությունն է և կենտրոնացած է տեղեկատվական ու հեռահաղորդակցական տեխնոլոգիաների ինտենսիվ ներդրման վրա: Դա առաջին հերթին ենթադրում է բոլոր տեսակի ֆիզի կական ակտիվների թվայնացում. սա մի երևույթ է, որը հնարավոր դարձավ միայն նորագույն տեխնոլոգիաների դարաշրջանում: Ըստ էության, թվային հեդափոխությունը բնութագրվում է համազանգի, ՏՀՏ, ամպային տեխնոլոգիաների ակտիվ կիրաոմամթ, թվային հարթակների ստեդծմամբ, արհեստական բանականության ձևավորմամբ: Թվային տնտեսությունը պետության, գործարար միջավայրի և քաղաքացիների միջև սոցիալական, մշակութային, տնտեսական և տեխնոլոգիական հարաբերու թյունների ամբողջություն է, որը հիմնված է գանգային, հեռահաղորդակցական տեխ նոլոգիաների վրա' ստեղծելով թվային արժեք և նպաստելով ապրանքների ու ծա ռայությունների արդյունավետ սպառմանը' ի հաշիվ գանգային տեխնոլոգիաների կի րառման: Սա էլ, իր հերթին, հանգեցնում է կառավարման մեթոդների փոփոխություն-1 Տե՛ս Колодняя Г.В., Цифровизация российской экономики: проблемы становления, Феномен рыночного хозяйства: от истоков до наших дней. Партнерство в условиях риска и неопреде ленности: сб. науч. трудов. VIII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. по экономике. Самарканд-Карши, 1-5 апреля 2020 г., Էջ 397-398:

Հայաստանի ժայռափորագիր նշանները և միջնադարյան գաղափարագրերը Rock-carved Signs of Armenia and the Medieval Ideograms

Հայոց պատմության հարցեր Hayots' patmut'yan harts'er, 2024

In Armenian rock art, four main areas are distinguished: nature, everyday life, results of human creation and the inner world. I’ve organized their rich diversity into 31 thematic groups: terrain elements, the Earth, heavenly luminaries, celestial, atmospheric and terrestrial phenomena, plants, animals, agriculture, hunting, animal fighting, battles, sports, competitions, dance, weapons, instruments, trans-portation means, constructions, applied images, learning tools, play aids, garment, cult, mythical creatures, anatomy of creatures, portrait, uncertain image, ornament, symbols, letter-like signs. Rock art in Armenia originated in the 7th - 5th millennia BCE and was gradually replaced by more developed writing systems. Certain ancient compositions and styles naturally continued in other areas of Armenian culture. The traditions of petroglyphs are observed in bas-reliefs and frescoes of the early Iron Age and Cuneiform periods, as well as in ancient and medieval structures and caves. The skills of carving have been preserved in constructions, sculpture, cuneiform and lapidary inscriptions. The obvious similarity with medieval pictograms may indicate that rock-carved signs served as ideograms since ancient times. Nearly one tenth of the 10 thousand known petroglyphs are separate, isolated symbols. Such a sign is often depicted in simple, ordinary scenes, and it should be perceived as an ideogram, determinative. Among the variety of petroglyphs, letter-like signs stand out, but they are not alphabetic letters. Similarities are observed with a number of writing systems, especially with Hittite-Luwian hieroglyphs. In the rock carvings of Armenia there are more than 100 types of signs similar to the letters of Mashtots and other alphabets. symbol in ancient times served as a means of interethnic communication due to its universal, supra-ethnic nature. As elsewhere, in the result of linearization it turned into a developed pictogram, and at later stages – into a letter. Therefore, the study of this substratum of petroglyphs can shed light on the problems of the origin of human thinking, speech and writing, of their sequence and synchronicity.

On the Issue of Social Movement Definition

Journal of Sociology: Bulletin of Yerevan University, 2021

The paper is a theoretical review of “social movement” term definitions. Aiming to show differences among definitions within different paradigms and scientific evolution of the term the main approaches of defining social movements are discussed. Initially, social movements were studied by psychologists, who were examining different forms of collective behavior, such as mobs, crowds, protests and etc. Most of them considered social movements as an irrational and destructive form of collective action driven by the instincts of people. During the next decades, the theory of social movements was developed mostly by sociologists who, on the contrary, started to seek social reasons inducing this type of collective action. Different theoretical schools proposed various concepts of explaining the origin of social movements, but all of them agreed on the main characteristics: rational and organized collective action driven by unfulfilled social needs. Different authors linked social movement...

Արժութային Մրցավազք. Պայքար Գերիշխող Դիրքի Համար / Currency Race: Struggle for Dominance


The struggle for hegemony among the world's economic giants is growing from year to year, manifesting itself in various ways, including ambitious endeavors to achieve dominance in the international currency market. Calls to abandon the massive use of the US dollar in international trade have received particularly wide resonance in the last decade. Moreover, the list of countries implementing such appeals is gradually expanding, ranging from Brazil to the countries of Southeast Asia. How realistic are these calls? Are there any grounds for the implementation of these ideas and what are the consequences of abandoning the US dollar in international trade?